Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

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  • Ana Muriel
    Founder LazyTownWorld
    Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
    • Oct 2007
    • 917


    Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

    Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

    Here you go the news: ... 0michelle# ... lle-obama/
  • bungie
    Level 19 - Secret Friend
    • Nov 2009
    • 577

    Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

    Wow that's freesh. Was added today


    • Stingy
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Mar 2009
      • 5497

      Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

      Wow nice. Let's hope Mr. Scheving can convince the Obama Admin to start the LazyTown NWO.


      • bungie
        Level 19 - Secret Friend
        • Nov 2009
        • 577

        Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

        Originally posted by Stingy
        Wow nice. Let's hope Mr. Scheving can convince the Obama Admin to start the LazyTown NWO.
        Waiting for LazyWorld's first WW


        • Ana Muriel
          Founder LazyTownWorld
          Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
          • Oct 2007
          • 917

          Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

          "Michelle Obama promotes the children exercise

          Washington.- The first lady Michelle Obama participated today, in a clinic of soccer with children of this capital accompanied by stars of DC United team and the superhero Sportacus, with the goal to promote
          the children's physical activity.

          Michelle Obama practiced today her kick-off and her better dribblings, with hispanic and afro-american children, in an event organized with the National Alliance for the Hispanic Health, the US Soccer Foundation,
          the older League of Soccer and the Association of Professional Women of Soccer.

          The superhero Sportacus with his dynamic way to motivate to the youngest to have an active style of living, did the delights of the small children of the metropolitan area among six and 12 years of age.
          Magnus Scheving, who has performed that role on the TV series LazyTown, commented to be pleased working in the first lady campaign "Let's Move", to fight against the infantile obeseness.
          Cristian Castillo, Jaime Moreno, Tavaré Ramos, the hispanic stars of the of DC United team, accompanied to Michelle Obama in this event.

          Sam Kass, chef of the White House did recommendations to the assistants, in order to get a healthy diet. The hispanic children head the list of infantile obeseness in US, with 38%, they are followed by
          afro-american children with 36%, and the rest 29% are white children.

          According to data of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25 million of children and teenagers suffer that nutritious problem in US.

          The first lady launched last month a crusade at national level to promote the good diet and the physical activity, in the new generations.

          The campaign includes, besides the stimulation of the childhood physical activity, to include healthy food in the schools and to improve the offering of food products, in communities stores where that kind of.

          Thanks to hlazytownero
          Attached Files


          • Victoria
            Owner of GetLazy
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Apr 2007
            • 1922

            Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

            Next step: Obama signs executive order revoking Viacom's licensee status, U.S. Congress moves to enact legislation nationalizing LazyTown Entertainment and in exchange for LTE the U.S. forgives Iceland's debts.


            • boredjedi
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Jun 2007
              • 7306

              Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

              Originally posted by Xizer
              Implying Obama has any control over his masters


              • LazyPooky
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Oct 2007
                • 7255
                • Netherlands [NL]

                Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                Originally posted by Xizer
       exchange for LTE the U.S. forgives Iceland's debts.
                huhhuh no way, they owe us here in Europe (UK and Netherlands) too much money. I would say we split LTE (forget Germany, the more we get ). I want the music department and the rights of all LazyTown songs
                Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                • Slown
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 10 - LazyTowner
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 142

                  Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                  Originally posted by pooky
                  I want the music department, the rights of all LazyTown songs and Magnus as my butler
                  Fixed. sorry, could not resist, lol


                  • LazyPooky
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 7255
                    • Netherlands [NL]

                    Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                    Originally posted by Slown
                    Magnus as my butler
                    We promised that part to Spain already
                    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                    • Victoria
                      Owner of GetLazy
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 28 - Friend For Life
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1922

                      Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                      Originally posted by pooky
                      Originally posted by Xizer
             exchange for LTE the U.S. forgives Iceland's debts.
                      huhhuh no way, they owe us here in Europe (UK and Netherlands) too much money. I would say we split LTE (forget Germany, the more we get ). I want the music department and the rights of all LazyTown songs
                      Oh please. Iceland owes Europe like $5 billion. That's nothing to us Americans. We piss away that much money on our military every day. **** YEAH

                      brb gonna go "borrow" some more money from china


                      • Lazycus
                        Master of Shoops
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 828

                        Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                        Originally posted by pooky
                        ...forget Germany, the more we get...
                        Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam


                        • Burt Thruster
                          GETLAZY MEMBER
                          Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 231

                          Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                          Originally posted by pooky
                          huhhuh no way, they owe us here in Europe (UK and Netherlands) too much money. I want the music department and the rights of all LazyTown songs
                          Agreed. Each person in Iceland has to pay us only 99 euros/month for the next 8 years - a bargain if you ask me - and they'll have the cheek to probably vote against this generous deal today in their referendum!!!

                          Alternatively, as there as as about as many people in Iceland as there were unlucky Icesave account holders, I suggest a big FIGHT!!! 320,000 one-on-one battles. UK/NL keep the tv rights, and I collect the "Stephanie" character rights. Problem solved.
                          Ally, bally, ally bally bee,.......


                          • xjocundxlilacx
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 734

                            Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                            MAGNUS FOR PRESIDENT!

                            I'm the most vanted man in America! I cannot exactly browse the racks of JC Penneys!


                            • LazyPooky
                              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 7255
                              • Netherlands [NL]

                              Re: Magnús Scheving and Michelle Obama!

                              Originally posted by Burt Thruster
                              Originally posted by pooky
                              huhhuh no way, they owe us here in Europe (UK and Netherlands) too much money. I want the music department and the rights of all LazyTown songs
                              Agreed. Each person in Iceland has to pay us only 99 euros/month for the next 8 years - a bargain if you ask me - and they'll have the cheek to probably vote against this generous deal today in their referendum!!!
                              I guess you're right Burt, it will be a full NO
                              Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.

