Stefan Karl Diagnosed With Cancer
This is real? :icon_cry:
Message of Mark Valenti on GoFoundMe:
Friends and supporters,
This is the update I never wanted to write. During moments of distress and heartache, time can become a friend and ease us down the road from our pain. Our hearts become a little lighter and we allow ourselves to hope.
But as many of you know, cancer has its own agenda. Stefan's post-surgery diagnosis revealed devastating news - his condition has progressed to Stage 4. As his wife Steina said, "life expectancy is significantly impaired."
Despite the best efforts of his excellent Icelandic medical team, and Stefan's personal heroism, there is no apparent cure. There are always experimental processes, and they will be woven into the fabric of Stefan's care if at all possible.
But for now and the immediate future, family and friends are concentrating on being positive, giving Stefan whatever he needs to recover from his most recent surgery, and regain his energy for as long as possible.
He is an extraordinary man - do I need to tell you that? He is moving beyond fear to a courageous and practical frame of mind. He has plans for several projects which I am certain will delight his fans worldwide.
And so I come to the part of this message where I put on my fundraising hat. You have all been so generous and kind these past few months, as our running total will attest. Can you do more?
It's hard to ask, but that is my job and I'm going to keep asking until people start throwing rocks at me.
I want us to raise a staggering amount so that Stefan will not have to bear the additional worry of his family's future, at least in the short term.
Thank you for your kindness and your concern for our friend Stefan.
This is real? :icon_cry:
Message of Mark Valenti on GoFoundMe:
Friends and supporters,
This is the update I never wanted to write. During moments of distress and heartache, time can become a friend and ease us down the road from our pain. Our hearts become a little lighter and we allow ourselves to hope.
But as many of you know, cancer has its own agenda. Stefan's post-surgery diagnosis revealed devastating news - his condition has progressed to Stage 4. As his wife Steina said, "life expectancy is significantly impaired."
Despite the best efforts of his excellent Icelandic medical team, and Stefan's personal heroism, there is no apparent cure. There are always experimental processes, and they will be woven into the fabric of Stefan's care if at all possible.
But for now and the immediate future, family and friends are concentrating on being positive, giving Stefan whatever he needs to recover from his most recent surgery, and regain his energy for as long as possible.
He is an extraordinary man - do I need to tell you that? He is moving beyond fear to a courageous and practical frame of mind. He has plans for several projects which I am certain will delight his fans worldwide.
And so I come to the part of this message where I put on my fundraising hat. You have all been so generous and kind these past few months, as our running total will attest. Can you do more?
It's hard to ask, but that is my job and I'm going to keep asking until people start throwing rocks at me.
I want us to raise a staggering amount so that Stefan will not have to bear the additional worry of his family's future, at least in the short term.
Thank you for your kindness and your concern for our friend Stefan.