LazyTown Dreams - I dreamed about Julianna in a market with Amanda

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  • calc
    Level 11 - The Blue Knight
    • Apr 2007
    • 151

    Originally posted by Sir Finkus
    Stephanie walks by, and gives a classic stephanie pissed off look


    • LTgirl
      Level 18 - Wizard Of GetLazy
      • Apr 2007
      • 521

      this is sure to freak all of you freaked me out and it was MY dream...a few nights ago, i was the national geographic channel and saw a special on this guy who has been living out in the wilderness in africa and studying the monkeys i think this is why i dreamt this...well...why i dreamt PART of it anyway...

      the dream began with me in africa trying to capture the head hyena who was eating monkeys (feel free to laugh here...)...

      anyway, so i capture this thing and tell the other hyenas that i won't give it back until they promise to stop eating monkeys. they agree...but then the hyena turns into a wolf. So i have to tell all the other wolves that i won't give it back until they stop eating monkeys.

      ...the most interesting part? the wolf then turns into stefan.

      then i realize...OMG..i KIDNAPPED stefan!!! there he is with me in a room that i have locked him in (and i am supposing since i am in there with him, that i am locked in as well...oh the horror... ( ) ...

      then he walks to the other end of the room and begins to take off his shirt and i notice how smooth his back is...most likely from staring at this picture yesterday:

      and the rest of the dream is a secret since i think i have likely scared a lot of you. i assure you, there was no torturing involved, unless you count me waking at the WORST time.

      in my defense, i do believe the new medicine i am on is affecting my imagination.
      Some dreams do come true.


      • Ultra Magnus
        Level 29 - Villain Number One
        • May 2007
        • 2039

        Did you have to tell the rest of the LazyTown cast that you would'nt give Stefan back unless they stopped eating monkeys?
        Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
        GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


        • CmdrLuke
          Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
          • May 2007
          • 783

          LOL at LTgirl's dream. Last night I dreamt that all the important members of GetLazy were having a party at my friend’s house, and we watched Dancing Duel but it was different then usual, some might say "enhanced". ;)
          dont drink whats under the sink


          • Vespasian
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1242

            Originally posted by CmdrLuke
            LOL at LTgirl's dream. Last night I dreamt that all the important members of GetLazy were having a party at my friend’s house, and we watched Dancing Duel but it was different then usual, some might say "enhanced". ;)

            I hope I was one of them. :?


            • Sir Finkus
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 19 - Secret Friend
              • Apr 2007
              • 574

              Had a somewhat strange one. I dreamed I was in this one shitty english class that I was in for about 3 days in my sophmore year. Julianna was in the class as well, sitting in front of me and was pissed that I wasn't doing the assignment the teacher gave out. Later there was an assembly and Sportacus was performing stand up for the school. His jokes sucked (knock knock joke quality level) and he asked me for advice on how to make them better. I told him to tell the story about how he became a acrobat (I've always thought that was a bit funny that it was a bet) He got all serious and told me that wasn't funny.
              What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)


              • ForGreatJustin
                Former Moderator
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                • Apr 2007
                • 1877

                It works lol.

                I have had a few dreams with J00lz and they have been weird dreams with her being a total ass hat.

                I don't really remember too much about them but nothing worth caring about.


                • Ultra Magnus
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 29 - Villain Number One
                  • May 2007
                  • 2039

                  Re: Lazy Dreams...

                  I had a strange one last night.

                  I was in a hotel room, lying in bed watching VH1 with a girl I don't know lying next to me, resting her head on my chest, and a guy I don't know sitting in the corner of the room looking through paperwork of some sort.

                  On TV was a countdown of the Top 5 music videos that feature Tera Patrick.
                  I've no idea why, I'm not particularly "into" Ms. Patrick. :|
                  I doubt she's been in that many videos, either.

                  The first was quite predictably a random 80s hair-metal band.
                  The mystery girl asked me who it was and I said "Viking, or Venom, or Vixen, or someone like that."
                  (I'm not sure if they're actually all bands, but that's what I said.)

                  More surprisingly, however, was the second video on the countdown.
                  The LazyTown song Give Me Snow. :?

                  The video was exactly as if it had been lifted straight out of the episode, except just when it should have ended it shifted to a minor key and the camera panned up past the clouds to show Ms. Patrick surrounded by dry ice and smoke-machine smoke, and wearing a cheesy Halloween-style devil costume.
                  You know the type - red leotard and little plastic horns on an alice band.

                  Ms. Patrick then proceeded to recite a verse monologue over the top of this weird minor-key version of Give Me Snow.
                  All I caught was the first line "Evil, evil border's soil..."
                  I spent the next minute or so thinking how bizarre this was, so I missed the rest of her speech.
                  Then the guy in the corner pointed out that she neglected to say the last syllable of the last word, but I can't remember what it was now.

                  And then I woke up, feeling somewhat disoriented.
                  Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                  GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.

