Let's talk about Orkuboltin (2003)

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  • possessor
    I like LazyTown.
    Level 30 - Stepher
    • Oct 2021
    • 2940


    Let's talk about Orkuboltin (2003)

    On the GTHOR website, there is some information about an early Icelandic LazyTown show called Orkuboltin. Gudmondor claims this show produced 8 episodes. Anyone have them?
    A few years ago, our very own YikesDepartment uploaded a 2003 ad to Youtube for the energy books. It can't be found now. I think he deleted it, or it got copyrighted.
    Here's an Icelandic TikTok by someone who owns an energy book: https://www.tiktok.com/@ingimundurar...61201145367813
    Does anyone have anything to chip in about Orkuboltin?
  • Answer selected by possessor at 19 June 2024, 03:06.
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7186

    Orkuboltinn was part of the Orkuatak and was created to stimulate kids in sports activity. Here is the background information that you are looking for:

    Orkuatak = Energy campaign (or energy effort/energy initiative - it translates differently)

    The Orkuatak was an initiative in cooperation with municipalities and advertising partners, which was first carried out in October 2003 and repeated in February 2006 (for the latter see the video link above). It consists of three parts: the Orkubokin (=energy book), the Orkusidan (=energy page) on the internet and the TV format Orkuboltinn (=energy ball).

    Orkubokin = The energy book

    The most defining element of the Orkuatak is the Orkubokin, which was sent to all children of the participating counties born in the years 1997-1999 when it was first published.

    In addition, younger and older children who also wanted to take part could buy the book for 499 ISK (about six euros) in supermarkets. The second edition in 2006 was only available in stores (ISK 699, approx. EUR 8), and children who were customers of the cooperating Islandsbanki received a free Latibaer shirt. Taking both editions together, a total of 21,000 copies were produced.

    For 28 days, in this book children had to document how they eat, with the help of their parents. For each day there is a row of empty places in which the attached stickers can be stuck. There are ten points for each sticker, additional points can also be earned by brushing your teeth, tidying up, exercising and going to bed early. Points are deducted for the consumption of sweets and lemonades. The points are counted together and added to the points already earned from the previous days.

    At the beginning of the four weeks, the child and parents sign a contract that grants the children a (free) wish if a previously agreed total number of points is reached at the end of the month. Depending on how many points are achieved, there is also a proud congratulation from Ithrottaalfurinn, an appreciative praise that you are on the right track or a "Þú ert í vandræðum" (= You are in trouble - the same expression as in the TV series).

    Orkusidan = Energy page

    After successful registration in the book, the energy points could also be entered online on the Orkusidan (orkuatak.is). In addition to background information on nutrition and the campaign itself, children could download autograph cards, coloring pictures and screen backgrounds from the site and listen to or watch songs and videos from the series.

    In addition, all participating children entered a competition in which the most successful part of the country was sought. For this purpose, Iceland was divided into four regions according to the cardinal points. A trip to EuroDisney in Paris was raffled among all participants (regardless of the number of points achieved).

    Orkuboltinn = The energy ball

    At the same time as Orkusidan, Orkuboltinn was broadcast on television twice a week (Mondays and Fridays at 6.40 p.m.; eight episodes in total), in which teams of two from the four parts of the country competed against each other in sports competitions (in a game without borders) to determine the Icelandic champion.

    The program was hosted by Siggi seti and Goggi mega, the external hosting was provided by children. The competitions were presented as particularly fun and exciting by the Latibaer characters, and they highlighted the importance of a balanced diet (especially Ithrrottanammi = Sports Candy) as a foundation for athletic performance. There were also references to the Orkusidan and the Orkubokin.

    There were also a few news reports or articles about this sports event.

    Along with the energy book, Latibær will show eight TV shows on Ríkissjónvarpi called Orkuboltinn. They are looking for Iceland’s energy ball, where four two-man teams from each part of the country compete. Kids also come to the TV room and talk to the characters from Latibær. Tómas says that the energy campaign has received a very good response: “We have already got 20 municipalities, the Directorate of Health, the Ministry of Health, the Dental Protection Council and nutritionists to join us... "
    Tonight at half past six, episodes about The Energy Ball (Orkuboltinn) begin on Sjónvarpina TV. Supervised by Magnús Scheving and directed by Sævar Gunnarsson.




    • YikesDepartment
      Loyal LazyTowner
      Level 14 - Sportscandy
      • Jan 2017
      • 318

      It’s still up, it’s right here.



      • possessor
        I like LazyTown.
        Level 30 - Stepher
        • Oct 2021
        • 2940

        Thanks, and sorry for the ping.


        • LazyPooky
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Oct 2007
          • 7186

          Orkuboltinn was part of the Orkuatak and was created to stimulate kids in sports activity. Here is the background information that you are looking for:

          Orkuatak = Energy campaign (or energy effort/energy initiative - it translates differently)

          The Orkuatak was an initiative in cooperation with municipalities and advertising partners, which was first carried out in October 2003 and repeated in February 2006 (for the latter see the video link above). It consists of three parts: the Orkubokin (=energy book), the Orkusidan (=energy page) on the internet and the TV format Orkuboltinn (=energy ball).

          Orkubokin = The energy book

          The most defining element of the Orkuatak is the Orkubokin, which was sent to all children of the participating counties born in the years 1997-1999 when it was first published.

          In addition, younger and older children who also wanted to take part could buy the book for 499 ISK (about six euros) in supermarkets. The second edition in 2006 was only available in stores (ISK 699, approx. EUR 8), and children who were customers of the cooperating Islandsbanki received a free Latibaer shirt. Taking both editions together, a total of 21,000 copies were produced.

          For 28 days, in this book children had to document how they eat, with the help of their parents. For each day there is a row of empty places in which the attached stickers can be stuck. There are ten points for each sticker, additional points can also be earned by brushing your teeth, tidying up, exercising and going to bed early. Points are deducted for the consumption of sweets and lemonades. The points are counted together and added to the points already earned from the previous days.

          At the beginning of the four weeks, the child and parents sign a contract that grants the children a (free) wish if a previously agreed total number of points is reached at the end of the month. Depending on how many points are achieved, there is also a proud congratulation from Ithrottaalfurinn, an appreciative praise that you are on the right track or a "Þú ert í vandræðum" (= You are in trouble - the same expression as in the TV series).

          Orkusidan = Energy page

          After successful registration in the book, the energy points could also be entered online on the Orkusidan (orkuatak.is). In addition to background information on nutrition and the campaign itself, children could download autograph cards, coloring pictures and screen backgrounds from the site and listen to or watch songs and videos from the series.

          In addition, all participating children entered a competition in which the most successful part of the country was sought. For this purpose, Iceland was divided into four regions according to the cardinal points. A trip to EuroDisney in Paris was raffled among all participants (regardless of the number of points achieved).

          Orkuboltinn = The energy ball

          At the same time as Orkusidan, Orkuboltinn was broadcast on television twice a week (Mondays and Fridays at 6.40 p.m.; eight episodes in total), in which teams of two from the four parts of the country competed against each other in sports competitions (in a game without borders) to determine the Icelandic champion.

          The program was hosted by Siggi seti and Goggi mega, the external hosting was provided by children. The competitions were presented as particularly fun and exciting by the Latibaer characters, and they highlighted the importance of a balanced diet (especially Ithrrottanammi = Sports Candy) as a foundation for athletic performance. There were also references to the Orkusidan and the Orkubokin.

          There were also a few news reports or articles about this sports event.

          Along with the energy book, Latibær will show eight TV shows on Ríkissjónvarpi called Orkuboltinn. They are looking for Iceland’s energy ball, where four two-man teams from each part of the country compete. Kids also come to the TV room and talk to the characters from Latibær. Tómas says that the energy campaign has received a very good response: “We have already got 20 municipalities, the Directorate of Health, the Ministry of Health, the Dental Protection Council and nutritionists to join us... "
          Tonight at half past six, episodes about The Energy Ball (Orkuboltinn) begin on Sjónvarpina TV. Supervised by Magnús Scheving and directed by Sævar Gunnarsson.


          Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


          • possessor
            I like LazyTown.
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 30 - Stepher
            • Oct 2021
            • 2940

            Pooky, how much do you know about Latibaer and Lazytown??


            • LazyPooky
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Oct 2007
              • 7186

              Originally posted by possessor of mine
              Pooky, how much do you know about Latibaer and Lazytown??
              You're welcome.
              Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.

