From what little I've heard of the UK dub, I'd agree. Their personalities feel more defined by the US voices, perhaps because the dubbed characters are more reflective of the US and American stereotypes (or 'easy access points', to use a less weighted term). The LT kids are reflective of a broad cross-section, and dubbing them all with British accents dulls that diversity just a bit.
I don't know why, but the US originals (or dubs) seem to give out more personality than the UK dubs. Everyone sounds the same in the UK dub. And, again, I'm half British. Plus I don't have a British accent so that's probably why I feel the US originals/dubs give out more personality to the characters.
Maybe because they're all (with the exception of the mayor) apparently voiced by Julie Westwood and Sarah Burgess in the UK dub?
One thing I have noticed after watching more episodes is that sometimes the editing is a little off. For example, in you are a pirate there's this one really weird shot they cut to quickly then cut away from. Is it just me who finds it odd? :s I've noticed it some other times but I can't tell you off the top of my head in what episode and when etc. It's around the 1:18 mark that weird shot of Rottenbeard coming toards the camera :icon_lol:
One thing I have noticed after watching more episodes is that sometimes the editing is a little off.
There's the type of comedy you linger on, and there's the sort of comedy that's fast paced and sporadic--'random', if you will. It's intended to be a quick shot, like Flobbie clicking his heels in We Are Number One.
Mind you, if I'd cut it, I might've given it a frame or two more. Runs the risk of being missed if one blinks.
Sometimes a ball will be kicked or thrown somewhere, and it will stay up in the air for as much as 30 seconds, when in reality, it would have landed in about 5.
(Then some smaller things, like during Galaxy, with huge planetary bodies, NOT WEARING HELMETS WHILE IN SPACE; Dancing on the Moon isn't so realistic either, with a jet powered ship that goes to the moon, while we all know that jet engines need oxygen to run; During dancing dreams when a suitcase folds out "wings" and they can fly it in as if it were a real plane [despite it being as aerodynamic as a brick]; The EXTREME speeds that the airship can travel at [Possibly over mach 1, and over mach 10 during the episode where Sportacus runs out of water, and has to go to iceland in ~1 second]; How shadows all radiate outwards from the center of Lazytown, etc.)
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