People in Glanní Glæpur i Latabae not as puppeteers in TV show

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  • RecipeForStephanie
    Level 9 - Energy Poster
    • Jul 2017
    • 94


    People in Glanní Glæpur i Latabae not as puppeteers in TV show

    Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

    Let me guide you a little. The people in Glanní Glæpur were sure as heck not the people who puppeteered and voiced the characters in the TV show. I can't exactly memorise them, but they're all different.
    σh, lífє? nσt α fαn. thє tutσríαl tσσk 18 чєαrs.
  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

    Originally posted by Princess Stephanie
    The people in Glanní Glæpur were sure as heck not the people who puppeteered and voiced the characters in the TV show.
    A lot of them voiced their character's in the Icelandic dub. Pixel, Trixie, Ziggy, Mayor Meanswell... Sportacus and Robbie ;)... not sure about Bessie though.
    Like Toy Soldiers


    • WitPuppetStephanie
      Level 3 - Sportafake
      • Aug 2017
      • 14

      Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

      Robbie Rotten: Stefán Karl Stefánsson
      Sportacus: Magnús Scheving
      Stephanie: Linda Ásgeirsdóttir
      Trixie: Vigdís Gunnarsdóttir
      Pixel: Rúnar Freyr Gíslason
      Stingy: Kjartan Guðjonsson
      Jives: Gunnar Hansson
      Ziggy: Steinn Ármann Magnússon
      Bessie Busybody: Lilja Guðrún Þorvaldsdóttir
      Mayor Meanswell: Magnús Ólafsson
      Officer Obtuse: Sigurður Sigurjónsson
      Post Officer: Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
      The Rooster: Gúðmundur Þór Kárasson

      Thank me later!
      Finally it's time To make a cake!


      • megadjmatt25
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • May 2016
        • 1226

        Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

        Originally posted by WitPuppetStephanie
        Robbie Rotten: Stefán Karl Stefánsson
        Sportacus: Magnús Scheving
        Stephanie: Linda Ásgeirsdóttir
        Trixie: Vigdís Gunnarsdóttir
        Pixel: Rúnar Freyr Gíslason
        Stingy: Kjartan Guðjonsson
        Jives: Gunnar Hansson
        Ziggy: Steinn Ármann Magnússon
        Bessie Busybody: Lilja Guðrún Þorvaldsdóttir
        Mayor Meanswell: Magnús Ólafsson
        Officer Obtuse: Sigurður Sigurjónsson
        Post Officer: Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
        The Rooster: Gúðmundur Þór Kárasson

        Thank me later!
        This is the Glanni Cast. And it was already posted in a earlier post. Thank you though


        • WitPuppetStephanie
          Level 3 - Sportafake
          • Aug 2017
          • 14

          Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

          Your welcome :)
          Finally it's time To make a cake!


          • Aimee
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 7 - Lazy Poster
            • Dec 2016
            • 42

            Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

            Originally posted by Stingy
            A lot of them voiced their character's in the Icelandic dub. [...] Trixie, Ziggy[...]
            wait what? for real?


            • Benju-Katchowee
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 6 - Stingy Poster
              • Apr 2017
              • 32

              Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

              Well Ziggy is the same in icelandic as he is in english (except in season 2 and extra/action time) but yes, the mayor, Pixel, Trixie and by extension Sportacus and Robbie are the same in the icelandic dub as they are in the second play, pretty sure Stingy is also the same who did the CD version of Nenni Níski from áfram and voice acted him in Jol I latabae but I haven't found much verification of that
              When you're out of cocoa puffs


              • Aimee
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                • Dec 2016
                • 42

                Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

                Is there a source for that?


                • Aimee
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                  • Dec 2016
                  • 42

                  Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

                  Okay seriously though, I've been looking for a source or some kind of confirmation on this, but I can't find shit.
                  Does anyone have an answer??


                  • LazyPooky
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 7302

                    Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

                    Originally posted by Aimee
                    Okay seriously though, I've been looking for a source or some kind of confirmation on this, but I can't find shit.
                    Does anyone have an answer??
                    Well you need to search a little better than.

                    Talsetning á íslensku útgáfunni af Latabæ stendur nú yfir en áætlað er að frumsýna þættina í Sjónvarp- inu í haust. Búið er að ráða í öll hlutverk nema eitt, hlutverk Nenna níska.
                    Eins og kunnugt er voru sjón- varpsþættirnir um Latabæ teknir upp á ensku fyrir bandarísku sjón- varpsstöðina Nickelodeon. Fyrir vikið þarf að talsetja þættina á ís- lensku og hafa leikarar sem flestir hafa áður komið að gerð Latabæjar verið ráðnir í verkið. Stefán Karl Stefánsson og Magnús Scheving verða á sínum stað sem Glanni glæpur og Íþróttaálfurinn. Magnús Ólafsson les rödd bæjarstjórans en hann lék það hlutverk þegar Lati- bær var fyrst settur upp í Loftkast- alanum. Rúnar Freyr Gíslason, sem tók þátt í sýningunni Glanni glæpur í Þjóðleikhúsinu, les fyrir Gogga mega og Guðmundur Þór Kárason brúðugerðarmaður leikur Sigga sæta. Guðmundur Þór stjórn- aði og las einnig fyrir Sigga sæta í ensku útgáfunni af sjónvarpsþátt- unum. Ólöf Kristín Þorsteinsdótt- ir, tólf ára stúlka, fær síðan það vandasama hlutverk að lesa fyrir Sollu stirðu. Hún kemur þar með til að leysa af hólmi Juliönnu R. Mauriello sem leikur Sollu stirðu, eða Stephanie, í ensku útgáfunni.
                    „Við erum byrjuð að lesa og það gengur bara nokkuð vel,“ segir Sigurður Sigurjónsson sem mun leikstýra talsetningunni. „Við erum ekki búin að finna Nenna níska, en það er allt að smella og upptökur hófust fyrir nokkru síðan. Við erum að vísu í fríi í dag en tökum lestrartörn um eða eftir helgi.“
                    Latabæjarævintýri Magnúsar Scheving hefur gengið eins og í sögu frá því að samningar tókust við Nickelodeon. Þættirnir hafa verið seldir út um allan heim, til dæmis til Þýskalands og Suður- Ameríku. Þættirnir verða sem fyrr segir frumsýndir í Sjónvarpinu í haust.
                    The dubbing of the Icelandic version of LazyTown is currently underway, where the episodes are scheduled to premiere on Sjónvarpinu this fall.

                    All roles have been filled except for one, the role of Stingy.

                    Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Magnús Scheving will be in their place as Robbie Rotten and the Sportacus.
                    Magnús Ólafsson reads the mayor's voice, and he played that role when Latibær was first set up in Loftkastalan.
                    Rúnar Freyr Gíslason, who took part in the show Glanni gläpur at the National Theater, reads for Pixel and
                    Guðmundur Þór Kárason, a puppeteer, plays Ziggy. Guðmundur Þór directed and also read for Ziggy in the English version of the TV series.
                    Ólöf Kristín Þorsteinsdóttir, a twelve-year-old girl, is then given the difficult task of reading to Stephanie. She comes to replace Julianna R. Mauriello

                    There is no mention of Trixie and Bessie is this article though.
                    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                    • Aimee
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                      • Dec 2016
                      • 42

                      Re: Latibaer Play Actors?

                      I think after A TON of research I finally found Stingy's Icelandic voice actor. Supposedly it's someone quite known, called Þórhallur Sigurðsson, better known as Laddi.
                      This is the only source I could find. From the Stöð 2 newspaper.

                      Still haven't found anything about the others though.
                      Attached Files

