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If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything differently?

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  • #16
    Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

    I would have the visuals recorded twice: one where they speak American English and one where they speak Icelandic.

    I would have them make seasons 5-6 in the 2020s, and it would include stuff like Sportacus showing off all his vehicles/gadgets (with Pixel maybe) and Robbie trying to blow them up with his cannon. They would also utilize the No One's Lazy in LazyTown 2007 remix for Sportacus music, and actually have an episode where they perform the song including the clap-clap-down-down-cross-shoulders-up-up dance moves. I would also utilize the old backstory of Sportacus 9 passing his role onto Alex, and also have Bessie treat Sportacus as her son (because he is). Maybe I would have Sportacus continue to teach Ziggy to be a hero. I would also have them sell some nice merch with drawings of the characters on them IRL. I would just like to make LT popular again!


    • #17
      Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

      I would have expanded on the backstories of the characters. Sportacus, Robbie, and Stephanie in particular all have backstories that were brought up during Welcome To LazyTown and some other early episodes, and then just forgotten about. The show forced the viewers to ask internal questions like, "Who was Sportacus 9," "How did Robbie come to reign over LazyTown," and "Where did Stephanie come from," and then left them hanging, which is kind of rude haha. I guess they thought that the show would be better without delving into those questions and letting the audience consume the show on surface level, but I'm not sure if I agree. Ultimately, I'm an adult critiquing a show for preschoolers, so there's that, but with all the passion (and love) put into the various aspects of LazyTown, it's a shame that the stories and writing didn't seem to get the same type of opportunity for exploration.


      • #18
        Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

        I would bring back the original plot of Sportacus being Alex Busybody, cuz that's a really good story-line. And maybe a new female character, maybe a teenager, maybe a little older, and maybe related to one of the kids and that she'll have a secret crush on Sportacus (And I'm also saying this because that's like half of my fanfics plots).


        • #19
          Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

          More episodes focusing on the negative traits of each kid individually. I support the show being overall about healthy eating and exercise, but would have liked to see more specialized attention for each kid since their defining traits present so many opportunies. For example, there could have been a lot more done with Trixie's foibles. Episodes showing Trixie teasing other kids or roughhousing with them/playing tricks on them because that's how she has fun, but showing that she is having fun at the expense of the other kids and how that may push them away from her until she learns more pro-social behaviors instead. With Stingy, we had a few episodes with him that tread the exact same territory, ie him taking things that don't belong to him (Sportacus' crystal, claiming the tree house prize). I would have liked to see Stingy's greediness/possessiveness manifested in other ways, such as being jealous when his friends pay less attention to him in favor of other people for example, and how can Stingy learn to deal with not always being the center of attention or having to defer to the desires and choices of other people. Stingy can demonstrate how to share more than material possessions.

          I think the show could have benefited from more regular secondary characters as well to round out the world. Why not have the post man and Officer Obtuse as more adult figures around town? I have gone along with the idea that a show for such a young audience doesn't benefit from an overly inflated cast, and the point of the show is to focus on the main characters, so why confuse things with background people. But while watching the show, some episodes in particular make the world feel jarringly empty outside of our cast, like when Milford and Bessie are the only people to attend rock concerts and circus shows? It feels weird. Having guest characters in the later seasons was interesting but didn't satisfy that lacking aspect for me, only highlighted it more.

          As I can't read Icelandic I have no idea what kinds of LazyTown stories there are in the books that were published before the show was created, but I wonder if there is a trove of episode material in them as well that could have been used.


          • #20
            Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

            Originally posted by Stingy View Post
            I would have expanded on the backstories of the characters. Sportacus, Robbie, and Stephanie in particular all have backstories that were brought up during Welcome To LazyTown and some other early episodes, and then just forgotten about. The show forced the viewers to ask internal questions like, "Who was Sportacus 9," "How did Robbie come to reign over LazyTown," and "Where did Stephanie come from," and then left them hanging, which is kind of rude haha. I guess they thought that the show would be better without delving into those questions and letting the audience consume the show on surface level, but I'm not sure if I agree. Ultimately, I'm an adult critiquing a show for preschoolers, so there's that, but with all the passion (and love) put into the various aspects of LazyTown, it's a shame that the stories and writing didn't seem to get the same type of opportunity for exploration.
            If we had back stories to those characters, there would be no room for ridiculous and hilarious LT conspiracy theories. I have to say I'm pretty good with that.


            • #21
              Re: If you were in charge of LT when it aired, would you have done anything different

              Save up to pay for actors?


              • #22
                • NO CLIP SHOWS
                • A new song every single episode
                • Break-it-downs removed from songs
                • Make a spinoff based on the heroic antics of Sportacus and Stephanie in different towns
                Magnus owns LazyTown again. Celebrate!

