Right now, there are a lot of idiots talking shit about LazyTown on Sprout's Facebook page. I don't like it, no sir. I think we need to form a resistance and make a concentrated effort to post positive comments about the show.
Here's what you can do:
-When someone trashes LazyTown, try and make them look stupid. Don't post direct insults - but point out holes in their spelling/grammar and arguments in more subtle ways.
-Post positive comments about how your son/daughter loves LazyTown.
-"Like" anyone who says something nice about LazyTown
-When Sprout mentions LazyTown, mention how great the show is.
Here's a sampling of some of the trolls on Sprout's Facebook wall:
Let's not allow this rhetoric to win, people. LazyTown needs its own Anti-Defamation League, and you're it. Peoples' 3-year olds shouldn't be running the show. I don't know about you guys but I don't even have any memories prior to the age of 4. Not exactly the smartest demographic to try advertising to. I have no idea how this channel even makes money. Is the 5 cents per subscriber fee they charge cable providers to carry their channel enough to cover most of the bills? Hmmm...
Right now, there are a lot of idiots talking shit about LazyTown on Sprout's Facebook page. I don't like it, no sir. I think we need to form a resistance and make a concentrated effort to post positive comments about the show.
Here's what you can do:
-When someone trashes LazyTown, try and make them look stupid. Don't post direct insults - but point out holes in their spelling/grammar and arguments in more subtle ways.
-Post positive comments about how your son/daughter loves LazyTown.
-"Like" anyone who says something nice about LazyTown
-When Sprout mentions LazyTown, mention how great the show is.
Here's a sampling of some of the trolls on Sprout's Facebook wall:
We disliked LazyTown when it was on Nickelodeon and we don't like it now on Sprout. It's creepy. We'd love to see Sid the Science Kid or more Wiggles.
Don't like LAZYTOWN!!!!! It's creepy!!!!! Sporticus looks like a villian. It's confusing for my 2 year old. What ever happened to Dragon Tales????
the whole point of the show is Sporticus looking creepy? YAH thats a show I* want to see NOT
Laura, I know who the villian is. I'm NOT confused. Sprout is intended for kids 2-6 and the show is not at all funny. Be an adult and allow people to voice their opinions on the sprout facebook wall witout insulting them directly!!!
My 2 yr old son is afraid of Lazy Town. I have to change the channel to Playhouse Disney when the show comes on..
I don't care for Lazy Town. I would have much rather have seen Dragon Tales or Sid the Science Kid come to Sprout.
We are one of Sprouts biggest fans. We watch faithfully and support Sprout. We try to attend as many of their events as we can since we live local to the studio. I have to say that I am disappointed to put it politely with Lazy Town! What a weird and creepy show! I don't know what else to say! I would much rather have a show like Super Why that helps teach the alphabet. Sorry Sprout but no home run with this one!
are you reading your wall sprout? WE WANT MORE WIGGLES!! LAZYTOWN SUCKS!
Oh they're definitely reading it...they've deleted some of the more anti-Lazy Town posts, I've noticed.
I am NOT liking Lazy Town for my toddler. I don't like the way the content/message is executed or the images portrayed by the characters.
Plus my goodness are they all creepy looking!!!
What exactly is the message everyone is so angry about. I saw it on Nick Jr. While in college flipping through channels and I saw nothing wrong other than the creepy grown male and the 10 year old girl hanging out together. Where's Chris Hanson when you need him?
you guys really need to get rid of lazy town
Anyone else not a fan of Lazy Town? I really don't think it's a good fit for Sprout! Seems like a better fit for Nick and my son doesn't watch Nick, just saying. Sprout, I know you're better than this! Please don't turn into crap, I'm a huge fan of your channel, as is my 16 month old, I really don't want that to change!
Definitely agree... I wasn't a fan of Make Room for Noddy or Dragon Tales either and they are both gone now so hopefully this subpar show will be gone before long
Agreed! My 18 months daughter first time she saw them and was afraid of everything from the characters.., and truly creepy characters! :)
Sorry but I don't need a creepy tv show to teach my kids about a healthy lifestyle. I'm quite capable of doing that on my own, its a little something called parenting.
There's a reason Nickelodeon dropped it. The show isn't that good. Robbie Rotten could give even adults nightmares. Hopefully Sprout didn't sign a long term syndication contract.
Don't like this show either. I think its freaky!!!
We hate the show. It doesnt fit PBS shows.
My 3 yr old daughter is PETRIFIED of Lazy Town!! Not too happy that they chose it!
Finally saw the show. My 3 yr old son liked Sportacus doing backflips, but proclaimed the show "disappointing and stupid". I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment. I appreciate the concept of promoting a healthy lifestyle, but this show would insult the intelligence of the average flatworm.
Not impressed. My child much preferred Mama Mirabelle in the afternoons!
I feel the characters look creepy. I know the healthy topics are great but I say bring back Mama Mirabelle.
Totally creepy and annoying to me but my kids seemed to like it! We still miss Dragon Tales!
I am sorry to say this because I really dont want to hear any one feeling but...... Chloe's Closet and Mama Mirabelle is way better then Lazy town. I will not let my girls watch it. Please bring back the other two shows!!
My son and I do not care for the new show "lazy town"!
My toddler starts to freak out scared every time it comes on now. Something about the characters really scares her.
My Son is terrified of Lazy Town! He starts to cry when he sees the puppets...guess we'll be avoiding this show!
Lazy Town.....What can I say. My kids do not like it. They are glued to the TV until Lazy Town comes on and then they start playing with their books so we shut off the TV and read. I really miss The Wiggles being on at 1pm cst. They would dance and sing wth them and then thy knew it was nap time. I guess I will have to start DVRing The Wiggles throughout the dy and start watching them at 1.....Very Disappointed with th changes to make way for Lazy Town!!!!
Big thumbs down on lazy town! My almost 2 year old grandson wouldn't watch it. It doesn't seem to be right for the age group watching this time slot. We love Super Why and Sesame! Please listen to the viewers!
I agree, my 2 year old was afraid of Lazytown literally sent her running from the room....she loves SuperWhy and Calliou.
We will not be watching Sprout until Lazy Town is gone. The characters TERRIFY my child, and we will not support any programming that refers to healthy foods as "candy". Replacing The Wiggles with this awful Lazy Town show was a really bad move.
I also wanted to chime in about Lazy Town. My 2 yr old son is scared to watch. I don't care for the show but would let my son watch if he wanted. Nope, the "puppet" people scare him. So bummed this replaced the Wiggles
Sprout - PLEASE get rid of Lazytown. For the last few years, have always thought your channel was geared towards toddlers and preschoolers. Well quite frankly - Lazytown scared the willies out of my young children. There was quite a bit of fear induced crying and begging for "Sprout". WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DITCH THE WIGGLES for what is a cheap, kitchy Wiggles RIP OFF. Move stuff around but really, either change your entire format and go for a more mature child audience or stick to what WORKS.
LazyTown is just awful. My son hates it, and frankly it is ridiculous. As has been said by others, I get that the message is good.....but frankly the show itself isn't. Dreadful....just dreadful.
LazyTown has got to be the dumbest show to put on the sprout channel. After all Isn't the sprout channel suppose to be for pre-schoolers? And in my opinion it's not pre school appropriate. Why change something that was good? And the time slot The Wiggles was placed, is awful. We do not turn the sprout channel on until Lazytown is off!