i'm talking of accents and dialets
Why should I be offended?
cape diem
feel the moment
Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
true friendships are eternal
Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone
i'm talking of accents and dialets
Why should I be offended?
because actually this thread is to be supposed to talk about sounds of forign accent in english language for native speakers...but who cares
I love the mafia-english that italians use, that sounds so amusing.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
As a man that speaks American English, it's needless to say that I have a few disagreements with the way that Brits spell or pronounce some words.
However, there is one thing that I thought of today that makes abso****inglutely no sense.
That would be the American English pronounciation of the word laugh which is (in case you didn't know) "laff"
Versus the British way of saying it, which is closer to "loff"
Now I wouldn't care in the slightest, but laugh seems to be the only "augh" word that follows that rule.
American's pronounce caught as "cott". Daughter as 'dotter". Naughty as "nottee". etc etc
So why the **** is laugh "laff"?
WTF America!? WTF?!
I'm guessing because Stingy's supposed to be a Jew? Lol.
Maryland (especially in my neighborhood where everyone's related and we even have a fake language named after us--Bawlmerese) accents are awful.
I'm originally from California and I'm white, so no accent. :3 Though sometimes I do talk a little street, if the people around me are doing it. If I hang around someone with a weird way of speaking or an accent for an extended period of time, I start to take on that accent after a while. When I talk to British/Aussie people, I end up getting a little of their accent and sometimes it fools them a little.
Anyway, here's my favorite:
Some Irish
Russian (female mostly)
I don't care for certain Latin American accents, or Mexican/Hispanic ones. And I have friends who are from Peru, Argentina, and similar countries who have cute accents (girls).