New Stefan Interview 2017 about his pancreatic cancer and death

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  • Rift
    Level 13 - Purple Panther
    • Dec 2016
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    New Stefan Interview 2017 about his pancreatic cancer and death

    Along with this interview:
    On his facebook (which I can't access for some reason) he announced that he's in a musical that premieres August 31st. which is SOOOOO GOOOOD

    "I am free from the cancer, the cancer. Damn the hell is gone. Until it comes back, whenever it is, which hopefully never will, ”says Stefán Karl Stefánsson about his life after two liver cancer surgery. "Life is now. It's actually a miracle that you are still here. "

    Stefán Karl described in the afternoon radio on Channel 2 how every other foot injury had been found in the liver. Including one major that was discovered in the operation itself. Some of the liver was taken, but it regenerates itself. In the twelve months since Stefán Karl was diagnosed with cancer, he has been cut twice. "Of course, it's a huge shock. You just get numb to begin with. ”He says it's strange to be in this position where one in a hundred thousand gets this cancer. "Of course I get it. I'm one of a kind. "

    - Trapped in watching the neighbor
    The cancer caused him to rethink his life and what he wanted to do. "Most people have gone away in five years. All of a sudden, you have to start rearranging, reorganizing your life. What happens when you start to realize and the shock goes away, and you fall into a frenzy - you start to sort out what matters and what doesn't matter. "

    The changes are manifold. For example, he has stopped participating in politics and other negative debates, which have previously taken too much time. He is worried about this. "I think we just have too little to do. We are hanging out on Facebook and reading the feed to others. We are "stalkers", we are "stalking" each other's lives all day and have opinions on that. This is a bit like standing by the window: See how he is painting the house, he is painting it green, I would never paint green with me. Unless now you have a forum and write to him on Facebook. ”He says people do not need to get sick to see how sick this attitude is, but the illness will make him look life different than before.

    - Death unbelievably insignificant
    “Many people ask if I'm afraid of dying. This is as Steinunn has often talked about. Death is such an incredibly insignificant phenomenon, utterly insignificant, while life is so remarkable and magnificent. "

    Stefán Karl says that people should smile and be grateful to be there. It's not so obvious. Therefore, people should not cry for being short-lived, but enjoy being there. "Don't cry and sing in the sisters if and when, stop looking in the rear-view mirror and keep looking the way because it heals all wounds. When I woke up after my first operation, which is one of the most serious and greatest operations performed on the human body, the nurses looked at me and said: Now you are healing yourself Stephen. That is one of the greatest lessons I have gone through in my life. ”Then the medical science was done with it and came to him to look after his body and soul.

    - Rejoice in what has not happened
    "The only time I get a tear is when I think about what I might miss. I can't miss someone who hasn't happened. But I think, for example, the thought of not being able to hold my grandchildren sad. Then I will be sad. I may not be able to lead my daughters to the altar when they get married, but I know they are in good hands and all of them. These are the only times when I get sad, but sometimes I also smile at the thought that this will happen for them, hopefully and hopefully they will, like me, have children because it is so wonderful to be a parent. So I also smile and rejoice at something that has not happened. We Steinunn speak very openly about this to the children. "

    Stefán Karl says that he and Steinunn emphasized that the children would be honest about their feelings if they did not want to discuss these issues when people looked up to them.

    - Bikes 20 miles a day
    "I have recovered very quickly and safely by standing up and moving. Exercise matters, but of course you have to start slowly, "said Stefán Karl, who tries to ride at least 20 kilometers a day. He was capable of lifting before he became ill. Then the goal was to build muscle but now it has become all lighter.

    "I don't think I've ever been sentenced to death, even though I know that everything in excess of two years in my life is a miracle. I feel that we should create memories, ”says Stefán Karl. He says people have to choose carefully what they do with their children.

    - Writes about cancer
    Stefán Karl told the afternoon radio that he was writing his first standup. "This stand-up is about cancer, which is funny." He said not to do this alone, but to get the help of Ara Eldjárn, the protagonist of the work. "We are going to start experiments in October and I will be releasing this soon after the end of the year. I'm going to make a little joke about this. ”That includes the food. "This is Michelin food, except what the chef drove over it on Michelin tires."

    It is important to be able to laugh at the illness. "Laughter does not necessarily make life longer, but it makes it easier." Stefán Karl mentioned that he had to learn to re-pump after the operation. He would sometimes have doctors and nurses standing over him questioning when he last released the wind and how. "There's a lot of stuff around that that's funny."
  • megadjmatt25
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • May 2016
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    Re: New Stefan Interview

    Can't wait to see it


    • comiccominc
      Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
      • Jun 2017
      • 70
      • United Kingdom [GB]

      Re: New Stefan Interview

      Originally posted by Glitchtastic
      I wish I knew how to read Icelandic.
      copy and paste it onto google translate
      c o m i c c o m i n c
      Áfram Latibær!
      yer da sells avon


      • Rotten Robot Hound
        Level 11 - The Blue Knight
        • Feb 2017
        • 184
        • Sweden [SE]

        Re: New Stefan Interview

        WHAT!!! WHAT!!! I tried to translate the interview and he says he's … CANCER FREE?!? It says he has had two surgeries and he comments something like "it's gone, until it comes back, which hopefully is never". However, he also mentions things that make it obvious that he is prepared for the idea of possibly dying before growing old, which in that case may take five years or so according to statistics, and that has led him to prioritize the things he wants to do. Well, let's hope he gets to live for as long as possible!!! It is a completely new interview so it must have been made after that stage 4 announcement, somehow … This is great news!!! Have to admire him for staying so strong, I don't think anybody would blame him if he chose not to work at all under these circumstances, but I kind of got the impression from the interview that he was getting fed up with doing nothing … This means he's at least in reasonably good shape at the current moment, which is terrific. He also apparently exercises and has written a stand-up comedy about cancer that they will start working on in October and that will premiere around New Year's.

        I don't see anything about a musical though.


        • Glanni's Girl
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jan 2010
          • 5016
          • United Kingdom [GB]

          Re: New Stefan Interview

          Originally posted by ItsBeboy
          he announced that he's in a musical that premieres August 31st. which is SOOOOO GOOOOD
          My birthday! :)
          Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
          Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


          • LazyGary
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 16 - Sportaposter
            • Oct 2013
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            • South Africa [ZA]

            Re: New Stefan Interview

            Not Cancer Free - it was a mistranslation..

