LazyTown Studios
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Re: LazyTown Studios
Nope, it have been listed for sale since 2014, and was ultimately bought by geymslur (
You can find more information in this thread:
I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Studios
It was built for LazyTown in 2002 and should be a museum right now! I seriously wonder where all the stuff went. It has to be stored somewhere, I bet Turner took care of that, or Magnus, together with his oldtimer cars.Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Studios
I am curious what is left (If anything) From Áfram Latibær or Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ- Translate
Re: LazyTown Studios
Well, keeping in mind that the place is now literally a storing place now, I think it would be fitting for LTE to have a room of their own.
I don't think that's true, though, but it's a nice thought.
Member Stingy mentioned a "storage lot next door" in his thread about his visit to the studios. Not sure if this was in the same complex, or a separate place next door, but that could potentially be where some of the most precious pieces were stored.
Who knows.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.- Translate
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Re: Lazypics (part 15)
Some time ago, Magnús Scheving, CEO of LazyTown, gave the Aviation Museum some props from the LazyTown studio, which has now been given a new address. Unfortunately, we could not use these objects from LazyTown's play, except to a small extent, due to the congestion in the Museum, and it was therefore decided to donate most of these large beautiful objects to Borgarnes, where LazyTown's museum is to be set up. It is therefore with pleasure that the Aviation Museum sent these great things there. On the other hand, the Sportacus' aircraft will be hung up in the museum as part of Iceland's aviation history.Fyrir nokkru gaf Magnús Scheving forstjóri í LATABÆ Flugsafninu nokkra gripi úr stúdíói Latabæjar sem nú hefur fengið nýtt heimilisfang. Því miður gátum við ekki nýtt okkur þessa hluti úr leikmynd Latabæjar nema að litlu leiti vegna þrengsla í Safninu, og var því ákveðið að gefa megnið af þessum stóru fallegu munum til Borgarness, en þar á að setja upp Latabæjarsafn. Það er því með ánægju að Flugsafnið sendi þessa flottu hluti þangað. Hins vegar verður flugvél Íþróttaálfsins hengd upp í safninu sem hluti af flugsögu Íslands.Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Studios
This is a photo of Garðabær, Iceland. Covered in snow. This photo was made in November 2004. You can see here the LazyTown Studio really well (the flat building - right from the middle), and in the distance Reykjavík's Hallgrímskirkja (Hallgrim's Church) - the place where Magnus' Restaurant is located.
Street view
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate