I dunno if this needs a disclaimer or not, enjoy:
I'd like to thank Silvess again for being such a good sport.
Originally posted by http://freetexthost.com/zwclz0uoxl
CasMosheddy (11:46:21 PM): hey guy, hows julianna?
Silvess (11:46:47 PM): Erm...who is this?
CasMosheddy (11:46:55 PM): im a fan of julianna
Silvess signed off at 11:48:46 PM.
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Silvess signed on at 11:49:14 PM.
Silvess (11:49:35 PM): Ok, and why do you think I would know her? lol
CasMosheddy (11:49:55 PM): cause you are on worldofjuliana
CasMosheddy (11:50:01 PM): you are admin yes?
Silvess (11:50:10 PM): I was
Silvess (11:50:17 PM): The site was hacked.
Silvess (11:50:29 PM): The Julianna there was fake.
Silvess (11:50:45 PM): Some Stodghill dude that I care nothing for...
CasMosheddy (11:50:48 PM): oh? oh dang. i was hopping you could pass a massage from me
Silvess (11:51:17 PM): I only know her bro, not her.
Silvess (11:51:27 PM): Sorry...
CasMosheddy (11:51:41 PM): did he explain what happen?
Silvess (11:51:50 PM): Yea
Silvess (11:52:03 PM): Who are you? On WOJ?
CasMosheddy (11:52:04 PM): can you give me his adress please
CasMosheddy (11:52:19 PM): his internet
Silvess (11:52:31 PM): Not my place.
CasMosheddy (11:52:41 PM): oh, its a secret?
Silvess (11:53:15 PM): Anthony gave his adress out once, but I don't think he want's fan's contacting him. No offense.
CasMosheddy (11:53:35 PM): do you talk with him along?
Silvess (11:53:52 PM): along?
Silvess (11:54:13 PM): You mean like alot?
CasMosheddy (11:54:17 PM): yes
Silvess (11:54:32 PM): No not really.
Silvess (11:54:38 PM): Just sometimes.
CasMosheddy (11:54:46 PM): what about?
Silvess (11:55:36 PM): Ok...why would you want to know that again?
Silvess (11:56:12 PM): I never talk to him about Julianna. I was faked out by Stodghill before, and now that I know I never knew her, I really don't care.
CasMosheddy (11:56:42 PM): you beleived the fake?
Silvess (11:56:51 PM): Yea
Silvess (11:57:00 PM): For about 1 month.
CasMosheddy (11:57:04 PM): lol
CasMosheddy (11:57:15 PM): did it cybersex with you? drity talk?
Silvess (11:57:21 PM): But I started catching on l8r, and yea...
Silvess (11:57:49 PM): Then Anthony clearly contacted me, and explained that it was fake.
Silvess (11:57:55 PM): No
Silvess (11:58:44 PM): I just talked to the person like I would anyone else. Made decent friends with them, and after I knew for a fact they were fake, they pulled some fake ass paparazzi story out, and vanished.
CasMosheddy (11:59:14 PM): did anthony tell you you will never be juliannas boyfriend?
Silvess (11:59:28 PM): So who are you? On the boards?
CasMosheddy (11:59:45 PM): NUNCHUKKAZ
CasMosheddy (11:59:53 PM): oops sor caps
CasMosheddy (12:00:09 AM): i like bruce lee
CasMosheddy (12:00:14 AM): and julianna
Silvess (12:01:06 AM): No Anthony never said that. Anthony didnt even care for me meeting her back when he really thought I was talking to her.
Silvess (12:01:39 AM): But then I gave him the aim I was talking to, and he explained it was not her, and began giving the matter more attention.
CasMosheddy (12:02:21 AM): did you like her more when you thought she was whore
CasMosheddy (12:02:29 AM): no dike
CasMosheddy (12:02:35 AM): agy*
Silvess (12:02:37 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:02:38 AM): gay*
Silvess (12:02:45 AM): Didnt really care...
CasMosheddy (12:02:47 AM): then why did you make friends with her?
Silvess (12:03:29 AM): Gay, straight, I just thought it would be cool to know her.
Silvess (12:03:48 AM): If I wanted to meet her I could.
CasMosheddy (12:03:52 AM): so you dont want to be her boyfriend?
Silvess (12:03:57 AM): I just don't care to anymore.
Silvess (12:04:13 AM): lol
Silvess (12:04:14 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:04:29 AM): you lost faith in her?
CasMosheddy (12:04:34 AM): all because of the fake
Silvess (12:05:16 AM): No, just never wanted to really date her. If I had met her in another lifetime maybe, but not this one. XD
Silvess (12:06:16 AM): Point is...
Silvess (12:06:22 AM): I didnt like her like that..
Silvess (12:06:32 AM): Anthony knows I don't like her like that...
Silvess (12:06:42 AM): And this fake knew I didnt like her like that.
CasMosheddy (12:07:04 AM): did anthony ask you this?
Silvess (12:07:16 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:07:29 AM): how does he know?
Silvess (12:07:35 AM): But he knows my situation.
Silvess (12:07:45 AM): Hese the one who helped me get out of it.
Silvess (12:08:32 AM): I felt sorry for her is all. Sick people 24/7, stalkers, fakes, and I really just added to the problem before Anythony came in.
Silvess (12:08:41 AM): Good thing is..
Silvess (12:09:00 AM): SHE NEVER check's these places. Maybe one place once a year if they are lucky.
CasMosheddy (12:09:28 AM): so you beleived the fake rumours of her being a lesbian that have been tiresomely posted over and over for the past 3 years?
Silvess (12:09:44 AM): Not at first
Silvess (12:09:53 AM): Then for a few months..
Silvess (12:09:56 AM): Now...no
Silvess (12:10:04 AM): She is not gay.
Silvess (12:10:12 AM): Amanda is not gay.
Silvess (12:10:32 AM): The gay stuff was all Stodghill.
Silvess (12:10:55 AM): Don't even ask why he tried so hard to prove them gay becuase I have no damn idea.
CasMosheddy (12:11:08 AM): how old are you?
Silvess (12:11:18 AM): 19
Silvess (12:11:21 AM): Why??
CasMosheddy (12:11:39 AM): I could expect a 14 year old to fall for such nonsense but not a 19 year old
Silvess (12:12:04 AM): I'm gullible. XD
Silvess (12:12:16 AM): But nor do I really care now.
CasMosheddy (12:12:35 AM): no, its not gullible. you wanted it to be her that badly and you loved the attention. you wre greedy
Silvess (12:12:48 AM): Erm...
Silvess (12:12:50 AM): No...
CasMosheddy (12:12:57 AM): you don't care now because you feel like such a fool and not caring is the easiest way out
CasMosheddy (12:13:09 AM): have you atleast learnt from your mistake?
Silvess (12:13:17 AM): I hated the attention, but I really didnt get much.
Silvess (12:13:36 AM): It wasnt a mistake. It is a computer. lmao
Silvess (12:14:03 AM): It's not like the comp is going to reach out, and smack me.
CasMosheddy (12:14:19 AM): such a mistake that you destroyed an entire community of honest fans just so you could have the fake all to yourself
CasMosheddy (12:14:47 AM): your failure to learn from lifes lessons sickens me
Silvess (12:15:47 AM): I never did anything. Stodghill hacked it, and I ran it, becuase they said that Sara turned it over to them, and with control over Saras Youtube, and her account, it was convincing. I said sorry to Sara, but with my luck her account had already been hacked, and she never logged on MSN again.
CasMosheddy (12:16:30 AM): lol, stodghill is not a hacker. hes a stalker. you gave him the forum and everyone knows it
Silvess (12:16:58 AM): Erm...how? I was a mod?? He promoted me to admin AFTER the forum was hacked.
Silvess (12:17:13 AM): lol
Silvess (12:17:26 AM): You really didnt research this very good did you? lol
Silvess (12:18:00 AM): And yes, Stodghill is a hacker. EVERYONE that knows of him knows that.
CasMosheddy (12:18:06 AM): I know enough to know there is one idiot in this chat window and its not me
Silvess (12:18:47 AM): Thank's Dave. You done now?
CasMosheddy (12:19:14 AM): nope. I joined the forum while the fake was there and warned you personally, and you ignored it
CasMosheddy (12:19:19 AM): many people warned you
CasMosheddy (12:19:30 AM): you're a fuking liar
Silvess (12:19:46 AM): Liar?
Silvess (12:20:23 AM): About what!? Everything I said is true. I convinced people it was real, becuase I was convinced that it was real. Anthony is not mad at me, and nor is anyone else.
Silvess (12:20:27 AM): Only you...
Silvess (12:20:41 AM): And you...
Silvess (12:20:53 AM): I don't even know so why should I care again?
CasMosheddy (12:22:49 AM): well its about time you should care more. think next time before you ruin a persons reputation, and a community of fans whom rely on you to uphold your forum in a responsible manner
CasMosheddy (12:23:37 AM): I mean, did it never even cross your mind that 15 year olds can not marry!?
Silvess (12:23:53 AM): Listen dude. Sorry if this hurt you in any way. I didnt mean to, and I can't change what I have done. I can't be tricked again, and I don't even hang around Julianna fan sites.
Silvess (12:24:33 AM): I never thought she was married. I just thought that maybe she wanted to be, and wanted people to think that. It's over now.
CasMosheddy (12:25:39 AM): well, its sad that you've lost faith in julianna over all this. most of the other fans would be a lot more forgiving than I am and would accept you back, IF YOU CARED ENOUGH TO COME BACK
CasMosheddy (12:25:50 AM): not caring is what got you i this trouble in the first place
Silvess (12:26:03 AM): I always cared dude...
Silvess (12:26:18 AM): Caring for Julianna's feelings is what got me in to this.
Silvess (12:27:28 AM): I was willing to do anything to help her, and so I did, and you have no idea of how many stolen pictures, and stalked pictures this dude really had. He had me convinced for awhile.
Silvess (12:28:22 AM): And incase you want to know, from REALL GOOD word, Stodghill is being handled or by now may even be handled.
CasMosheddy (12:28:34 AM): you see, when i see a stolen picture of julianna's, you know what i do? I FUKIN SAVE IT. you know why? so i can have an upper hand at dealing with dipshit stodghill
CasMosheddy (12:28:55 AM): I've helped to drive him out of getlazy twice before
Silvess (12:29:23 AM): And really. I'm sorry to anyone I hurt.
Silvess (12:29:52 AM): But really...
Silvess (12:30:07 AM): Julianna never pays attention to any of this.
CasMosheddy (12:30:18 AM): shes a busy gal
Silvess (12:31:40 AM): She loves her fans I'm sure, but she is busy. Dance, and everything. Anthony just laughd at my stories, and to be honest, I just couldnt figure out why someone tried to fake being her. She had not even had a successfull movie yet. lol
CasMosheddy (12:32:29 AM): you know stodghills story?
Silvess (12:32:51 AM): Besides, after Kristen heard this, she said that she would try to get Juli to get a vid saying that she has no accounts any of these websites.
Silvess (12:33:08 AM): Anythony wont like that to well, but that's all Kristen...
Silvess (12:33:39 AM): And yes, I know Stodghill's story..
CasMosheddy (12:33:48 AM): then youll know why he did it
Silvess (12:34:24 AM): I spoke to him AFTER he was confirmed fake. He is an evil person, and I still don't know why he did it.
CasMosheddy (12:34:34 AM): lol, what did he say?
Silvess (12:35:03 AM): Oh, he was a paparazzi member named Jackson Lee then.
Silvess (12:35:14 AM): Whatever... >_>
Silvess (12:36:08 AM): I know he has a daughter or something, but that can't be why he did this. I mean, why fake Julianna, and not the girl off of harry potter. She is a bigger threat to his daughters career then Julianna.
CasMosheddy (12:37:12 AM): basically, he tried to make his daughter famous. you know those kinda parents that push their kids too hard? he wanted success more than his daughter. when faced with rejection, he lashed out at other young actresses
CasMosheddy (12:37:54 AM): well the girl off harry potter is british for starters. julianna is the most direct competition
Silvess (12:38:14 AM): lol
Silvess (12:38:19 AM): Not really
Silvess (12:38:30 AM): She wont be acting forever most likely.
CasMosheddy (12:38:38 AM): julianna?
Silvess (12:38:45 AM): Yea
CasMosheddy (12:39:11 AM): only those that have lost hope would say that. I think she really loves what shes doing and will continue
CasMosheddy (12:39:31 AM): the worst thing that could happen to her is she gets a boyfriend and gets pregnant
CasMosheddy (12:39:41 AM): but i prefer to remain optimistic
Silvess (12:40:14 AM): Lost faith? You make it sound as though I am some huge Lazy Town fan. I'm not.
CasMosheddy (12:40:33 AM): what are you doing here in the first place then?
Silvess (12:40:55 AM): Don't even care for the show. She seemed to do good in what I have seen, but I am no Lazy Town fan.
Silvess (12:41:32 AM): I have explained before. My friend Dave help direct me over to a kids show for a game maker project.
Silvess (12:41:45 AM): I looked in to Lazy Town.
Silvess (12:42:09 AM): I tried find Stephanie pics for a sprite, and came across the girl WITHOUT the wig.
Silvess (12:42:59 AM): I was like "Wow, that's her.", but I thought she was 14 at first, and I was 18. I started taking up for her at DLT after seeing the way people treated this kid, and found out she was 16.
Silvess (12:43:02 AM): All on DLT.
Silvess (12:43:10 AM): Just look up my first post.
Silvess (12:43:32 AM): I made games, and was trying to make one that more kids would pay attention to.
CasMosheddy (12:44:06 AM): cant beleie you posted on DLT, stodghills breeding ground... and you still couldnt tell it was a fake
Silvess (12:44:56 AM): Here lately I dedicated my time to more action adventure games based off of the formula of Maple Story. Point is, I didnt read everything on DLT. Just saw some sick freaks.
Silvess (12:45:12 AM): http://a972.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/im ... e69683.png
Silvess (12:45:45 AM): See that? My project before I got to deep in to my life. Now I am hardly on the comp. This is why...
CasMosheddy (12:45:45 AM): you do know that most of the sick freaks are probably the tamest ones?
CasMosheddy (12:45:57 AM): mostly, the will post to get a rise out of people
Silvess (12:46:36 AM): Yea, but I just played along. I never wanted to make enemies, but I did OF COURSE.
Silvess (12:46:48 AM): Are you MacMike or whatever?
Silvess (12:47:04 AM): Seth's old bud?
CasMosheddy (12:47:15 AM): i dont know what macmike is. you mean lazymacmatt?
Silvess (12:47:38 AM): Yea, Mike from Get Lazy.
CasMosheddy (12:47:44 AM): i know seth. me and him talked before he left
CasMosheddy (12:47:48 AM): i dont know mike
Silvess (12:47:51 AM): Use to be an admin.
CasMosheddy (12:47:59 AM): edis? samada?
CasMosheddy (12:48:08 AM): oh, no thats matt
CasMosheddy (12:48:31 AM): no, matt has me blocked atm. think i said somethign about his girlfriend
Silvess (12:48:43 AM): Well listen.
Silvess (12:48:51 AM): If I wanted to meet Julianna, I could.
CasMosheddy (12:48:54 AM): oh no, he banned me for posting a picture of staphanies head on a pornstars body lol
CasMosheddy (12:49:17 AM): im sure we all could silvess, im sure we all could
Silvess (12:49:23 AM): I have been in Queens for a few weeks now, and she don't live to far down. I CHOOSE not to now.
Silvess (12:49:32 AM): It would seem freaky, get it?
CasMosheddy (12:49:47 AM): she could get a restraining order on you
Silvess (12:49:56 AM): You don't beleive me, but I could.
Silvess (12:50:12 AM): Her bro don't care, and I just don't want to.
CasMosheddy (12:51:09 AM): I talked with him earlier about world of warcraft. we both have 5 level 70 characters
Silvess (12:51:11 AM): If I was as freaky as Stodghill, I know her adress. NO DAMN WAY I would ever go near her though, even if she didnt care. It's not my place.
CasMosheddy (12:51:14 AM): thats a lot of warcraft
CasMosheddy (12:51:26 AM): our combined game time probably goes over a years worth of play
Silvess (12:51:38 AM): Awesome
Silvess (12:51:43 AM): Heard he liked it.
Silvess (12:52:11 AM): Or whatver. He told me he played comp games. I don't talk to him much.
Silvess (12:52:37 AM): And STODGHILL gave me Julianna's adress. Luckily, I'm not like him.
Silvess (12:52:48 AM): Get it? I'm not a threat...
CasMosheddy (12:53:28 AM): lol, none of us want to appear that way
Silvess (12:53:43 AM): I really am not.
Silvess (12:53:47 AM): If I was...
CasMosheddy (12:53:58 AM): even if you were, i wouldnt be able to do anything about it so you dont have to justify yourself to me in that reguard
Silvess (12:54:56 AM): I could ruin her with three pics that Stodghill gave me. I choose not to becuase it is wrong, and evil. I am not that way, and she is just a kid. She don' derve the hell people TRIED to put on her.
Silvess (12:55:39 AM): I understand this. That's why I leave anything to do with her alone. It only bugs thing's supporting her.
CasMosheddy (12:56:26 AM): describe the pics. i know you wont send them so describe them
Silvess (12:56:37 AM): Naked photos
CasMosheddy (12:56:49 AM): i realy dont beleive you there
Silvess (12:56:53 AM): I never would save them, but Stodgh got them.
Silvess (12:57:14 AM): Her in the shower. It was wrong to HAVE EVER even seen them.
CasMosheddy (12:57:23 AM): i think it was another case of you seeing what you wanted to see. ask yourself, why would he have naked pictures?
Silvess (12:57:39 AM): Amanda...
CasMosheddy (12:57:56 AM): oh, amanda naked? so not julianna?
Silvess (12:58:12 AM): They were not fake like that head shot photo with the sign. That's when I started NOT beleiving it was her.
Silvess (12:58:51 AM): They were of Julianna. I never saved them.
CasMosheddy (12:59:23 AM): why wuld a fake julianna want to blackmail herself? lmao its just hysterically funny!
Silvess (12:59:44 AM): I didnt even feel right looking. Stodghill kept saying "Oh quit acting like an angel. All guys like this stuff."
CasMosheddy (1:00:10 AM): no silvess, you felt fine looking, just like you felt fine letting the fake takeover, admit it
Silvess (1:00:18 AM): I stopped beleiving before the pics were given.
Silvess (1:00:40 AM): Never. I never felt fine over any of it.
Silvess (1:00:48 AM): If I did...
Silvess (1:01:24 AM): Would I have shared everything with Anthony?
CasMosheddy (1:01:34 AM): yeah, so what youre saying is, you looked only long enough to assume the pictures were real? think your eyes were playing tricks on you
Silvess (1:01:46 AM): Would I have kept contacting him if I thought for 100% it was real?
Silvess (1:02:15 AM): Perhaps.
Silvess (1:02:21 AM): Maybe they were fake.
Silvess (1:02:32 AM): Let you go with that one, and me to.
CasMosheddy (1:02:33 AM): no, there is no maybe. they were fake.
Silvess (1:02:48 AM): Ok
Silvess (1:02:56 AM): No arguing on that one.
CasMosheddy (1:03:09 AM): you got any nudes of yourself silvess?
Silvess (1:03:26 AM): Erm...no...
CasMosheddy (1:03:40 AM): you know anyone who has naked pictures of themselves on their computers?
Silvess (1:03:51 AM): Amanda
CasMosheddy (1:04:01 AM): its not a normal thing people do is it? unless your name is vanessa hudgens
Silvess (1:04:09 AM): Ask Justin from getlazy.
Silvess (1:04:49 AM): He has seen Amanda's shots, and it just so happens that she is a little wild, and is Julianna's best friend.
Silvess (1:05:08 AM): SHE HAS kissed Julianna before. NO she is not gay, but she does that.
CasMosheddy (1:05:21 AM): what a whore...
CasMosheddy (1:05:47 AM): anyway, knowing stodghill, if he has more pics, no matter what their content, they will pop up again
Silvess (1:06:03 AM): Also kissed alot of other friends. And YES I do beleive that they probably shoot photos of each other at times.
CasMosheddy (1:06:06 AM): and ill be there to critic if they are real or not
Silvess (1:07:21 AM): Nothing fake about these photos I saw. Do you think I was stupid enough not to run them through note pad like I did that fake headshot?
Silvess (1:07:52 AM): Headshot was fake 100%
Silvess (1:08:08 AM): These were not, and if they were, they were the best fakes I HAVE EVER seen.
CasMosheddy (1:08:24 AM): none of the pictures stodghill has posted before have been shopped but what he does do is post lookalikes. i doubt your eyes are trained enough to tell julianna from other similar looking girls
Silvess (1:08:27 AM): Stodghill's not that good. I have seen like three of his fakes...
Silvess (1:08:29 AM): He sucks..
Silvess (1:09:12 AM): One other person saw them.
Silvess (1:09:55 AM): Her name is simbiani. I gave them to her with blocks covering the privates, but showed her it was Julianna. Ask her if she think's it was her.
Silvess (1:10:33 AM): Hell, she might have even saved the photos, but could she trust ever letting you see them?
CasMosheddy (1:10:44 AM): that girl freaks me out. she always seems to have this private content
Silvess (1:11:07 AM): She is the biggest fan of Julianna ever. Kind of like Sara.
Silvess (1:11:24 AM): Well not as bad as Sara, but kind of..
CasMosheddy (1:12:03 AM): so you did save them. isnt it funny how the story changes when your intentions change?
Silvess (1:12:17 AM): Never saved them.
Silvess (1:12:30 AM): Not for my own sites.
Silvess (1:12:57 AM): I took them after I recieved them, blocked them out, and sent them to Simbiani during the chat. I have her aim.
Silvess (1:13:03 AM): I let her do the rest.
CasMosheddy (1:13:13 AM): so you saved them to your computer? how else would you run them through paint? print screen?
Silvess (1:13:14 AM): They are gone. Gone gone gone.
Silvess (1:13:48 AM): Yea, long enough to send them out. Never kept them for my own if that's what your asking.
CasMosheddy (1:14:03 AM): so you deleted them?
Silvess (1:14:10 AM): Simbiani is the only one with them now IF she kept them.
Silvess (1:14:32 AM): Yea, they are deleted. You think I would have kept them on my comp?? lmao
Silvess (1:14:38 AM): I would have been screwed!
Silvess (1:14:50 AM): No nude chicks on my comp for good reasons.
CasMosheddy (1:14:53 AM): great! that means they still exist somewhere on your computer!
Silvess (1:15:11 AM): They are deleted...
CasMosheddy (1:15:51 AM): its common knowledge that everything you delete is still on your hard drive until that space is over written or its formatted
CasMosheddy (1:16:29 AM): sure they have to be recovered but your pc is a ticking time bomb as far as the FBI is concerned
Silvess (1:16:39 AM): That's nice, I don't want them back. She was 16 in the photos. Kiddy porn dude. Not happening with me.
CasMosheddy (1:17:10 AM): teenage nudity* actually
CasMosheddy (1:17:21 AM): but yeah, can still get YOU in deep shit
CasMosheddy (1:17:39 AM): i'd format my harddrive if I were you
Silvess (1:17:56 AM): I saved them before veiwing. He sent them via aim.
Silvess (1:18:21 AM): After seeing what they were, I sent them to Simbiani, and let her see them, then poof! Gone!
CasMosheddy (1:18:58 AM): their first destination will be youre "my recieved folder" where did you save the edited pictures? thats atleast 2 sets of caches now. FBI wont like that
Silvess (1:19:28 AM): Why would the FBI be searching my computer?
CasMosheddy (1:19:37 AM): simbiani willonly have the edited photos, so shes in the clear. either way, she got them from YOU
Silvess (1:19:50 AM): Really, they are gone now.
CasMosheddy (1:19:57 AM): the FBI could have been watching the transaction between you both
CasMosheddy (1:20:13 AM): you dont have to remind me. depends how cautious you are
Silvess (1:20:34 AM): I'm fine, and I am not that way. I know you don't know me...
Silvess (1:21:06 AM): But I am not a sick guy that look's at that crap. Stodghill "Playing Julianna" actually tended to get mad at me for being to nice.
CasMosheddy (1:21:49 AM): that is true. to fight a monster, you must first BECOME a monster
Silvess (1:22:32 AM): Look? I'm not a horrible person ok? Maybe a little stupid at times, but I am not mean. I always like doing the right thing. I tried hard, but I failed. I have to accept that.
Silvess (1:23:09 AM): I will NEVER be a monster. As I ALWAYS say. Forgive & forget.
CasMosheddy (1:23:24 AM): forget and stop caring?
CasMosheddy (1:23:41 AM): forget and give up?
CasMosheddy (1:23:45 AM): forget and lose hope?
Silvess (1:25:11 AM): Hope? What hope!? Julianna is a human, and nothing more. I hope she continues acting, but I have nothing to do with her. I have to accept that. I'm not her friend, don't know her, and that's it. I wish her the best for her future, and that's it.
CasMosheddy (1:26:07 AM): so did simbiani confirm the pictures as fakes or reals?
Silvess (1:26:37 AM): She acted very surprised, becuase she knew they had to be real.
Silvess (1:28:26 AM): Those photos will NEVER get out by me. I stake my life on that.
CasMosheddy (1:28:38 AM): cool, I'll get in contact with her next then
Silvess (1:28:56 AM): Cool
Silvess (1:29:02 AM): But why?
CasMosheddy (1:29:20 AM): because i have nothing better to do
Silvess (1:29:28 AM): Do you know Julianna? Amanda?
Silvess (1:29:54 AM): If not then this is pointless. I warned Amanda about what had happened. You know what she said to me?
Silvess (1:30:07 AM): "Ok"
Silvess (1:30:27 AM): That was it. She don't care, and Julianna don't care so why should I?
CasMosheddy (1:31:02 AM): she is very flip like that. doesnt really care what happens if alcohol isnt involved
Silvess (1:31:34 AM): She is a cool person...
Silvess (1:31:46 AM): She is just a little wild right now.
CasMosheddy (1:31:52 AM): yes "ok" is a cool and simple reply
CasMosheddy (1:32:02 AM): was seh wearing e-glasses?
Silvess (1:32:13 AM): I have spoke to her about 7 times before dude.
Silvess (1:33:07 AM): She kept saying she didnt know this fake Julianna, and the fake Julianna said she was being very protective over her. Really seemed true becuase of her careless attitude.
CasMosheddy (1:33:51 AM): did you approach amanda about these supposed nude pictures?
Silvess (1:33:53 AM): I did some childish invistigating before I spoke to Amanda about it being fake.
Silvess (1:34:44 AM): I asked her if Julianna had ever mentiond me, and she said no. I began questioning a lot of stuff before I confronted stodghill on it.
Silvess (1:35:03 AM): Simbiani has spoke to Kristen.
Silvess (1:35:10 AM): I never have.
Silvess (1:36:23 AM): During my first convo with Amanda, she said "Your weird. Why the **** am I still talking to you?"
Silvess (1:36:44 AM): I had to explain why I even contacted her aim.
Silvess (1:36:59 AM): Becuase it did seem creepy. XD
CasMosheddy (1:37:14 AM): should have said to her "YOU'RE ****ED!"
Silvess (1:37:25 AM): Why?
Silvess (1:37:40 AM): What's wrong with her? She is wild yes...
Silvess (1:38:29 AM): You should have been at some of the party's I have performed for for a cheap buck. WAY wilder people then her.
CasMosheddy (1:39:54 AM): you kow what I do to people like that? I punch them in the ****ing face!
Silvess (1:40:21 AM): That's strange...
Silvess (1:40:50 AM): So you would punch a chick in the face for being wild?
Silvess (1:40:56 AM): You a chick or something?
CasMosheddy (1:41:25 AM): yeah man, i don't need their bullshit personality in my personal space, know what i'm saying?
Silvess (1:41:48 AM): So you are a girl?
CasMosheddy (1:42:02 AM): do i sound like a girl?
Silvess (1:42:49 AM): If you would punch a chick, yea...
Silvess (1:42:52 AM): So are you?
CasMosheddy (1:43:35 AM): we live in a society where men and women are equal. i excercise that right, as a male, to beat the shit out of men AND women, equally
CasMosheddy (1:43:46 AM): know what im saying?
Silvess (1:43:53 AM): That's wrong
Silvess (1:44:49 AM): Girls are not built like guy's in mass. In other words, unless you find a girl that is like ripped, you have the upper hand. Kind of like shot to the nuts. It's wrong.
Silvess (1:45:17 AM): You don't hit women. If you do, you are not a very good person.
CasMosheddy (1:45:28 AM): life isnt fair kid, yooull learn that in time. i mean, I'm a pretty big guy but that doesnt stop me from living my life to the full
Silvess (1:45:59 AM): If I women smacks you that has no good reason to, you grab her arm, and push her off.
Silvess (1:46:18 AM): And Anthony plays WoW with you?
CasMosheddy (1:46:21 AM): good person? shit son, go read some books on moral relativism and existentialism. opens your mind, shit right there
Silvess (1:46:36 AM): Have you told him that you fight girls when they make you mad?
CasMosheddy (1:47:20 AM): me and anthony go 2-manning karazhan
Silvess (1:47:24 AM): Ima ask Anthony who you are. Now you have me wondering.
CasMosheddy (1:47:25 AM): heroic
Silvess (1:49:17 AM): I'll ask him...
Silvess (1:49:38 AM): No offense, but I am sort of tired of beleiving people via word ya know? Get me?
CasMosheddy (1:51:24 AM): consumerism, the sickness which affects us all
Silvess (1:51:45 AM): I don't think Anthony knows your aim dude...
CasMosheddy (1:52:21 AM): thats funny, cause hes not even home atm
Silvess (1:52:41 AM): Yea, he has no replied.
Silvess (1:52:57 AM): That's why I am assuming he don't know you.
Silvess (1:53:10 AM): When he tell's me he knows you then fine.
Silvess (1:53:31 AM): If he don't then, I will assume you to be Stodghill.
CasMosheddy (1:53:59 AM): time for me to make my exit, cya
Silvess (1:54:34 AM): lol
Silvess (1:54:37 AM): Exactly
Silvess (1:54:56 AM): Stodghill...
CasMosheddy (1:55:24 AM): ?
Silvess (1:55:48 AM): That's who I think you are.
Silvess (1:56:13 AM): Remeber what you said? I am stupid for beleiving stuff at 19. Well now I don't.
Silvess (1:56:27 AM): As I said. I can't be tricked again.
Silvess (1:56:46 AM): You can't blame me. XD
CasMosheddy (1:57:40 AM): the cops took my computer. I'll need those images back from you if I'm to continue my operation
Silvess (1:58:05 AM): Huh?
Silvess (1:58:28 AM): Listen, you can't keep pulling me in to this dude.
Silvess (1:58:57 AM): I am off of the Julianna stuff. I hardly get on the comp anymore. Why do u think that is?
Silvess (1:59:54 AM): I don't want fame, and I don't care. Everything I have said to you is true. You can say I am full of shit all you like, but it's true. I am not evil.
Silvess (2:00:18 AM): If I was evil then I would be posting photos everywhere..
Silvess (2:00:25 AM): Not happening.
Silvess (2:00:41 AM): I'm not a hero. I'm just some dude. That's it.
CasMosheddy (2:01:09 AM): I'm not asking you to be evil. I just want back what is mine
Silvess (2:01:29 AM): I deleted those photos.
Silvess (2:01:33 AM): Gone!
Silvess (2:01:56 AM): Dave, you should drop it dude. Why continue this? Gosh..
CasMosheddy (2:02:21 AM): You don't know how hard it is
CasMosheddy (2:02:29 AM): just give me the pictures
Silvess (2:02:39 AM): Don't have them.
CasMosheddy (2:03:23 AM): then give me the ones you do have
Silvess (2:03:30 AM): lol
Silvess (2:03:44 AM): Honest, I don't keep photos of Julianna on my computer.
Silvess (2:04:07 AM): I have uploaded like 5 in my Youtube, and then deleted them like 2 days later.
Silvess (2:04:28 AM): Think I want that stuff getting out?
CasMosheddy (2:04:54 AM): why to youtube?
Silvess (2:05:16 AM): Easy to delte afterwords.
Silvess (2:05:20 AM): "Delete"
Silvess (2:05:39 AM): And I have all of the photos on one vid so that the images are compressed.
Silvess (2:05:45 AM): Then bam!
Silvess (2:05:48 AM): Deleted
CasMosheddy (2:05:56 AM): so those were your videos? everyone thought they were me lol
Silvess (2:06:22 AM): No they were not mine. Mine were provate. Friends only.
Silvess (2:06:48 AM): From a diffrent account, not my known one. Just for like Simbiani to take a look at.
Silvess (2:08:04 AM): Why in the world do you choose to make yourslef look bad dude?
Silvess (2:08:09 AM): Start over.
CasMosheddy (2:09:04 AM): I can't time in prison meant I will never be respected again. all I can do is hide behind other personas. even then its hard with these vultures following me around, ruining my plans...
Silvess (2:09:34 AM): Quit with it.
Silvess (2:09:38 AM): You CAN!
Silvess (2:10:02 AM): Quit turning yourself in to something you know you should not be.
Silvess (2:10:29 AM): Be the "Good Guy" for once dude...
CasMosheddy (2:11:01 AM): good guys never gain anything. i want respect! for once in my ****ing life!
Silvess (2:12:03 AM): Being David Stodghill will never get you anywhere. At least not the David Stodghill you choose to be.
Silvess (2:12:39 AM): Being Julianna will get you know respect. The truth is, she don't have that many fans that REALLY are fanatics.
CasMosheddy (2:12:41 AM): type my name into google. this is who I am and nothing will change that
Silvess (2:13:00 AM): No...
Silvess (2:13:04 AM): That's not true...
Silvess (2:13:13 AM): You can be somebody ya know?
Silvess (2:13:25 AM): Don't scam..
Silvess (2:13:29 AM): Don't lie...
Silvess (2:14:01 AM): Just be somebody. Find a REAL interest you want to take in, and do it. Not stalking, and shooting photos.
CasMosheddy (2:14:06 AM): scamming is hard. i am good at it. you would too if you knew what i know
Silvess (2:14:36 AM): No I wouldnt. Even if it got me $1000000000000000....
Silvess (2:14:46 AM): I don't care about that crap.
Silvess (2:14:59 AM): You may think that EVERYONE does, but that's not true.
CasMosheddy (2:15:56 AM): I may feel differently now, but tomorrow I'll wake up and I'll continue my routine.
Silvess (2:16:18 AM): You never feel different about this stuff...
Silvess (2:16:41 AM): It's one thing to say "Quit being evil" but it's another thing to do it.
Silvess (2:17:19 AM): You met me. You thought I was just another guy JUST LIKE everyone else. You were wrong.
Silvess (2:17:34 AM): I was tricked becuase I'm to damn nice.
Silvess (2:17:50 AM): After that, I still forgave you.
Silvess (2:18:08 AM): I hated what you did, but did I ever crush your name?
Silvess (2:18:10 AM): NO!
Silvess (2:18:59 AM): No such thing as a hero...
Silvess (2:19:16 AM): But anyone can do something right.
Silvess (2:19:25 AM): And not have to lie about it.
CasMosheddy (2:20:19 AM): are you a christian?
Silvess (2:20:25 AM): Not really
Silvess (2:20:36 AM): Not a deep one.
Silvess (2:21:13 AM): Not the kind you see praying over everything. Sometimes I question if God is real, but it's not for me to question.
Silvess (2:21:22 AM): I just believe in what's right.
CasMosheddy (2:21:49 AM): good, dont lose your faith over this, because I'm about to post this all on getlazy for the lawls
Silvess (2:22:15 AM): Go for it.
Silvess (2:22:24 AM): I am an idiot. You think I care?
Silvess (2:22:30 AM): What you did was wrong...
Silvess (2:22:37 AM): You shouldnt have done it...
Silvess (2:22:44 AM): But everyone can change...
Silvess (2:22:58 AM): And do you think this will make me look bad?
Silvess (2:23:01 AM): lol
Silvess (2:23:27 AM): An idiot maybe, but it will just make you look worse dude. Quit beating yourself up...
CasMosheddy (2:23:46 AM): I mean, I'm not david stodghill. I'm an active member of the getlazy community http://ytmnd.com/users/Mosheddy/
Silvess (2:24:19 AM): Your Dave...
Silvess (2:24:25 AM): Drop it...
CasMosheddy (2:24:38 AM): lmao oh christ, now I see why this was so easy for him
Silvess (2:24:56 AM): Yea, everyone knows Anthony play's WoW...
Silvess (2:25:06 AM): Everyone points out locations..
Silvess (2:25:15 AM): And everyone types just like Dave.
Silvess (2:29:52 AM): If your not Dave then now you know what kind of person I am right?
Silvess (2:29:55 AM): Got it?
CasMosheddy (2:30:37 AM): yep, thanks for being such a good sport about it
Silvess (2:30:59 AM): lol
Silvess (2:31:07 AM): Thank's... >_>
Silvess (2:31:30 AM): It's getting removed though. : )
Silvess (2:31:36 AM): Uses my aim name. lol
Silvess (2:31:43 AM): Smart move there.
CasMosheddy (2:32:07 AM): guess who gave me your name
Silvess (2:32:34 AM): No idea
CasMosheddy (2:32:42 AM): anthony
Silvess (2:33:25 AM): Whatever. Getting removed. Don't care about people seeing my convo, but my name I want removed.
Silvess (2:33:36 AM): Hell I might tell AOL to leave the convo...
Silvess (2:33:46 AM): XD
Silvess (2:34:10 AM): Explains who I am. And your no friend of Anthony's I suppose...
CasMosheddy (2:34:57 AM): anthony and I got something more than friendship, the hardships of leveling 5 lvl 70's on world of warcraft, ya dig?
Silvess (2:38:57 AM): That's cool, AS long as you not really Dave...
CasMosheddy (2:39:16 AM): np
Silvess (2:39:28 AM): You posting that 4 real?
Silvess (2:39:52 AM): I kind of wanted to tell everyone the truth on getlazy, but not like that ya know?
Silvess (2:39:58 AM): Ask Justin..
Silvess (2:40:04 AM): Already had plans on it...
CasMosheddy (2:40:12 AM): you're free to join then
CasMosheddy (2:40:25 AM): tbh, knowing getlazy, they will just want the nudes
Silvess (2:40:43 AM): At least now you know I am telling the truth about being gullible, and to nice. XD
Silvess (2:41:06 AM): Erm...
Silvess (2:41:25 AM): Some thing's I said to you were tricks. I thought you were Dave...
Silvess (2:41:32 AM): XD
Silvess (2:41:56 AM): Best delete the convo though. I would like to tell everyone on my own. >_>
CasMosheddy (2:42:25 AM): sorry, but im posting it
CasMosheddy (2:43:26 AM): here, this will make you feel better http://stephaniecame.ytmnd.com/
Silvess (2:43:38 AM): Not looking
Silvess (2:43:53 AM): Not that way, and I can tell by the title it's sick...
CasMosheddy (2:44:21 AM): its a direct rip from the show, just pulled out of context. just click it
Silvess (2:44:42 AM): Julianna nudes were never real btw. I thought if you were Dave, you would contact Simbi about it.
Silvess (2:44:59 AM): But you didnt.
CasMosheddy (2:45:25 AM): I'll let the forum decide if they are real or not
Silvess (2:45:42 AM): You shouldnt...
Silvess (2:45:50 AM): Did I do something to you man?
CasMosheddy (2:46:54 AM): well, you banned nunchakkaz from woj when i was only trying to help with the fake
Silvess (2:47:08 AM): I said I was sorry...
Silvess (2:47:14 AM): I was tricked.
Silvess (2:47:34 AM): I can't help that. I WAS ****ING BANNED! Did you not notice?
Silvess (2:49:40 AM): How do you think I felt to have been banned for my post saying that I was not for sure if it was really Julianna?
Silvess (2:49:51 AM): And I was the admin.
Silvess (11:46:47 PM): Erm...who is this?
CasMosheddy (11:46:55 PM): im a fan of julianna
Silvess signed off at 11:48:46 PM.
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Silvess signed on at 11:49:14 PM.
Silvess (11:49:35 PM): Ok, and why do you think I would know her? lol
CasMosheddy (11:49:55 PM): cause you are on worldofjuliana
CasMosheddy (11:50:01 PM): you are admin yes?
Silvess (11:50:10 PM): I was
Silvess (11:50:17 PM): The site was hacked.
Silvess (11:50:29 PM): The Julianna there was fake.
Silvess (11:50:45 PM): Some Stodghill dude that I care nothing for...
CasMosheddy (11:50:48 PM): oh? oh dang. i was hopping you could pass a massage from me
Silvess (11:51:17 PM): I only know her bro, not her.
Silvess (11:51:27 PM): Sorry...
CasMosheddy (11:51:41 PM): did he explain what happen?
Silvess (11:51:50 PM): Yea
Silvess (11:52:03 PM): Who are you? On WOJ?
CasMosheddy (11:52:04 PM): can you give me his adress please
CasMosheddy (11:52:19 PM): his internet
Silvess (11:52:31 PM): Not my place.
CasMosheddy (11:52:41 PM): oh, its a secret?
Silvess (11:53:15 PM): Anthony gave his adress out once, but I don't think he want's fan's contacting him. No offense.
CasMosheddy (11:53:35 PM): do you talk with him along?
Silvess (11:53:52 PM): along?
Silvess (11:54:13 PM): You mean like alot?
CasMosheddy (11:54:17 PM): yes
Silvess (11:54:32 PM): No not really.
Silvess (11:54:38 PM): Just sometimes.
CasMosheddy (11:54:46 PM): what about?
Silvess (11:55:36 PM): Ok...why would you want to know that again?
Silvess (11:56:12 PM): I never talk to him about Julianna. I was faked out by Stodghill before, and now that I know I never knew her, I really don't care.
CasMosheddy (11:56:42 PM): you beleived the fake?
Silvess (11:56:51 PM): Yea
Silvess (11:57:00 PM): For about 1 month.
CasMosheddy (11:57:04 PM): lol
CasMosheddy (11:57:15 PM): did it cybersex with you? drity talk?
Silvess (11:57:21 PM): But I started catching on l8r, and yea...
Silvess (11:57:49 PM): Then Anthony clearly contacted me, and explained that it was fake.
Silvess (11:57:55 PM): No
Silvess (11:58:44 PM): I just talked to the person like I would anyone else. Made decent friends with them, and after I knew for a fact they were fake, they pulled some fake ass paparazzi story out, and vanished.
CasMosheddy (11:59:14 PM): did anthony tell you you will never be juliannas boyfriend?
Silvess (11:59:28 PM): So who are you? On the boards?
CasMosheddy (11:59:45 PM): NUNCHUKKAZ
CasMosheddy (11:59:53 PM): oops sor caps
CasMosheddy (12:00:09 AM): i like bruce lee
CasMosheddy (12:00:14 AM): and julianna
Silvess (12:01:06 AM): No Anthony never said that. Anthony didnt even care for me meeting her back when he really thought I was talking to her.
Silvess (12:01:39 AM): But then I gave him the aim I was talking to, and he explained it was not her, and began giving the matter more attention.
CasMosheddy (12:02:21 AM): did you like her more when you thought she was whore
CasMosheddy (12:02:29 AM): no dike
CasMosheddy (12:02:35 AM): agy*
Silvess (12:02:37 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:02:38 AM): gay*
Silvess (12:02:45 AM): Didnt really care...
CasMosheddy (12:02:47 AM): then why did you make friends with her?
Silvess (12:03:29 AM): Gay, straight, I just thought it would be cool to know her.
Silvess (12:03:48 AM): If I wanted to meet her I could.
CasMosheddy (12:03:52 AM): so you dont want to be her boyfriend?
Silvess (12:03:57 AM): I just don't care to anymore.
Silvess (12:04:13 AM): lol
Silvess (12:04:14 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:04:29 AM): you lost faith in her?
CasMosheddy (12:04:34 AM): all because of the fake
Silvess (12:05:16 AM): No, just never wanted to really date her. If I had met her in another lifetime maybe, but not this one. XD
Silvess (12:06:16 AM): Point is...
Silvess (12:06:22 AM): I didnt like her like that..
Silvess (12:06:32 AM): Anthony knows I don't like her like that...
Silvess (12:06:42 AM): And this fake knew I didnt like her like that.
CasMosheddy (12:07:04 AM): did anthony ask you this?
Silvess (12:07:16 AM): No
CasMosheddy (12:07:29 AM): how does he know?
Silvess (12:07:35 AM): But he knows my situation.
Silvess (12:07:45 AM): Hese the one who helped me get out of it.
Silvess (12:08:32 AM): I felt sorry for her is all. Sick people 24/7, stalkers, fakes, and I really just added to the problem before Anythony came in.
Silvess (12:08:41 AM): Good thing is..
Silvess (12:09:00 AM): SHE NEVER check's these places. Maybe one place once a year if they are lucky.
CasMosheddy (12:09:28 AM): so you beleived the fake rumours of her being a lesbian that have been tiresomely posted over and over for the past 3 years?
Silvess (12:09:44 AM): Not at first
Silvess (12:09:53 AM): Then for a few months..
Silvess (12:09:56 AM): Now...no
Silvess (12:10:04 AM): She is not gay.
Silvess (12:10:12 AM): Amanda is not gay.
Silvess (12:10:32 AM): The gay stuff was all Stodghill.
Silvess (12:10:55 AM): Don't even ask why he tried so hard to prove them gay becuase I have no damn idea.
CasMosheddy (12:11:08 AM): how old are you?
Silvess (12:11:18 AM): 19
Silvess (12:11:21 AM): Why??
CasMosheddy (12:11:39 AM): I could expect a 14 year old to fall for such nonsense but not a 19 year old
Silvess (12:12:04 AM): I'm gullible. XD
Silvess (12:12:16 AM): But nor do I really care now.
CasMosheddy (12:12:35 AM): no, its not gullible. you wanted it to be her that badly and you loved the attention. you wre greedy
Silvess (12:12:48 AM): Erm...
Silvess (12:12:50 AM): No...
CasMosheddy (12:12:57 AM): you don't care now because you feel like such a fool and not caring is the easiest way out
CasMosheddy (12:13:09 AM): have you atleast learnt from your mistake?
Silvess (12:13:17 AM): I hated the attention, but I really didnt get much.
Silvess (12:13:36 AM): It wasnt a mistake. It is a computer. lmao
Silvess (12:14:03 AM): It's not like the comp is going to reach out, and smack me.
CasMosheddy (12:14:19 AM): such a mistake that you destroyed an entire community of honest fans just so you could have the fake all to yourself
CasMosheddy (12:14:47 AM): your failure to learn from lifes lessons sickens me
Silvess (12:15:47 AM): I never did anything. Stodghill hacked it, and I ran it, becuase they said that Sara turned it over to them, and with control over Saras Youtube, and her account, it was convincing. I said sorry to Sara, but with my luck her account had already been hacked, and she never logged on MSN again.
CasMosheddy (12:16:30 AM): lol, stodghill is not a hacker. hes a stalker. you gave him the forum and everyone knows it
Silvess (12:16:58 AM): Erm...how? I was a mod?? He promoted me to admin AFTER the forum was hacked.
Silvess (12:17:13 AM): lol
Silvess (12:17:26 AM): You really didnt research this very good did you? lol
Silvess (12:18:00 AM): And yes, Stodghill is a hacker. EVERYONE that knows of him knows that.
CasMosheddy (12:18:06 AM): I know enough to know there is one idiot in this chat window and its not me
Silvess (12:18:47 AM): Thank's Dave. You done now?
CasMosheddy (12:19:14 AM): nope. I joined the forum while the fake was there and warned you personally, and you ignored it
CasMosheddy (12:19:19 AM): many people warned you
CasMosheddy (12:19:30 AM): you're a fuking liar
Silvess (12:19:46 AM): Liar?
Silvess (12:20:23 AM): About what!? Everything I said is true. I convinced people it was real, becuase I was convinced that it was real. Anthony is not mad at me, and nor is anyone else.
Silvess (12:20:27 AM): Only you...
Silvess (12:20:41 AM): And you...
Silvess (12:20:53 AM): I don't even know so why should I care again?
CasMosheddy (12:22:49 AM): well its about time you should care more. think next time before you ruin a persons reputation, and a community of fans whom rely on you to uphold your forum in a responsible manner
CasMosheddy (12:23:37 AM): I mean, did it never even cross your mind that 15 year olds can not marry!?
Silvess (12:23:53 AM): Listen dude. Sorry if this hurt you in any way. I didnt mean to, and I can't change what I have done. I can't be tricked again, and I don't even hang around Julianna fan sites.
Silvess (12:24:33 AM): I never thought she was married. I just thought that maybe she wanted to be, and wanted people to think that. It's over now.
CasMosheddy (12:25:39 AM): well, its sad that you've lost faith in julianna over all this. most of the other fans would be a lot more forgiving than I am and would accept you back, IF YOU CARED ENOUGH TO COME BACK
CasMosheddy (12:25:50 AM): not caring is what got you i this trouble in the first place
Silvess (12:26:03 AM): I always cared dude...
Silvess (12:26:18 AM): Caring for Julianna's feelings is what got me in to this.
Silvess (12:27:28 AM): I was willing to do anything to help her, and so I did, and you have no idea of how many stolen pictures, and stalked pictures this dude really had. He had me convinced for awhile.
Silvess (12:28:22 AM): And incase you want to know, from REALL GOOD word, Stodghill is being handled or by now may even be handled.
CasMosheddy (12:28:34 AM): you see, when i see a stolen picture of julianna's, you know what i do? I FUKIN SAVE IT. you know why? so i can have an upper hand at dealing with dipshit stodghill
CasMosheddy (12:28:55 AM): I've helped to drive him out of getlazy twice before
Silvess (12:29:23 AM): And really. I'm sorry to anyone I hurt.
Silvess (12:29:52 AM): But really...
Silvess (12:30:07 AM): Julianna never pays attention to any of this.
CasMosheddy (12:30:18 AM): shes a busy gal
Silvess (12:31:40 AM): She loves her fans I'm sure, but she is busy. Dance, and everything. Anthony just laughd at my stories, and to be honest, I just couldnt figure out why someone tried to fake being her. She had not even had a successfull movie yet. lol
CasMosheddy (12:32:29 AM): you know stodghills story?
Silvess (12:32:51 AM): Besides, after Kristen heard this, she said that she would try to get Juli to get a vid saying that she has no accounts any of these websites.
Silvess (12:33:08 AM): Anythony wont like that to well, but that's all Kristen...
Silvess (12:33:39 AM): And yes, I know Stodghill's story..
CasMosheddy (12:33:48 AM): then youll know why he did it
Silvess (12:34:24 AM): I spoke to him AFTER he was confirmed fake. He is an evil person, and I still don't know why he did it.
CasMosheddy (12:34:34 AM): lol, what did he say?
Silvess (12:35:03 AM): Oh, he was a paparazzi member named Jackson Lee then.
Silvess (12:35:14 AM): Whatever... >_>
Silvess (12:36:08 AM): I know he has a daughter or something, but that can't be why he did this. I mean, why fake Julianna, and not the girl off of harry potter. She is a bigger threat to his daughters career then Julianna.
CasMosheddy (12:37:12 AM): basically, he tried to make his daughter famous. you know those kinda parents that push their kids too hard? he wanted success more than his daughter. when faced with rejection, he lashed out at other young actresses
CasMosheddy (12:37:54 AM): well the girl off harry potter is british for starters. julianna is the most direct competition
Silvess (12:38:14 AM): lol
Silvess (12:38:19 AM): Not really
Silvess (12:38:30 AM): She wont be acting forever most likely.
CasMosheddy (12:38:38 AM): julianna?
Silvess (12:38:45 AM): Yea
CasMosheddy (12:39:11 AM): only those that have lost hope would say that. I think she really loves what shes doing and will continue
CasMosheddy (12:39:31 AM): the worst thing that could happen to her is she gets a boyfriend and gets pregnant
CasMosheddy (12:39:41 AM): but i prefer to remain optimistic
Silvess (12:40:14 AM): Lost faith? You make it sound as though I am some huge Lazy Town fan. I'm not.
CasMosheddy (12:40:33 AM): what are you doing here in the first place then?
Silvess (12:40:55 AM): Don't even care for the show. She seemed to do good in what I have seen, but I am no Lazy Town fan.
Silvess (12:41:32 AM): I have explained before. My friend Dave help direct me over to a kids show for a game maker project.
Silvess (12:41:45 AM): I looked in to Lazy Town.
Silvess (12:42:09 AM): I tried find Stephanie pics for a sprite, and came across the girl WITHOUT the wig.
Silvess (12:42:59 AM): I was like "Wow, that's her.", but I thought she was 14 at first, and I was 18. I started taking up for her at DLT after seeing the way people treated this kid, and found out she was 16.
Silvess (12:43:02 AM): All on DLT.
Silvess (12:43:10 AM): Just look up my first post.
Silvess (12:43:32 AM): I made games, and was trying to make one that more kids would pay attention to.
CasMosheddy (12:44:06 AM): cant beleie you posted on DLT, stodghills breeding ground... and you still couldnt tell it was a fake
Silvess (12:44:56 AM): Here lately I dedicated my time to more action adventure games based off of the formula of Maple Story. Point is, I didnt read everything on DLT. Just saw some sick freaks.
Silvess (12:45:12 AM): http://a972.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/im ... e69683.png
Silvess (12:45:45 AM): See that? My project before I got to deep in to my life. Now I am hardly on the comp. This is why...
CasMosheddy (12:45:45 AM): you do know that most of the sick freaks are probably the tamest ones?
CasMosheddy (12:45:57 AM): mostly, the will post to get a rise out of people
Silvess (12:46:36 AM): Yea, but I just played along. I never wanted to make enemies, but I did OF COURSE.
Silvess (12:46:48 AM): Are you MacMike or whatever?
Silvess (12:47:04 AM): Seth's old bud?
CasMosheddy (12:47:15 AM): i dont know what macmike is. you mean lazymacmatt?
Silvess (12:47:38 AM): Yea, Mike from Get Lazy.
CasMosheddy (12:47:44 AM): i know seth. me and him talked before he left
CasMosheddy (12:47:48 AM): i dont know mike
Silvess (12:47:51 AM): Use to be an admin.
CasMosheddy (12:47:59 AM): edis? samada?
CasMosheddy (12:48:08 AM): oh, no thats matt
CasMosheddy (12:48:31 AM): no, matt has me blocked atm. think i said somethign about his girlfriend
Silvess (12:48:43 AM): Well listen.
Silvess (12:48:51 AM): If I wanted to meet Julianna, I could.
CasMosheddy (12:48:54 AM): oh no, he banned me for posting a picture of staphanies head on a pornstars body lol
CasMosheddy (12:49:17 AM): im sure we all could silvess, im sure we all could
Silvess (12:49:23 AM): I have been in Queens for a few weeks now, and she don't live to far down. I CHOOSE not to now.
Silvess (12:49:32 AM): It would seem freaky, get it?
CasMosheddy (12:49:47 AM): she could get a restraining order on you
Silvess (12:49:56 AM): You don't beleive me, but I could.
Silvess (12:50:12 AM): Her bro don't care, and I just don't want to.
CasMosheddy (12:51:09 AM): I talked with him earlier about world of warcraft. we both have 5 level 70 characters
Silvess (12:51:11 AM): If I was as freaky as Stodghill, I know her adress. NO DAMN WAY I would ever go near her though, even if she didnt care. It's not my place.
CasMosheddy (12:51:14 AM): thats a lot of warcraft
CasMosheddy (12:51:26 AM): our combined game time probably goes over a years worth of play
Silvess (12:51:38 AM): Awesome
Silvess (12:51:43 AM): Heard he liked it.
Silvess (12:52:11 AM): Or whatver. He told me he played comp games. I don't talk to him much.
Silvess (12:52:37 AM): And STODGHILL gave me Julianna's adress. Luckily, I'm not like him.
Silvess (12:52:48 AM): Get it? I'm not a threat...
CasMosheddy (12:53:28 AM): lol, none of us want to appear that way
Silvess (12:53:43 AM): I really am not.
Silvess (12:53:47 AM): If I was...
CasMosheddy (12:53:58 AM): even if you were, i wouldnt be able to do anything about it so you dont have to justify yourself to me in that reguard
Silvess (12:54:56 AM): I could ruin her with three pics that Stodghill gave me. I choose not to becuase it is wrong, and evil. I am not that way, and she is just a kid. She don' derve the hell people TRIED to put on her.
Silvess (12:55:39 AM): I understand this. That's why I leave anything to do with her alone. It only bugs thing's supporting her.
CasMosheddy (12:56:26 AM): describe the pics. i know you wont send them so describe them
Silvess (12:56:37 AM): Naked photos
CasMosheddy (12:56:49 AM): i realy dont beleive you there
Silvess (12:56:53 AM): I never would save them, but Stodgh got them.
Silvess (12:57:14 AM): Her in the shower. It was wrong to HAVE EVER even seen them.
CasMosheddy (12:57:23 AM): i think it was another case of you seeing what you wanted to see. ask yourself, why would he have naked pictures?
Silvess (12:57:39 AM): Amanda...
CasMosheddy (12:57:56 AM): oh, amanda naked? so not julianna?
Silvess (12:58:12 AM): They were not fake like that head shot photo with the sign. That's when I started NOT beleiving it was her.
Silvess (12:58:51 AM): They were of Julianna. I never saved them.
CasMosheddy (12:59:23 AM): why wuld a fake julianna want to blackmail herself? lmao its just hysterically funny!
Silvess (12:59:44 AM): I didnt even feel right looking. Stodghill kept saying "Oh quit acting like an angel. All guys like this stuff."
CasMosheddy (1:00:10 AM): no silvess, you felt fine looking, just like you felt fine letting the fake takeover, admit it
Silvess (1:00:18 AM): I stopped beleiving before the pics were given.
Silvess (1:00:40 AM): Never. I never felt fine over any of it.
Silvess (1:00:48 AM): If I did...
Silvess (1:01:24 AM): Would I have shared everything with Anthony?
CasMosheddy (1:01:34 AM): yeah, so what youre saying is, you looked only long enough to assume the pictures were real? think your eyes were playing tricks on you
Silvess (1:01:46 AM): Would I have kept contacting him if I thought for 100% it was real?
Silvess (1:02:15 AM): Perhaps.
Silvess (1:02:21 AM): Maybe they were fake.
Silvess (1:02:32 AM): Let you go with that one, and me to.
CasMosheddy (1:02:33 AM): no, there is no maybe. they were fake.
Silvess (1:02:48 AM): Ok
Silvess (1:02:56 AM): No arguing on that one.
CasMosheddy (1:03:09 AM): you got any nudes of yourself silvess?
Silvess (1:03:26 AM): Erm...no...
CasMosheddy (1:03:40 AM): you know anyone who has naked pictures of themselves on their computers?
Silvess (1:03:51 AM): Amanda
CasMosheddy (1:04:01 AM): its not a normal thing people do is it? unless your name is vanessa hudgens
Silvess (1:04:09 AM): Ask Justin from getlazy.
Silvess (1:04:49 AM): He has seen Amanda's shots, and it just so happens that she is a little wild, and is Julianna's best friend.
Silvess (1:05:08 AM): SHE HAS kissed Julianna before. NO she is not gay, but she does that.
CasMosheddy (1:05:21 AM): what a whore...
CasMosheddy (1:05:47 AM): anyway, knowing stodghill, if he has more pics, no matter what their content, they will pop up again
Silvess (1:06:03 AM): Also kissed alot of other friends. And YES I do beleive that they probably shoot photos of each other at times.
CasMosheddy (1:06:06 AM): and ill be there to critic if they are real or not
Silvess (1:07:21 AM): Nothing fake about these photos I saw. Do you think I was stupid enough not to run them through note pad like I did that fake headshot?
Silvess (1:07:52 AM): Headshot was fake 100%
Silvess (1:08:08 AM): These were not, and if they were, they were the best fakes I HAVE EVER seen.
CasMosheddy (1:08:24 AM): none of the pictures stodghill has posted before have been shopped but what he does do is post lookalikes. i doubt your eyes are trained enough to tell julianna from other similar looking girls
Silvess (1:08:27 AM): Stodghill's not that good. I have seen like three of his fakes...
Silvess (1:08:29 AM): He sucks..
Silvess (1:09:12 AM): One other person saw them.
Silvess (1:09:55 AM): Her name is simbiani. I gave them to her with blocks covering the privates, but showed her it was Julianna. Ask her if she think's it was her.
Silvess (1:10:33 AM): Hell, she might have even saved the photos, but could she trust ever letting you see them?
CasMosheddy (1:10:44 AM): that girl freaks me out. she always seems to have this private content
Silvess (1:11:07 AM): She is the biggest fan of Julianna ever. Kind of like Sara.
Silvess (1:11:24 AM): Well not as bad as Sara, but kind of..
CasMosheddy (1:12:03 AM): so you did save them. isnt it funny how the story changes when your intentions change?
Silvess (1:12:17 AM): Never saved them.
Silvess (1:12:30 AM): Not for my own sites.
Silvess (1:12:57 AM): I took them after I recieved them, blocked them out, and sent them to Simbiani during the chat. I have her aim.
Silvess (1:13:03 AM): I let her do the rest.
CasMosheddy (1:13:13 AM): so you saved them to your computer? how else would you run them through paint? print screen?
Silvess (1:13:14 AM): They are gone. Gone gone gone.
Silvess (1:13:48 AM): Yea, long enough to send them out. Never kept them for my own if that's what your asking.
CasMosheddy (1:14:03 AM): so you deleted them?
Silvess (1:14:10 AM): Simbiani is the only one with them now IF she kept them.
Silvess (1:14:32 AM): Yea, they are deleted. You think I would have kept them on my comp?? lmao
Silvess (1:14:38 AM): I would have been screwed!
Silvess (1:14:50 AM): No nude chicks on my comp for good reasons.
CasMosheddy (1:14:53 AM): great! that means they still exist somewhere on your computer!
Silvess (1:15:11 AM): They are deleted...
CasMosheddy (1:15:51 AM): its common knowledge that everything you delete is still on your hard drive until that space is over written or its formatted
CasMosheddy (1:16:29 AM): sure they have to be recovered but your pc is a ticking time bomb as far as the FBI is concerned
Silvess (1:16:39 AM): That's nice, I don't want them back. She was 16 in the photos. Kiddy porn dude. Not happening with me.
CasMosheddy (1:17:10 AM): teenage nudity* actually
CasMosheddy (1:17:21 AM): but yeah, can still get YOU in deep shit
CasMosheddy (1:17:39 AM): i'd format my harddrive if I were you
Silvess (1:17:56 AM): I saved them before veiwing. He sent them via aim.
Silvess (1:18:21 AM): After seeing what they were, I sent them to Simbiani, and let her see them, then poof! Gone!
CasMosheddy (1:18:58 AM): their first destination will be youre "my recieved folder" where did you save the edited pictures? thats atleast 2 sets of caches now. FBI wont like that
Silvess (1:19:28 AM): Why would the FBI be searching my computer?
CasMosheddy (1:19:37 AM): simbiani willonly have the edited photos, so shes in the clear. either way, she got them from YOU
Silvess (1:19:50 AM): Really, they are gone now.
CasMosheddy (1:19:57 AM): the FBI could have been watching the transaction between you both
CasMosheddy (1:20:13 AM): you dont have to remind me. depends how cautious you are
Silvess (1:20:34 AM): I'm fine, and I am not that way. I know you don't know me...
Silvess (1:21:06 AM): But I am not a sick guy that look's at that crap. Stodghill "Playing Julianna" actually tended to get mad at me for being to nice.
CasMosheddy (1:21:49 AM): that is true. to fight a monster, you must first BECOME a monster
Silvess (1:22:32 AM): Look? I'm not a horrible person ok? Maybe a little stupid at times, but I am not mean. I always like doing the right thing. I tried hard, but I failed. I have to accept that.
Silvess (1:23:09 AM): I will NEVER be a monster. As I ALWAYS say. Forgive & forget.
CasMosheddy (1:23:24 AM): forget and stop caring?
CasMosheddy (1:23:41 AM): forget and give up?
CasMosheddy (1:23:45 AM): forget and lose hope?
Silvess (1:25:11 AM): Hope? What hope!? Julianna is a human, and nothing more. I hope she continues acting, but I have nothing to do with her. I have to accept that. I'm not her friend, don't know her, and that's it. I wish her the best for her future, and that's it.
CasMosheddy (1:26:07 AM): so did simbiani confirm the pictures as fakes or reals?
Silvess (1:26:37 AM): She acted very surprised, becuase she knew they had to be real.
Silvess (1:28:26 AM): Those photos will NEVER get out by me. I stake my life on that.
CasMosheddy (1:28:38 AM): cool, I'll get in contact with her next then
Silvess (1:28:56 AM): Cool
Silvess (1:29:02 AM): But why?
CasMosheddy (1:29:20 AM): because i have nothing better to do
Silvess (1:29:28 AM): Do you know Julianna? Amanda?
Silvess (1:29:54 AM): If not then this is pointless. I warned Amanda about what had happened. You know what she said to me?
Silvess (1:30:07 AM): "Ok"
Silvess (1:30:27 AM): That was it. She don't care, and Julianna don't care so why should I?
CasMosheddy (1:31:02 AM): she is very flip like that. doesnt really care what happens if alcohol isnt involved
Silvess (1:31:34 AM): She is a cool person...
Silvess (1:31:46 AM): She is just a little wild right now.
CasMosheddy (1:31:52 AM): yes "ok" is a cool and simple reply
CasMosheddy (1:32:02 AM): was seh wearing e-glasses?
Silvess (1:32:13 AM): I have spoke to her about 7 times before dude.
Silvess (1:33:07 AM): She kept saying she didnt know this fake Julianna, and the fake Julianna said she was being very protective over her. Really seemed true becuase of her careless attitude.
CasMosheddy (1:33:51 AM): did you approach amanda about these supposed nude pictures?
Silvess (1:33:53 AM): I did some childish invistigating before I spoke to Amanda about it being fake.
Silvess (1:34:44 AM): I asked her if Julianna had ever mentiond me, and she said no. I began questioning a lot of stuff before I confronted stodghill on it.
Silvess (1:35:03 AM): Simbiani has spoke to Kristen.
Silvess (1:35:10 AM): I never have.
Silvess (1:36:23 AM): During my first convo with Amanda, she said "Your weird. Why the **** am I still talking to you?"
Silvess (1:36:44 AM): I had to explain why I even contacted her aim.
Silvess (1:36:59 AM): Becuase it did seem creepy. XD
CasMosheddy (1:37:14 AM): should have said to her "YOU'RE ****ED!"
Silvess (1:37:25 AM): Why?
Silvess (1:37:40 AM): What's wrong with her? She is wild yes...
Silvess (1:38:29 AM): You should have been at some of the party's I have performed for for a cheap buck. WAY wilder people then her.
CasMosheddy (1:39:54 AM): you kow what I do to people like that? I punch them in the ****ing face!
Silvess (1:40:21 AM): That's strange...
Silvess (1:40:50 AM): So you would punch a chick in the face for being wild?
Silvess (1:40:56 AM): You a chick or something?
CasMosheddy (1:41:25 AM): yeah man, i don't need their bullshit personality in my personal space, know what i'm saying?
Silvess (1:41:48 AM): So you are a girl?
CasMosheddy (1:42:02 AM): do i sound like a girl?
Silvess (1:42:49 AM): If you would punch a chick, yea...
Silvess (1:42:52 AM): So are you?
CasMosheddy (1:43:35 AM): we live in a society where men and women are equal. i excercise that right, as a male, to beat the shit out of men AND women, equally
CasMosheddy (1:43:46 AM): know what im saying?
Silvess (1:43:53 AM): That's wrong
Silvess (1:44:49 AM): Girls are not built like guy's in mass. In other words, unless you find a girl that is like ripped, you have the upper hand. Kind of like shot to the nuts. It's wrong.
Silvess (1:45:17 AM): You don't hit women. If you do, you are not a very good person.
CasMosheddy (1:45:28 AM): life isnt fair kid, yooull learn that in time. i mean, I'm a pretty big guy but that doesnt stop me from living my life to the full
Silvess (1:45:59 AM): If I women smacks you that has no good reason to, you grab her arm, and push her off.
Silvess (1:46:18 AM): And Anthony plays WoW with you?
CasMosheddy (1:46:21 AM): good person? shit son, go read some books on moral relativism and existentialism. opens your mind, shit right there
Silvess (1:46:36 AM): Have you told him that you fight girls when they make you mad?
CasMosheddy (1:47:20 AM): me and anthony go 2-manning karazhan
Silvess (1:47:24 AM): Ima ask Anthony who you are. Now you have me wondering.
CasMosheddy (1:47:25 AM): heroic
Silvess (1:49:17 AM): I'll ask him...
Silvess (1:49:38 AM): No offense, but I am sort of tired of beleiving people via word ya know? Get me?
CasMosheddy (1:51:24 AM): consumerism, the sickness which affects us all
Silvess (1:51:45 AM): I don't think Anthony knows your aim dude...
CasMosheddy (1:52:21 AM): thats funny, cause hes not even home atm
Silvess (1:52:41 AM): Yea, he has no replied.
Silvess (1:52:57 AM): That's why I am assuming he don't know you.
Silvess (1:53:10 AM): When he tell's me he knows you then fine.
Silvess (1:53:31 AM): If he don't then, I will assume you to be Stodghill.
CasMosheddy (1:53:59 AM): time for me to make my exit, cya
Silvess (1:54:34 AM): lol
Silvess (1:54:37 AM): Exactly
Silvess (1:54:56 AM): Stodghill...
CasMosheddy (1:55:24 AM): ?
Silvess (1:55:48 AM): That's who I think you are.
Silvess (1:56:13 AM): Remeber what you said? I am stupid for beleiving stuff at 19. Well now I don't.
Silvess (1:56:27 AM): As I said. I can't be tricked again.
Silvess (1:56:46 AM): You can't blame me. XD
CasMosheddy (1:57:40 AM): the cops took my computer. I'll need those images back from you if I'm to continue my operation
Silvess (1:58:05 AM): Huh?
Silvess (1:58:28 AM): Listen, you can't keep pulling me in to this dude.
Silvess (1:58:57 AM): I am off of the Julianna stuff. I hardly get on the comp anymore. Why do u think that is?
Silvess (1:59:54 AM): I don't want fame, and I don't care. Everything I have said to you is true. You can say I am full of shit all you like, but it's true. I am not evil.
Silvess (2:00:18 AM): If I was evil then I would be posting photos everywhere..
Silvess (2:00:25 AM): Not happening.
Silvess (2:00:41 AM): I'm not a hero. I'm just some dude. That's it.
CasMosheddy (2:01:09 AM): I'm not asking you to be evil. I just want back what is mine
Silvess (2:01:29 AM): I deleted those photos.
Silvess (2:01:33 AM): Gone!
Silvess (2:01:56 AM): Dave, you should drop it dude. Why continue this? Gosh..
CasMosheddy (2:02:21 AM): You don't know how hard it is
CasMosheddy (2:02:29 AM): just give me the pictures
Silvess (2:02:39 AM): Don't have them.
CasMosheddy (2:03:23 AM): then give me the ones you do have
Silvess (2:03:30 AM): lol
Silvess (2:03:44 AM): Honest, I don't keep photos of Julianna on my computer.
Silvess (2:04:07 AM): I have uploaded like 5 in my Youtube, and then deleted them like 2 days later.
Silvess (2:04:28 AM): Think I want that stuff getting out?
CasMosheddy (2:04:54 AM): why to youtube?
Silvess (2:05:16 AM): Easy to delte afterwords.
Silvess (2:05:20 AM): "Delete"
Silvess (2:05:39 AM): And I have all of the photos on one vid so that the images are compressed.
Silvess (2:05:45 AM): Then bam!
Silvess (2:05:48 AM): Deleted
CasMosheddy (2:05:56 AM): so those were your videos? everyone thought they were me lol
Silvess (2:06:22 AM): No they were not mine. Mine were provate. Friends only.
Silvess (2:06:48 AM): From a diffrent account, not my known one. Just for like Simbiani to take a look at.
Silvess (2:08:04 AM): Why in the world do you choose to make yourslef look bad dude?
Silvess (2:08:09 AM): Start over.
CasMosheddy (2:09:04 AM): I can't time in prison meant I will never be respected again. all I can do is hide behind other personas. even then its hard with these vultures following me around, ruining my plans...
Silvess (2:09:34 AM): Quit with it.
Silvess (2:09:38 AM): You CAN!
Silvess (2:10:02 AM): Quit turning yourself in to something you know you should not be.
Silvess (2:10:29 AM): Be the "Good Guy" for once dude...
CasMosheddy (2:11:01 AM): good guys never gain anything. i want respect! for once in my ****ing life!
Silvess (2:12:03 AM): Being David Stodghill will never get you anywhere. At least not the David Stodghill you choose to be.
Silvess (2:12:39 AM): Being Julianna will get you know respect. The truth is, she don't have that many fans that REALLY are fanatics.
CasMosheddy (2:12:41 AM): type my name into google. this is who I am and nothing will change that
Silvess (2:13:00 AM): No...
Silvess (2:13:04 AM): That's not true...
Silvess (2:13:13 AM): You can be somebody ya know?
Silvess (2:13:25 AM): Don't scam..
Silvess (2:13:29 AM): Don't lie...
Silvess (2:14:01 AM): Just be somebody. Find a REAL interest you want to take in, and do it. Not stalking, and shooting photos.
CasMosheddy (2:14:06 AM): scamming is hard. i am good at it. you would too if you knew what i know
Silvess (2:14:36 AM): No I wouldnt. Even if it got me $1000000000000000....
Silvess (2:14:46 AM): I don't care about that crap.
Silvess (2:14:59 AM): You may think that EVERYONE does, but that's not true.
CasMosheddy (2:15:56 AM): I may feel differently now, but tomorrow I'll wake up and I'll continue my routine.
Silvess (2:16:18 AM): You never feel different about this stuff...
Silvess (2:16:41 AM): It's one thing to say "Quit being evil" but it's another thing to do it.
Silvess (2:17:19 AM): You met me. You thought I was just another guy JUST LIKE everyone else. You were wrong.
Silvess (2:17:34 AM): I was tricked becuase I'm to damn nice.
Silvess (2:17:50 AM): After that, I still forgave you.
Silvess (2:18:08 AM): I hated what you did, but did I ever crush your name?
Silvess (2:18:10 AM): NO!
Silvess (2:18:59 AM): No such thing as a hero...
Silvess (2:19:16 AM): But anyone can do something right.
Silvess (2:19:25 AM): And not have to lie about it.
CasMosheddy (2:20:19 AM): are you a christian?
Silvess (2:20:25 AM): Not really
Silvess (2:20:36 AM): Not a deep one.
Silvess (2:21:13 AM): Not the kind you see praying over everything. Sometimes I question if God is real, but it's not for me to question.
Silvess (2:21:22 AM): I just believe in what's right.
CasMosheddy (2:21:49 AM): good, dont lose your faith over this, because I'm about to post this all on getlazy for the lawls
Silvess (2:22:15 AM): Go for it.
Silvess (2:22:24 AM): I am an idiot. You think I care?
Silvess (2:22:30 AM): What you did was wrong...
Silvess (2:22:37 AM): You shouldnt have done it...
Silvess (2:22:44 AM): But everyone can change...
Silvess (2:22:58 AM): And do you think this will make me look bad?
Silvess (2:23:01 AM): lol
Silvess (2:23:27 AM): An idiot maybe, but it will just make you look worse dude. Quit beating yourself up...
CasMosheddy (2:23:46 AM): I mean, I'm not david stodghill. I'm an active member of the getlazy community http://ytmnd.com/users/Mosheddy/
Silvess (2:24:19 AM): Your Dave...
Silvess (2:24:25 AM): Drop it...
CasMosheddy (2:24:38 AM): lmao oh christ, now I see why this was so easy for him
Silvess (2:24:56 AM): Yea, everyone knows Anthony play's WoW...
Silvess (2:25:06 AM): Everyone points out locations..
Silvess (2:25:15 AM): And everyone types just like Dave.
Silvess (2:29:52 AM): If your not Dave then now you know what kind of person I am right?
Silvess (2:29:55 AM): Got it?
CasMosheddy (2:30:37 AM): yep, thanks for being such a good sport about it
Silvess (2:30:59 AM): lol
Silvess (2:31:07 AM): Thank's... >_>
Silvess (2:31:30 AM): It's getting removed though. : )
Silvess (2:31:36 AM): Uses my aim name. lol
Silvess (2:31:43 AM): Smart move there.
CasMosheddy (2:32:07 AM): guess who gave me your name
Silvess (2:32:34 AM): No idea
CasMosheddy (2:32:42 AM): anthony
Silvess (2:33:25 AM): Whatever. Getting removed. Don't care about people seeing my convo, but my name I want removed.
Silvess (2:33:36 AM): Hell I might tell AOL to leave the convo...
Silvess (2:33:46 AM): XD
Silvess (2:34:10 AM): Explains who I am. And your no friend of Anthony's I suppose...
CasMosheddy (2:34:57 AM): anthony and I got something more than friendship, the hardships of leveling 5 lvl 70's on world of warcraft, ya dig?
Silvess (2:38:57 AM): That's cool, AS long as you not really Dave...
CasMosheddy (2:39:16 AM): np
Silvess (2:39:28 AM): You posting that 4 real?
Silvess (2:39:52 AM): I kind of wanted to tell everyone the truth on getlazy, but not like that ya know?
Silvess (2:39:58 AM): Ask Justin..
Silvess (2:40:04 AM): Already had plans on it...
CasMosheddy (2:40:12 AM): you're free to join then
CasMosheddy (2:40:25 AM): tbh, knowing getlazy, they will just want the nudes
Silvess (2:40:43 AM): At least now you know I am telling the truth about being gullible, and to nice. XD
Silvess (2:41:06 AM): Erm...
Silvess (2:41:25 AM): Some thing's I said to you were tricks. I thought you were Dave...
Silvess (2:41:32 AM): XD
Silvess (2:41:56 AM): Best delete the convo though. I would like to tell everyone on my own. >_>
CasMosheddy (2:42:25 AM): sorry, but im posting it
CasMosheddy (2:43:26 AM): here, this will make you feel better http://stephaniecame.ytmnd.com/
Silvess (2:43:38 AM): Not looking
Silvess (2:43:53 AM): Not that way, and I can tell by the title it's sick...
CasMosheddy (2:44:21 AM): its a direct rip from the show, just pulled out of context. just click it
Silvess (2:44:42 AM): Julianna nudes were never real btw. I thought if you were Dave, you would contact Simbi about it.
Silvess (2:44:59 AM): But you didnt.
CasMosheddy (2:45:25 AM): I'll let the forum decide if they are real or not
Silvess (2:45:42 AM): You shouldnt...
Silvess (2:45:50 AM): Did I do something to you man?
CasMosheddy (2:46:54 AM): well, you banned nunchakkaz from woj when i was only trying to help with the fake
Silvess (2:47:08 AM): I said I was sorry...
Silvess (2:47:14 AM): I was tricked.
Silvess (2:47:34 AM): I can't help that. I WAS ****ING BANNED! Did you not notice?
Silvess (2:49:40 AM): How do you think I felt to have been banned for my post saying that I was not for sure if it was really Julianna?
Silvess (2:49:51 AM): And I was the admin.