Hey :)
I answered all the questions. Thank you for sending them. I had a lot of fun answering them.
How did you get into LazyTown, how old were you then?
I was 11 years old when i first saw Lazytown on TV.
How did it feel, watching LazyTown for the first time?
I remember they did show a commercial a few weeks before it actually aired and i was so excited and just couldnt wait to watch it. I remember that day i just ran into my room and turned the TV on and you couldnt talk to me the whole time. But when i watched Lazytown i was so fascinated by Stephanie that i wanted to be just like her, and from then on i watched Lazytown as often as i could.
Do you still watch the LazyTown episodes (youtube, streaming), or listening to its music
Oh yes, almost every day. It brings me back to the great time i had while making Videos, watching the episodes and just dancing to the music.
What's your favorite episode from the show? best song, favorite season?
My favorite Episode is "Defeeded" ( i just love Stephanies message there)
My favorite Song: Always a Way, Bing Bang (Always a way is a great song and helps me a lot when i'm having a bad time. Bing Bang always cheers me up and makes me wanna dance)
Favorite Season: Season 1 ( Season 1 is just my favorite one, because most of my favorite Songs are from this Season)
Assuming Stephanie was your favorite, what was your second best favorite character?
Yeah of course Stephanie is my favorite one. My second favorite Charcater would be Pixel. He's just so smart and likes
working on his computer and is technically very talened. I was always very interested in technic too and love helping others when they're having IT Problems and that's actually why I'm working in IT today

Who do you think is the better Stephanie? Julianna or Chloe?
I grew up with Julianna as Stephanie and i got used to her, so i would prefer Julianna. But Chloe is a great Stephanie too and she did an amazing Job. I love watching her as much as i love watching Julianna.
-- Cosplay --
What made you decide to make cosplay videos and What got you into playing Stephanie?
When i created my Channel it wasn't actually for dance Videos. I remember i created the Channel because i wanted to comment and like Videos which you couldn't without having your own Channel.
As time went by a few months later i met other Lazytowners on youtube and they actually told me hey i would love to see you dancing and cosplaying as Stephanie, so i wanted to try it and see if people really liked it.
what did the people at home/school think about the cosplay
My family really liked it. My little sister thought it was embarrassing. My friends in school were okay with it but i remember i got bullied when other people found out i made Videos. They would always sing Bing Bang, laugh at me and point at me when i walked pass them. Some people even didn't want anything to do with me after they found out. It was a very hard time for me and i was crying a lot.
Did you cosplay other characters as well?
You probably wouldn't believe but I'm a very big Horror Fan and i do have a Samara Morgan Cosplay too

Cosplay/clothing was a hobby, did you ever think about of take this as a job or is it maybe part of your job now?
There was a time when i really thought about becoming a seamstress. But i was told you won't make a lot of money and it's better i do something else.
You also danced in your videos, did you take dance lessons or gymnastics when you were young?
No i never had any dance lessons or did gymnastics. I taught it all by myself.
Was it easy to learn the dances? If so, how easy?
I wouldn't say it was easy. Some dances required more practice than others. I usually learned them while watching the dances over and over again.
What was the hardest dance to learn? Which is your favorite dance to perform?
My favorite dance is and always will be Bing Bang. The hardest dance for me is "Dansa Afram Dansa" i still can't really dance it today.
In some of your videos, an old looking computer is present. Do you still own it?
No unfortunately i don't own this Computer anymore. It was a very old one i owned before i got my first Laptop that was way better for Video editing and all.
-- Costume --
Where did you get your costume pieces from? Where did you bought all of Stephanie's clothes pieces?
The pieces for my Cosplay i bought all from sewing Stores who sell sewing accessories. The material for my latest Stephanie dress i bought online.
Do you have all your costumes yet?
Yes, i still have all of my costumes, even my very first Stephanie dress.
Did you ever got Stephanie's shoes that she had in season 1 and 2?
I do have original Stephanie shoes, but they're in red. Unfortunately i never had the chance on getting the original pink ones Stephanie has. It's still a big dream for me.
-- LazyTown Community --
What was your experience with the LazyTown community, how did you communicate?
I love the Lazytown Community. It always felt like a big family for me. We could talk about anything that's related to Lazytown and i was always so happy talking with other Lazytowners who love the same. We usually did communicate via Mail or back then used MSN Messenger or private Youtube messages.
Did you met members of the LazyTown community in real life, and how was that?
The only Lazytowners I met in real life was Sarah (Bubble093) and Becki (Sportabecki)
How did you meet Bubble093?
I met her through youtube. She watched my videos and commented on them. That's how we got in contact.
How do you feel knowing the impact you had on many LazyTowners?
It just feels amazing and mindblowing. I still can't believe it today. I'm just so happy and thankful i could make so many people happy.
Did you met creators of LazyTown, did you went to Iceland or talked to them?
Unfortunately not. One of my biggest dreams was always to visit Iceland and the Lazytown Studios and maybe film a Bing Bang Video there.
Do you have someone specific in mind from LazyTown that you would like to meet, like Magnús himself?
Of course i would love to meet Magnus and just tell him how he changed my life to the better. But also i would love to meet Stephanie.
-- Merchandise --
Have you ever watched the Icelandic play "Glanni Glæpur i Latabæ"?
Yes, i watched a few Videos of it.
Do you have LazyTown merchandise still?
Yes i still have all my merchandise. It's now stored in boxes on the attic at my mums house.
-- YouTube Channel --
Will you still be reuploading the old dance videos?
I'm not really sure at the moment. I was bullied a lot back then and it really got to me and because of that when i moved away from home i told no one about my Videos or what I've done. And I'm a little bit scared that they would find out. I think this would really put me over the edge. I just don't want to experience that again. I'm already mentally sick and I have been undergoing treatment for years.
Would you do an update video on your channel?
I don't know.
What does the 13 mean in Viivi13?
When i created the Channel i was 13 years old. I actually wanted to take "Viivi" but the Username was already taken so i just added my age.
Have you ever watched any of Number Ten | LazyTown's videos? If yes, what is your favorite?
No unfortunately not. But i would love to catch up on it.
Have you ever been on the official Number Ten website (sportacus10.LazyTown.eu)
I don't think so. :)
I've put some pics in the Attachments :)
Thanks to everyone who submitted their questions. Thanks to Viivi13 for answering the questions and saying yes to the interview.
And how could I forget, thanks to LazyPooky for helping me conduct the interview despite how busy she was