Magnus' Mumsnet Live Interview
This is the order Magnus answered them
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:04:57
Hi mumsnet, it’s Magnus here. Or Sportacus (depending on how you feel about a man in a blue jumpsuit). Thanks for inviting me on the show and fire away!
mummyandproud Tue 22-Jun-10 13:06:48
hi magnsus how are you. you are my sons hero my son is 8 he has special needs he s really active but cant get him to eat veg have you any ideas how i can get him to eat some
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:57
Dear mummyandproud!
My recomendation is to turn it into a game and get him to be involved. There are so many possibilities - for example - if he´s wearing something "blue" he has to have a banana that day - or if you are wearing something "green" - he has to have an apple that day. So .. be inventive
Sonilaa Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:11
Hi Magnus, is your name typical in Iceland? I always thought they always end in -dottir or -son.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:11:25
Hi Sonilaa
You are right - most names end with dottir or son - but some have other kind of last names. We inherited that from the Danish (when they used to control Iceland.)
Cappster Tue 22-Jun-10 11:48:28
Okay am here, very excited
How was working with Jackie Chan in The Spy Next Door? Certainly made my husband's day to take his children to a Jackie Chan film, he's been a fan for years.
And then SPORTACUS turns up in it! Family delight all round! (I too was delighted, because I had a white chocolate Magnum)
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:15:19
Hi Cappster
It was great working with Jackie Chan! It was a dream come true
ShinyAndNew Tue 22-Jun-10 11:15:07
I have a question from dd1 - Did Stephanie do dance classes or was she always good at dancing?
She wants to be a dancer when she grows up, but has given up dance class because they make her do things she can't do very well.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:16:59
Hi ShinyAndNew
Stephanie - the character in LZT - loves to dance as you know. She practises every day Julianna - the acctress - has gone to dance classes and is actually still studying dancing!
lottiejenkins Tue 22-Jun-10 10:33:56
Why is there only one baddy??
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:19:01
Hi lottiejenkins!
Only one baddy?? How many do you want?? Many would say that even one is one too many! But Robbie isn´t really a bad baddy .. is he? :;-)
gemma1061 Tue 22-Jun-10 13:06:53
hello whats the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you?? xx
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:21:51
Hi gemma1061
Well - just last Sunday I locked myself out of the building. It wouldn´t have been a problem usually - but I was only on my towel!! I went out for a breath of fresh air after the sauna. (We have a small Gym and a Sauna at the Studio.) I had to stop the next car and ask him to phone the Security to let me back in! How´s that for embarassing ;-)
TigerFeet Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:58
Ooooh hello
Do you ever want to punch Trixie in the face? She really is annoying isn't she? I am not usually given to violence in the direction of puppets but I could make an exception for her.
I rather suspect you're too nice to go round thumping people though
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:23:44
Dear TigerFeet
Yes, Trixie is energetic but she’s just trying to do her best. There are two puppeteers operating her so I don’t think they would like to be punched though, do you?
tryingabitharder Tue 22-Jun-10 13:19:35
Hi Magnus,
A question that causes lots of arguments in our house - is Stephanie (Julianna) an incredibly mature young girl, or an incredibly youthful looking young woman? ie how old is she? although you'll probably be too nice to answer that
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:25:43
Hi tryingabitharder
My grandmother told me very early - never to discuss the age of woman Julianna started out with is really early. She was an extremely talented as a kid - and now she´s an extremely talented young woman. She leanred to speak Icelandic in 9 months! That must be a record
hawesmead5 Tue 22-Jun-10 10:29:11
My son has a Sportacus dressing up outfit and everytime he plays the music he insists that I have to start dancing around the room and doing push ups!! I'm beginning to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger - Thanks!
Anyway he wants to know what your favourite sports candy is?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:27:56
Hi hawesmead5
I still haven´t met a SportsCandy I don´t like - but I must admit, it took me a little while to get used to Broccoli. I usually have apples laying around - but I try to follow what´s in-season. For example, the Tomatoes are fresh here in Iceland - so alot of Tomatoes in my house
aristocat Tue 22-Jun-10 13:25:49
hello Magnus
did you ever imagine that Lazytown would be so successful?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:30:11
Hi aristocat
Yes ... and no ... I knew there was a "need" for a role model to encourage kids to live a healthy lifestyle but I never imagined the need was this big! We are really really pleased and proud of the success.
solo Tue 22-Jun-10 00:55:08
And I kept my Sportacus obsession secret because I thought I was the only one
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:23
Hi solo
Thanks for being a fan You´re not as a surprised as I am.
luciemule Mon 21-Jun-10 22:51:40
Are you planning on touring in the UK with the live show - my children (oh okay...... and me) were disappointed when we found out it wasn't you who tours in the UK show?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:33:08
Hi luciemule
I´m sorry that I couldn´t take part in the UK live show. I just didn´t have the time as I´m also running the company I hope you all still enjoyed the show.
paisleyleaf Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:53
Hello Magnus.
Is it true that you only got into the whole fitness thing to win a bet?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:35:03
Dear paisleyleaf
Nonono .. I had been teaching Aerobics for quite some time when I went into this bet with my friend. But I guess I went into competitive Aerobics because of the bet.
samsonara Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:29
Hi Magnus, my three dc love sportacus and they particularly liked the episode where you get turned into a younger version of yourself and they would like to see more of little sportacus and also find out how he became a superhero, are there any plans for a sportacus life story?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:37:38
Dear samsonara
We are planning a film about Sportacus! Can´t go into details - but all very exciting.
louii Tue 22-Jun-10 13:32:41
How small was the towel??
You obviously love children Magnus, do you think it's sad, especially in this country, don't know bout Iceland that any man who is affectionate with kids, loves kids etc is viewed somewhat suspiciously, hence hardly any men working in childcare.
AlisonMG Mon 21-Jun-10 21:16:08
Hello Mr Scheving.
Have you heard of Vuvuzela's? If yes, what do you think of them?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:42:11
Hi AlisonMG
I haven´t heard so much about them - but I´ve HEARD THEM If they could play a tune on them - I would like them better.
froggymama Tue 22-Jun-10 13:40:26
Hello, Are you really there, answering us all live? I've gone all starstruck and unnecessary! Anyway, my question which I have put as a thread but you may not get to it as there are so many is...... how can I get a signed photo of you as Sporticus for my daughters room as you are her hero. Whilst writing, I'd just like to say you do an excellent job as my daughter loves sports candy. Hats off to you Magnus. x
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:45:07
Hi froggymama
No problem to get you a signed photo. Please send a request to:
co / Magnus Scheving
Midhraun 4
210 Gardabaer
Would be great if you could send me a drawn picture from your daughter
Remember to send me your address.
For all of you that want a signed photo - please do the same
PerArduaAdNauseum Tue 22-Jun-10 13:39:03
What sort of suppers would Sportacus eat? DS loves fruit and some veg, but when I put stuff into pasta sauces, stews, bakes etc, he gets a lot more fussy and ends up with a cheese sandwich.
So what superhero supper can I force him to eat offer him tonight?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:48:43
Dear PerArduaAdNauseum
You don´t really have to add the Veggies into the food! I would just keep it fresh on the side - that´s at least how I like my Veggies. So tell him - that Sportacus is a little like him - but he doesn´t eat that much of Cheese sandwhiches. Let him choose what he wants - and give him options. Make him the SportsCandy Supervisor of the home
By goblynn Tue 22-Jun-10 13:46:00
Good morning--from the US, at least--are there any plans to make another push into the US markets? I can assure you we need more programming like LT!
PS: You should know: a mutual appreciation of LT (and you) introduced me to someone who's now a very dear friend.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:51:10
Dear goblynn
The American market has been a little hard to us. There are not many TV stations that air children´s material and most of them are owned by BIG corporations. But you know us - we don´t give up - and there´s always a way. The TV rights are free from 2011 and we have plans
Poohbearsmom Mon 21-Jun-10 20:36:23
my boys adore you! You are a great role model my almost 4 yo LOVES apples all because of you
my only problem is you eat the apple straight from the tree without washing it so my son will not believe me they have to be washed before we eat them... So i have to wash all the apples before fill the fruit bowel in case he's finding something difficult and grabs an apple for himself would it be possible someday to have an episode saying all the fruit in lazytown is pre washed or something??
Anyways your a great man youv created a wonderful thing and watching my boys trying to do hand stands and be like you has made me a very happy person so thank you so much
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:55:58
Dear Poohbearsmom
believe me - this is one of the problems we didn´t expect to run into. For example, we had to edit all our episodes to show that Sportacus buckles up when he jumps into his airship. Unfortunately, we couldn´t edit-in the cleaning of fruits - which is important of course. Thanks for pointing this out and I will keep it in mind
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:56:48
Hey everyone
Don´t worry about posting fees.
colditz Sun 20-Jun-10 15:18:55
mr Scheving
What physical activities would you recommend for a boy who might well be the clumsiest 7 year old in the world?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:03:10
Dear colditz
I understand that not all kids love sports - and are not "good" at moving. There motor-skills are just a bit off. I always reccomend a trip to the swimming pool - and PLAY in the pool. Throw a ball etc. It´s easier to move in water - and slowly he will get a better feel for his body. Taking walks together is also a good starting point. Maybe hiking a little - it will imporve his motor skills. If he wants to go into sports - and maybe doesn´t like "ball sports" - I recomend things like Karate and Judo!
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:05:44
Just so you know ..
I´m still here and have 30 minutes more! A meeting got delayed.
froggymama Tue 22-Jun-10 14:00:19
I've got a friend who's doing a half marathon (she's a bit of a sporticus herself) and she's running for the NSPCC so I shall throw a tenner her way in lieu of your photo. As a matter of interest are you a president/icon for a charity at all?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:07:31
Dear froggymama
Unicef and SportRelief are the ones we´ve worked the most with.
PhoenixReborn Sun 20-Jun-10 12:52:24
How many hours do you train per week to keep in shape?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:12:57
Dear PhoenixReborn
Actually - I don´t "train" that often these days - but I´m constantly moving. When I was younger I "trained" a lot more. now, I take a few push-ups when I feel like it - or pressups in the chair! There is no excuse to not move
chegirlmonkeybutt Sat 19-Jun-10 21:49:04
Does Sportacus eat pasta?
My son says no because you do not appear to have cooking facilities on the air ship.
I say yes because I want him to eat his pasta.
You may remember my son. He was the one trying to jump off the balcony when Lazy Town Live was on at the Hackney Empire (the second time he went we got seats downstairs, far safer)
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:17:42
Dear chegirlmonkeybutt
Sportacus eats Pasta It´s one of his favorite foods as you can mix and turn it into so many delicious dishes. Just don´t eat too much of it - but that goes for everything. Balance is the key. It´s boring to show him cooking ;) but of course he has special cooking facilities built into his airship.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:21:44
Well - it´s time for me to take off! This has been great fun and I want to thank you all for sending me questions. I´m happy to answer more questions anytime Have a great day everyone.
This is the order Magnus answered them
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:04:57
Hi mumsnet, it’s Magnus here. Or Sportacus (depending on how you feel about a man in a blue jumpsuit). Thanks for inviting me on the show and fire away!
mummyandproud Tue 22-Jun-10 13:06:48
hi magnsus how are you. you are my sons hero my son is 8 he has special needs he s really active but cant get him to eat veg have you any ideas how i can get him to eat some
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:57
Dear mummyandproud!
My recomendation is to turn it into a game and get him to be involved. There are so many possibilities - for example - if he´s wearing something "blue" he has to have a banana that day - or if you are wearing something "green" - he has to have an apple that day. So .. be inventive
Sonilaa Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:11
Hi Magnus, is your name typical in Iceland? I always thought they always end in -dottir or -son.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:11:25
Hi Sonilaa
You are right - most names end with dottir or son - but some have other kind of last names. We inherited that from the Danish (when they used to control Iceland.)
Cappster Tue 22-Jun-10 11:48:28
Okay am here, very excited
How was working with Jackie Chan in The Spy Next Door? Certainly made my husband's day to take his children to a Jackie Chan film, he's been a fan for years.
And then SPORTACUS turns up in it! Family delight all round! (I too was delighted, because I had a white chocolate Magnum)
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:15:19
Hi Cappster
It was great working with Jackie Chan! It was a dream come true
ShinyAndNew Tue 22-Jun-10 11:15:07
I have a question from dd1 - Did Stephanie do dance classes or was she always good at dancing?
She wants to be a dancer when she grows up, but has given up dance class because they make her do things she can't do very well.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:16:59
Hi ShinyAndNew
Stephanie - the character in LZT - loves to dance as you know. She practises every day Julianna - the acctress - has gone to dance classes and is actually still studying dancing!
lottiejenkins Tue 22-Jun-10 10:33:56
Why is there only one baddy??
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:19:01
Hi lottiejenkins!
Only one baddy?? How many do you want?? Many would say that even one is one too many! But Robbie isn´t really a bad baddy .. is he? :;-)
gemma1061 Tue 22-Jun-10 13:06:53
hello whats the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you?? xx
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:21:51
Hi gemma1061
Well - just last Sunday I locked myself out of the building. It wouldn´t have been a problem usually - but I was only on my towel!! I went out for a breath of fresh air after the sauna. (We have a small Gym and a Sauna at the Studio.) I had to stop the next car and ask him to phone the Security to let me back in! How´s that for embarassing ;-)
TigerFeet Tue 22-Jun-10 13:09:58
Ooooh hello
Do you ever want to punch Trixie in the face? She really is annoying isn't she? I am not usually given to violence in the direction of puppets but I could make an exception for her.
I rather suspect you're too nice to go round thumping people though
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:23:44
Dear TigerFeet
Yes, Trixie is energetic but she’s just trying to do her best. There are two puppeteers operating her so I don’t think they would like to be punched though, do you?
tryingabitharder Tue 22-Jun-10 13:19:35
Hi Magnus,
A question that causes lots of arguments in our house - is Stephanie (Julianna) an incredibly mature young girl, or an incredibly youthful looking young woman? ie how old is she? although you'll probably be too nice to answer that
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:25:43
Hi tryingabitharder
My grandmother told me very early - never to discuss the age of woman Julianna started out with is really early. She was an extremely talented as a kid - and now she´s an extremely talented young woman. She leanred to speak Icelandic in 9 months! That must be a record
hawesmead5 Tue 22-Jun-10 10:29:11
My son has a Sportacus dressing up outfit and everytime he plays the music he insists that I have to start dancing around the room and doing push ups!! I'm beginning to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger - Thanks!
Anyway he wants to know what your favourite sports candy is?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:27:56
Hi hawesmead5
I still haven´t met a SportsCandy I don´t like - but I must admit, it took me a little while to get used to Broccoli. I usually have apples laying around - but I try to follow what´s in-season. For example, the Tomatoes are fresh here in Iceland - so alot of Tomatoes in my house
aristocat Tue 22-Jun-10 13:25:49
hello Magnus
did you ever imagine that Lazytown would be so successful?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:30:11
Hi aristocat
Yes ... and no ... I knew there was a "need" for a role model to encourage kids to live a healthy lifestyle but I never imagined the need was this big! We are really really pleased and proud of the success.
solo Tue 22-Jun-10 00:55:08
And I kept my Sportacus obsession secret because I thought I was the only one
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:23
Hi solo
Thanks for being a fan You´re not as a surprised as I am.
luciemule Mon 21-Jun-10 22:51:40
Are you planning on touring in the UK with the live show - my children (oh okay...... and me) were disappointed when we found out it wasn't you who tours in the UK show?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:33:08
Hi luciemule
I´m sorry that I couldn´t take part in the UK live show. I just didn´t have the time as I´m also running the company I hope you all still enjoyed the show.
paisleyleaf Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:53
Hello Magnus.
Is it true that you only got into the whole fitness thing to win a bet?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:35:03
Dear paisleyleaf
Nonono .. I had been teaching Aerobics for quite some time when I went into this bet with my friend. But I guess I went into competitive Aerobics because of the bet.
samsonara Tue 22-Jun-10 13:31:29
Hi Magnus, my three dc love sportacus and they particularly liked the episode where you get turned into a younger version of yourself and they would like to see more of little sportacus and also find out how he became a superhero, are there any plans for a sportacus life story?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:37:38
Dear samsonara
We are planning a film about Sportacus! Can´t go into details - but all very exciting.
louii Tue 22-Jun-10 13:32:41
How small was the towel??
You obviously love children Magnus, do you think it's sad, especially in this country, don't know bout Iceland that any man who is affectionate with kids, loves kids etc is viewed somewhat suspiciously, hence hardly any men working in childcare.
AlisonMG Mon 21-Jun-10 21:16:08
Hello Mr Scheving.
Have you heard of Vuvuzela's? If yes, what do you think of them?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:42:11
Hi AlisonMG
I haven´t heard so much about them - but I´ve HEARD THEM If they could play a tune on them - I would like them better.
froggymama Tue 22-Jun-10 13:40:26
Hello, Are you really there, answering us all live? I've gone all starstruck and unnecessary! Anyway, my question which I have put as a thread but you may not get to it as there are so many is...... how can I get a signed photo of you as Sporticus for my daughters room as you are her hero. Whilst writing, I'd just like to say you do an excellent job as my daughter loves sports candy. Hats off to you Magnus. x
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:45:07
Hi froggymama
No problem to get you a signed photo. Please send a request to:
co / Magnus Scheving
Midhraun 4
210 Gardabaer
Would be great if you could send me a drawn picture from your daughter
Remember to send me your address.
For all of you that want a signed photo - please do the same
PerArduaAdNauseum Tue 22-Jun-10 13:39:03
What sort of suppers would Sportacus eat? DS loves fruit and some veg, but when I put stuff into pasta sauces, stews, bakes etc, he gets a lot more fussy and ends up with a cheese sandwich.
So what superhero supper can I force him to eat offer him tonight?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:48:43
Dear PerArduaAdNauseum
You don´t really have to add the Veggies into the food! I would just keep it fresh on the side - that´s at least how I like my Veggies. So tell him - that Sportacus is a little like him - but he doesn´t eat that much of Cheese sandwhiches. Let him choose what he wants - and give him options. Make him the SportsCandy Supervisor of the home
By goblynn Tue 22-Jun-10 13:46:00
Good morning--from the US, at least--are there any plans to make another push into the US markets? I can assure you we need more programming like LT!
PS: You should know: a mutual appreciation of LT (and you) introduced me to someone who's now a very dear friend.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:51:10
Dear goblynn
The American market has been a little hard to us. There are not many TV stations that air children´s material and most of them are owned by BIG corporations. But you know us - we don´t give up - and there´s always a way. The TV rights are free from 2011 and we have plans
Poohbearsmom Mon 21-Jun-10 20:36:23
my boys adore you! You are a great role model my almost 4 yo LOVES apples all because of you
my only problem is you eat the apple straight from the tree without washing it so my son will not believe me they have to be washed before we eat them... So i have to wash all the apples before fill the fruit bowel in case he's finding something difficult and grabs an apple for himself would it be possible someday to have an episode saying all the fruit in lazytown is pre washed or something??
Anyways your a great man youv created a wonderful thing and watching my boys trying to do hand stands and be like you has made me a very happy person so thank you so much
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:55:58
Dear Poohbearsmom
believe me - this is one of the problems we didn´t expect to run into. For example, we had to edit all our episodes to show that Sportacus buckles up when he jumps into his airship. Unfortunately, we couldn´t edit-in the cleaning of fruits - which is important of course. Thanks for pointing this out and I will keep it in mind
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 13:56:48
Hey everyone
Don´t worry about posting fees.
colditz Sun 20-Jun-10 15:18:55
mr Scheving
What physical activities would you recommend for a boy who might well be the clumsiest 7 year old in the world?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:03:10
Dear colditz
I understand that not all kids love sports - and are not "good" at moving. There motor-skills are just a bit off. I always reccomend a trip to the swimming pool - and PLAY in the pool. Throw a ball etc. It´s easier to move in water - and slowly he will get a better feel for his body. Taking walks together is also a good starting point. Maybe hiking a little - it will imporve his motor skills. If he wants to go into sports - and maybe doesn´t like "ball sports" - I recomend things like Karate and Judo!
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:05:44
Just so you know ..
I´m still here and have 30 minutes more! A meeting got delayed.
froggymama Tue 22-Jun-10 14:00:19
I've got a friend who's doing a half marathon (she's a bit of a sporticus herself) and she's running for the NSPCC so I shall throw a tenner her way in lieu of your photo. As a matter of interest are you a president/icon for a charity at all?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:07:31
Dear froggymama
Unicef and SportRelief are the ones we´ve worked the most with.
PhoenixReborn Sun 20-Jun-10 12:52:24
How many hours do you train per week to keep in shape?
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:12:57
Dear PhoenixReborn
Actually - I don´t "train" that often these days - but I´m constantly moving. When I was younger I "trained" a lot more. now, I take a few push-ups when I feel like it - or pressups in the chair! There is no excuse to not move
chegirlmonkeybutt Sat 19-Jun-10 21:49:04
Does Sportacus eat pasta?
My son says no because you do not appear to have cooking facilities on the air ship.
I say yes because I want him to eat his pasta.
You may remember my son. He was the one trying to jump off the balcony when Lazy Town Live was on at the Hackney Empire (the second time he went we got seats downstairs, far safer)
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:17:42
Dear chegirlmonkeybutt
Sportacus eats Pasta It´s one of his favorite foods as you can mix and turn it into so many delicious dishes. Just don´t eat too much of it - but that goes for everything. Balance is the key. It´s boring to show him cooking ;) but of course he has special cooking facilities built into his airship.
MagnusScheving Tue 22-Jun-10 14:21:44
Well - it´s time for me to take off! This has been great fun and I want to thank you all for sending me questions. I´m happy to answer more questions anytime Have a great day everyone.