Wildly Inaccurate Season 3/4 Original Episode Air Dates?

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  • StephanieSplitz


    Wildly Inaccurate Season 3/4 Original Episode Air Dates?

    Something strange that I've noticed while trying to accurately write about when each season first started and ended.

    As far as I can tell, the air dates listed on the GetLazy wiki for season 3 and 4 are correct, with season 3 starting on April 13th, 2013 and ending on June 8th, 2013, and all of season 4 running from the 6th to the 23rd of October, 2014

    So why is this literally the only place with those air dates? Wikipedia, that other fan wiki, IMDb, episode listings, everywhere else on the internet seems to claim that season 3 started in March and ended in December, and season 4 started in January and ended in mid-October?

    I know for a fact these are inaccurate. I've checked threads reacting to the episodes as they came out. I searched Google for any results about these episodes before air dates listed here on GetLazy and found nothing.

    So where in the world did those wrong dates even come from? It's just very strange to me because they are so far off. A shame too, because most discussions I've seen about We Are Number One incorrectly date Robbie's Dream Team as having aired on October 3rd. I've even seen fans celebrate the anniversary of that date. When in reality, not only did the episode not actually air until October 22nd, but season 4 hadn't even started yet on October 3rd!

    Amazing how long these have gone without being corrected.
  • LazyPooky
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7259
    • Netherlands [NL]

    Re: Wildly Inaccurate Season 3/4 Original Episode Air Dates?

    You know this is the right place to find accurate information about LazyTown because of the true fans, and we have full control of this website (domain).

    We can't control what's on other places. People write, copy, edit and delete whatever they want, without actually fact-checking so it can become a real mess sometimes on fan wiki's and IMDb. But feel free to add the correct information everywhere else.
    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


    • StephanieSplitz

      Re: Wildly Inaccurate Season 3/4 Original Episode Air Dates?

      Oh, of course, I wasn't trying to imply that you could control the information on websites outside of this one. It's the wild west out there. I've come to realize how hilariously inaccurate most other places (especially the LazyTown related pages on KnowYourMeme) that I've mostly become numb to it since I know to just check here instead.

      This air date discrepancy just seemed to stand out to me because of how strangely specific the wrong dates seemed. I just couldn't help but wonder where false claims like that even come from in the first place.

