How obsessed are you?

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  • Patchi
    Level 11 - The Blue Knight
    • Dec 2016
    • 173

    Re: How obsessed are you?

    Originally posted by ItsBeboy
    I pump LT Tunes on Auxiliary Cord when we go on car rides, everyone hates me afterwards.
    I don't have the guts to do that dude. That's amazing in its own way, good for you! :xd:


    • 20xTime
      Level 9 - Energy Poster
      • Dec 2016
      • 92

      Re: How obsessed are you?

      Originally posted by ItsBeboy
      I pump LT Tunes on Auxiliary Cord when we go on car rides, everyone hates me afterwards.
      Me: Yo, pass the aux cord!
      Friend: You better not play trash!

      Forum icon by Anonymous Pixiv user.


      • RockinRobbie
        Level 9 - Energy Poster
        • Dec 2016
        • 93

        Re: How obsessed are you?

        I am tempted to buy an aux cord just for this reason :icon_lol:


        • Patchi
          Level 11 - The Blue Knight
          • Dec 2016
          • 173

          Re: How obsessed are you?

          I just realized that I may have accidentally got my best friend into LazyTown as well. I would have never expected that from her

          Whoops! :xd:


          • PrinceStingy
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
            • Dec 2016
            • 50

            Re: How obsessed are you?

            I consider it one of my main fandoms since I recently started binge watching it after not watching it in years. I doodle fan art on my papers, I do have fanfics planned, and I'm doing a roleplay with my friend as well. My friend and I also link each other We Are Number One, and Mine song memes all the time, and she shows me pictures of Stingy she finds.(Or things related to him, like when she went to Disney World and saw something with the seagulls from Finding Nemo saying "Mine" on it). My favorite character is Stingy and hers is Stephanie.

            I also listen to music when I do stuff. When drawing I notice i mainly listen to "There's always a way" on repeat, and when I do stuff like reading or writing I listen to "I am a prince" Right now I'm listening to "Cooking by the book"

            I love this show so much now, and it helps me a lot with my depression and anxiety. It's just such a good show.



            • Fox
              Friendly Fox
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 26 - Roboticus
              • Aug 2015
              • 1056

              Re: How obsessed are you?

              LazyTown will forever bare a special place in my heart.
              I wouldn't necessary say I'm obsessed with the show, but it's just some quirky thing I seem be a fan of.
              If people confronted me with my fandom, I probably would begin to explain it to them, but for all I know, there's no need to.

              Finally learning to accept these things, really is the beginning of a new life.
              Plus - with the new meme-status of the show, I'll probably blame Robbie and his dreamteam, whenever some people demand that I be a creep (Stingy.. ;) )
              I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


              • StephanieM
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                • Jan 2017
                • 23

                Re: How obsessed are you?

                Idk pretty obsessed. I watch it often and make sure I do the Bing Bang dance everyday :cheerleader: But I'm not completely obsessed like I was earlier. I love the show and the characters still continue to make me happy though, and that's probably why I love it so much:shame:


                • Patchi
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                  • Dec 2016
                  • 173

                  Re: How obsessed are you?

                  Originally posted by StephanieM
                  Idk pretty obsessed. I watch it often and make sure I do the Bing Bang dance everyday :cheerleader: But I'm not completely obsessed like I was earlier. I love the show and the characters still continue to make me happy though, and that's probably why I love it so much:shame:
                  The Bing-Bang dance is actually really fun and not too difficult. I agree with you. I get really happy when I watch the show and it makes me laugh easily

                  Anyway, I may or may not be planning on making a Hamtaro AMV with I Am a Prince...
                  And I've come up with a lot of Hamtaro AU designs for the play and show characters.


                  • xXx_LI_xXx
                    The Sportacus music lover
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 10 - LazyTowner
                    • Jun 2017
                    • 144

                    Re: How obsessed are you?

                    Originally posted by Fox
                    You're absolutely right in this statement.

                    One good thing about LazyTown getting a "meme-status", is that it helped a lot of old fans find their way back in the community, and maybe even spark the light for a new generation.
                    I agree with you so much.
                    No one expected Sportafl**... wait, that's an insult


                    • This postbox is mine
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                      • Jan 2018
                      • 57

                      Re: How obsessed are you?

                      My obsessed levels are off the scale!
                      It's mine mine mine mine mine!


                      • YikesDepartment
                        Loyal LazyTowner
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 14 - Sportscandy
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 318

                        Re: How obsessed are you?

                        Very much so...
                        I've never loved a franchise as much as I love LazyTown.


                        • chuft
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 31 - Number 9
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 3429

                          Re: How obsessed are you?

                          Wow, I started this thread over ten years ago.

                          Time, time, time
                          See what's become of me...
                          l i t t l e s t e p h e r s


                          • Buzz
                            Der Postmeister
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 33 - New Superhero
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4197

                            Re: How obsessed are you?

                            Originally posted by chuft
                            Wow, I started this thread over ten years ago.

                            Time, time, time
                            See what's become of me...
                            hi has been a while


                            • shoelaceandfriends
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 6 - Stingy Poster
                              • Oct 2017
                              • 35

                              Re: How obsessed are you?

                              It's been my special interest for about a year now and tbh....I must've spent at least $300 or $400 bucks on this goddamn obsession...

                              Like just last week, I ordered some old Latibaer books from this Icelandic website (I had to google translate everything on the website in order to figure out how to make the purchase...). The shipping was crazy expensive ($34 shipping) so two books altogether cost me $51if you include shipping (once I finally get them in the mail, I'll have all 3 of the original Latibaer books)

                              I've learned from this obsession that shipping from Iceland is crazy expensive in general. I got the original plays on DVD and also Johannes (a movie stefan was in) from an Icelandic website and those cost me like $40 apiece as well because of $20 shipping...

                              That's all the official merch I have but, ...I've spent a lot on fanmade stuff from redbubble. It's so hard not to. The Lazytown fandom is really talented. So now I have shirts, mugs, posters, a phone case, and all sorts of stuff with people's Lazytown art on it (even a pillow with Ithrottaalfurrin's face on it).

                              On top of that, I've attempted a Goggi Mega (GGIL) cosplay as well (I need to improve the cosplay though)

                              I put Lazytown stuff on EVERYTHING. My laptop is covered in Lazytown stickers, Glanni and Ithro are my computer background, Sportacus is my facebook cover photo as well as my phone lockscreen, and Robbie is my phone's homescreen. I am not exactly secret or subtle about my obsession at all. I'll bring up how much I love it to people once I become friends with them, and I'll just talk about it all the time (It's my special interest so it's hard not to).

                              I've roped friends of mine into watching the show or plays with me or listening to lazytown music when we hang out (I'm lucky enough my two best friends like Lazytown as well)

                              Most of my tumblr posts are Lazytown-related and sometimes I even talk about it on facebook...

                              I do Lazytown roleplays with people online sometimes (I'm currently in an ongoing one that me and my rp partner started in August) and my very first fanfic I've ever written was a Lazytown one that ended up being 91 pages long in microsoft word, and I have written more fics since then and I'm currently planning another really long one I hope to start soon, and I'm even writing a short fic for the Lazytown fan-zine that is being made on tumblr. I was also a script-writer for the Lazytown abridged series...but that project ended pretty quickly unfortunately.

                              In general, a dedicate a good portion of my freetime to Lazytown, usually either roleplaying or looking at Lazytown stuff or stuff relating to Magnus or Stefan on tumblr or youtube or google. Tbh...I'm listening to a playlist of lazytown songs as I type this rn...

                              This is honestly one of the strongest special interests I've ever had's gotten serious to the point where someone else in my position might feel concerned but...I give no ****s, honestly. It's not really harming anyone and no one's really told me they were annoyed by it yet or anything so...

                              If you think about it, I could be addicted to meth or something, so Lazytown is a lot healthier.


                              • LazyPooky
                                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 7244

                                Re: How obsessed are you?

                                Originally posted by chuft
                                Wow, I started this thread over ten years ago.

                                Time, time, time
                                See what's become of me...
                                Not so obsessed anymore I guess? mpff
                                It's great to see you back here.
                                Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.

