Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

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  • LazyPooky
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7260


    Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

    This was posted yesterday in the Visir newspaper.

    First a museum and now an amusement park. It's getting better and better :)

    Google translation:
    "It's just right to get to the drawing table," says Helga Halldórsdóttir, a resident of Borgarnes. Helga plans to set up an amusement park based on the basic idea of ​​Latabæ.

    In the Gazette, a notice is published about Borgarnes Experience Company. The announcement is "Building a recreation for tourists in Borgarnes and surroundings, based on the basic idea of ​​Latibær."


    "The project is being reviewed by a group of people who are interested in establishing something based on Magnús Scheving's ideology," says Helga. "Magnús, of course, is Borgesing and has strong roots to date here in the province."

    The group received ISK 3 million from the Western Cape Development Fund, and was the basis for the establishment of the company.

    "In the next few days, we will hire a project manager, who is expected to work for at least six months, to investigate possible location and implementations for the park, as well as studying investor interest in the project," says Helga.

    Helga says that Magnus, the first person, came to the job and that much would be done. He has created a name beyond the landmarks, and Latibær is, of course, a well-known mark on a foreign basis.

    "The next six months is inventory time and then we have to clarify in July which next step we will take. It depends, of course, on investors' interests and other people who will be asked about their involvement in the project, "says Helga.

    As previously mentioned, the project is at an absolute early stage and therefore it is unclear when the park could be opened if it reaches that level. "In my view, it would not take more than three to five years to make this happen," says Helga.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	img_2722.jpg Views:	1 Size:	330.8 KB ID:	153534
    Attached Files
    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
  • Glanni's Girl
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Jan 2010
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    Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

    I think it would be awesome, if everyone's budget would allow it, if a group of us could all visit Iceland at the same time.
    Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
    Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


    • Pickelhaube808
      LT Scientist
      Level 14 - Sportscandy
      • Apr 2017
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      Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

      It would probably be a five or ten person meetup if lucky...
      sigpic User:Rift has been banned from


      • YikesDepartment
        Loyal LazyTowner
        Level 14 - Sportscandy
        • Jan 2017
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        Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

        Oh gosh I'd really want to go but alas no money to travel


        • xXx_LI_xXx
          The Sportacus music lover
          Level 10 - LazyTowner
          • Jun 2017
          • 144

          Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

          Interesting. This might be one of the driving forces of seasons 5-6 being created.
          No one expected Sportafl**... wait, that's an insult


          • Rift
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 13 - Purple Panther
            • Dec 2016
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            Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

            Originally posted by xXx_LI_xXx
            Interesting. This might be one of the driving forces of seasons 5-6 being created.
            I think S5 or just a new series is gonna be animated, cause Stefan on his Instagram posted LazyTown animated characters (which is now deleted) and it was the same I think as the Story Time art, but with new costumes...


            • Subscribe Every Day
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 9 - Energy Poster
              • Nov 2017
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              Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

              Originally posted by ItsBeboy
              I think S5 or just a new series is gonna be animated, cause Stefan on his Instagram posted LazyTown animated characters (which is now deleted) and it was the same I think as the Story Time art, but with new costumes...
              You serious? Or was it fanart?
              “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
              Monty Oum (1981-2015)


              • Rift
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 13 - Purple Panther
                • Dec 2016
                • 265

                Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

                Originally posted by Subscribe Every Day
                You serious? Or was it fanart?
                I saw a picture of it before it was deleted, it wasn't fanart, it looked straight out of a Style Guide.


                • LazyPooky
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 7260

                  Re: Amusement park based on the basic idea of LazyTown (Latibaer)

                  The amusements park is well underway according to a few article posted in the last month. They got support and are funded by West Iceland Development Fund.

                  Borgarnes Experience Park ehf. intends to set up a so-called experience park in Borgarnes of 2,000 square meters, and has applied for a place for a museum, studio and restaurant. The activities should be based on the ideology of the LazyTown TV shows and books and more.

                  Magnús Scheving, the creator of LazyTown, is from Borgarnes (Iceland) and it has been stated that the locals have collaborated with him on a LazyTown experience park.

                  The members of the project believe that development of the experience park based on the ideology of LazyTown would greatly enhance recreational opportunities in the district of Borgarnes, strengthen the image of the town and the community as a whole and create a number of new jobs," says Helga Halldórsdóttir in her letter to the town.

                  One of the articles:

                  - translated with Google Translate --
                  March 5, 2021 News

                  Aiming for an experience park in the spirit of Latabær in Borgarnes

                  At the show of Fornbílafjelag Borgarfjörður and Raftanna in Brákarey, it did not go unnoticed how much interest there is in everything related to Latabær.

                  At a meeting of the Borgarbyggð local council yesterday, the application of Upplifunargarður Borgarnes ehf. about up to 2000 square meters plot in Borgarnes for activities that will be based on the ideology of Latabær, or Lazy Town. The local council responded positively to the presentation and noted that it was a very interesting project and promised support for its progress. The local council instructed the mayor to work with the project's representatives to find a suitable site.

                  A letter written by Helga Halldórsdóttir, on behalf of Upplifunargarður Borgarnes ehf., States that a house for a museum, studio and restaurant is to be built. The plot would need to be able to accommodate two thousand square meters of houses as well as outdoor facilities and also with expansion possibilities. "The members of the project believe that such a development, which is based on the ideology of Lazy Town and would be set up in Borgarnes, would strengthen the possibilities for recreation in the district, strengthen the image of the town and the community as a whole and create a number of new jobs."

                  Helga mentions in her presentation that for the past three years she and Magnús Scheving, creator of Lazy Town and others, have been working on the preparation of this project in Borgarnes. "It is now considered very likely that this will become a reality and that this will be the case in the coming years, a reduced company that creates many jobs and has no parallel in Iceland."

                  The world knows the episodes

                  Borgnesingurinn Magnús Scheving.

                  In 2016, Magnús Scheving, the pioneer and author of the books and world-famous TV series about Latabær, brought in Latabær cars and equipment from storage to a museum in his old hometown Borgarnes. Some of these well-known collectibles were then installed in the premises of Fornbílafjelag Borgarfjörður in Brákarey in connection with the large exhibition of the company and the Raft.

                  The cars, equipment and puppets of the various characters from the episodes about Latabær are fresh in the minds of many. But interest in what is related to Latabær extends far beyond the rocks, as the shows about Lazy Town were shown in many countries with great popularity.

                  In the episodes; tools and equipment, but not least the message conveyed by the Sports Elf, Glanni Glaepur, Solla Stirða and other characters, are great opportunities. The locals in Borgarens want to seize these opportunities and three years ago, in consultation with Magnús Scheving, began preparations for the establishment of Latabæjarsafn, or an experience park, in Borgarnes.

                  According to Helgi Halldórsdóttir, the project is now well under way. It is worth mentioning that the West Iceland Development Fund has supported the preparation of the project.

                  This is an audio interview with Helga Halldórssdóttir who is one of the developers. It's in Icelandic so I can't tell what she is saying.. :p

                  -- translated with Google Translate --
                  March 26, 2021 News

                  In this week's episode, Thelma got Helga Halldórssdóttir, one of the representatives of the development of an experience park in the spirit of Latabær in Borgarnes. Magnús Scheving, who is also connected to the project, donated Latabær's toys for safekeeping in Borgarnes, but he himself has his roots there and Latibær and his characters are based to some extent on Borgarnes.

                  Helga tells us about the development of the project and the help they have received to propel the project forward, but the project received excellent support from the West Iceland Development Fund 2020.

                  Attached Files
                  Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                  • LazyPooky
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 7260

                    Last year October 2021 there was a presentation about the project. Translation is below. Interesting parts are in bold.

                    -- 2021-10-14 --

                    Magnús Scheving reviewed the opportunities involved in using the history and image of Latibær (LazyTown) with an experience park like this one in Borgarnes. He said that Latibær (LazyTown) was watched by 500 million households in around 180 countries around the world. The people who were now having children, aged 19-26, had themselves grown up with Latibær (LazyTown) and the message that the shows represent. These people would likely want to make "pilgrimage tours" to the place where it all began.

                    He said that the idea behind the project is to tell the story of the series that started in Iceland, and that a studio will be set up where visitors can get to know what happens behind the scenes. "There will therefore be halls, a studio, an amusement park and a restaurant up on the rocks from where you can look over the region." He reminded that Latibær was the first TV series produced in Iceland for export. "Borgarnes should be proud of its history. There is a lack of specialization in tourism. That specialization can certainly lie in the fact that Stína Símalína actually lived and worked here," said Magnús. "If the community here in Borgarnes is open to these ideas, I am convinced that this will succeed. We want to build a fun place where not only children want to come, but also their parents, grandparents."

                    Changed approach

                    The mayor of Borgarnes Þórdís Sif Sigurðardóttir expressed her satisfaction with the ideas at the meeting. She said that local government people had received presentations on the project from time to time in the past and people generally liked what was presented, although certainly ideas were constantly developing. She said that the ideas for the location at Digranesgatu will now be worked on, but that the layout needs to be changed. The Planning and Building Committee had declared itself ready to work on the development of the idea. She also noted that along with this development, if it happens, the entrance to Borgarnes from the south will change. The Road Administration and others need to be consulted about it.

                    Much still unclear

                    Páll Kr Pálsson, economic engineer and project manager: If the project turns out to be profitable, the next step would be to finance it. Páll knew that based on market research, 35-50 thousand visitors per year were expected for the first four years. It would be better if such plans were more cautious than realistic, but it could well be that the number of visitors would be higher, that would only be positive. "The support of the environment here in Borgarnes and the entire region for the project as such is key," said Páll.

                    A time frame for when construction could begin and an experience park in the spirit of LazyTown could open is still unclear. A 1500 to 2000 square meter house would be built. If the work was done well, the construction could take about two to three years. It would be expected that at the beginning ten permanent employees would be hired who would receive special training in welcoming guests of all ages.

                    When asked about start-up costs, he also said that it was not available, but that the costs would run into hundreds of millions Icelandic Crowns (100 million ISK = 700 thousand Euro/Dollar). Regarding manpower needs, Páll said that never less than ten new year-round jobs would be created in Borgarnes if the project becomes a reality.

                    The copyright of Latibær/LazyTown is with the company Turner Broadcasting, and it took quite a while to get permission from them to use the brand in the project.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Latibaer-i-Borgarnes_1-scaled.jpg Views:	82 Size:	300.8 KB ID:	182470
                    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                    • Stingy
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Mar 2009
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                      I'd love to see it happen of course, but somehow I just have a feeling that it's never going to materialize. This is no small feat or investment, and we're talking about a property that has been dormant for years. I hope to be proven wrong over time, but we'd still be looking at many years until it opens, if it does at all.


                      • LazyPooky
                        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 7260

                        Last time I missed the latest post, which was in June 2022. Still only updates, not much progress.


                        Nafn Borgarness breytist ekki í Latabæ þó bærinn standi undir nafni.pdf

                        Helga Halldórsdóttir, one of the promoters of the development of an experience center based on the series about LazyTown in Borgarnes, is now working hard to prepare the development and opening of the center, together with Magnús Scheving, the creator of LazyTown, and other driven people. She talked about the project in the Weekend edition on K100 on Saturday.

                        She confirms that the center will be guided by a healthy lifestyle, just like LazyTown.

                        Work on location and prepare financing

                        "It is based on giving a vision to the LazyTown studio, which has been recording the shows. But since then we have been thinking about various forms of entertainment and exercise and even a restaurant. We are now at the point where we are working on location and preparing financing," said Helga.

                        Has there been talk of changing the name Borgarnes to LazyTown (Latibaer)?

                        "I don't really know if we'll make it, and it can be said that we live up to our name today because there's so much to be done in town, especially in connection with the Brákarhátíð and Landsmót 50+." So it would have been nice to have the studio ready now, but hopefully it's only a short time away," said Helga, who said she felt a lot of goodwill from the residents of Borgarbyggð regarding the project.
                        Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                        • MaggotMagnet
                          GETLAZY MEMBER
                          Level 2 - Rotten Poster
                          • Nov 2023
                          • 7

                          Hi there everyone! I've created an account specifically to subscribe to this thread!

                          I'm from the US (East Coast) and I've been waiting YEARS to plan a Lazytown-themed Iceland trip!

                          And, while rereading Scheving's Wikipedia article (much of which I wrote😂), I recently remembered that one estimated opening date was by 2024! Or at least that's what this September 2021 sauce says in Icelandic. I am really hoping we get an update soon from the constructors, etc.!

                          Another definite stop on my Iceland tour will be his restaurant, ROK!!!

                          I ABSOLUTELY do not want to miss the grand opening of this park! I was devastated enough to realize that I missed Scheving's TED Talk last year in New York...I only learned of it a month after it happened. Nooooo!

                          In other news, so happy that Magnus is a dad!

                          Well, that's enough for me. Crossing my fingers for updates.🤞


                          • LazyPooky
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 7260

                            Originally posted by MaggotMagnet
                            Hi there everyone! I've created an account specifically to subscribe to this thread!

                            Well, that's enough for me. Crossing my fingers for updates.🤞
                            Hi welcome. I haven't receive any updates after June 2022 and it seems like it's on a hold. Magnús probably still needs permission from WarnerBros and they can be really a pain in the ass when it comes to that. Magnús has his eye on going into politics and/or running for Mayor. Perhaps he'll have better luck convincing WB in that position​. 🙂
                            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                            • possessor
                              I like LazyTown.
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 31 - Number 9
                              • Oct 2021
                              • 3023

                              Originally posted by LazyPooky

