Re: Julianna and Magnús together again in a Live Show in UK
Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
3. I sat next to Magnus on a couch for 45 minutes, he has eyebrows.
I think Magnus might just have a touch of Waardenburg Syndrome, that could explain the odd eyebrows, among other things...
Originally posted by Wikipedia
Symptoms vary from one type of the syndrome to another and from one patient to another, but they include:
Very pale or brilliantly blue eyes, eyes of two different colors (complete heterochromia), or eyes with one iris having two different colours (sectoral heterochromia);
A forelock of white hair (poliosis), or premature graying of the hair;
Appearance of wide-set eyes due to a prominent, broad nasal root (dystopia canthorum) (particularly associated with type I) also known as telecanthus;
Moderate to profound hearing loss (higher frequency associated with type II);
A low hairline and eyebrows that touch in the middle.
Patches of white pigmentation on the skin have been observed in some people.
Sometimes, abnormalities of the arms, associated with type III, have been observed.
Re: Julianna and Magnús together again in a Live Show in UK
I've been extremely busy recently so I haven't really managed to comment on the interview much. But... it was fantastic to be there, even though I didn't do much. Thanks so much to Ana and of course the guys I was there with, it was great fun! I'm looking forward to the transcript even though it's nice to listen to the interview again.
Also, I seriously doubt that Magnus has any kind of syndrome. Some people just look a certain way naturally, just because he has one or two unusual features doesn't automatically mean he has a genetic disorder.
Re: Julianna and Magnús together again in a Live Show in UK
Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
Good news. I stayed up late last night, and now I only have about 2 minutes left to transcribe!
Great! I need pay you definitely, hehehe. Well, I am going to be serious, thanks for your work, if the next meeting is on Video, the next Transcription (Well, this time will be about add Subtitles) another person is going to do the work, and I will be a bad person because until subtitles not finished, I don´t going to publish it on the Internet, hehehe ;)
Re: Julianna and Magnús together again in a Live Show in UK
Great! OK, send me the file on my e-mail and I will add it tomorrow, because now I have an exam, and tomorrow I have two more so, until Friday afternoon I can´t add it. Thanks again Vic
Re: Julianna and Magnús together again in a Live Show in UK
Originally posted by beticaforever
The Transcription is Ready!
That is so not to read. Can someone make a copy on white background please, or put it here?
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.