Hi everyone,
As I'm sure most of us in the USA are painfully aware, LazyTown has fallen out of the public eye in the United States. It has been nominated for Daytime Emmys this year, but it is no longer on Nick. Jr's regular schedule and hasn't been for some time. Low ratings and revenue have contributed to the downfall, and we are now watching on the sidelines as other regions such as the UK get new episodes months ahead of us, better merchandise, and more exposure in general.
Perhaps the executives' minds have been made up: that LazyTown is a complete failure in the USA and can never be anything more. Maybe it's all over and we can't win. But there's always a way, so I want to start a campaign to have our voices heard. People have tried similar attempts before, but I want to try again!
Write to Nick Jr. USA
Write to LazyTown Entertainment
I've personally written a letter to Nick Jr. USA, and I plan to write to LTE soon. I'll post my letter to Nick Jr. later on.
If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them. People in other regions lacking LT as of late, feel free to post contact info for your local broadcasters and write letters too! I'll add the contact info to this post so we can start a global campaign. (The UK and Germany need no exposure :p)
As I'm sure most of us in the USA are painfully aware, LazyTown has fallen out of the public eye in the United States. It has been nominated for Daytime Emmys this year, but it is no longer on Nick. Jr's regular schedule and hasn't been for some time. Low ratings and revenue have contributed to the downfall, and we are now watching on the sidelines as other regions such as the UK get new episodes months ahead of us, better merchandise, and more exposure in general.
Perhaps the executives' minds have been made up: that LazyTown is a complete failure in the USA and can never be anything more. Maybe it's all over and we can't win. But there's always a way, so I want to start a campaign to have our voices heard. People have tried similar attempts before, but I want to try again!
Write to Nick Jr. USA
Write to LazyTown Entertainment
I've personally written a letter to Nick Jr. USA, and I plan to write to LTE soon. I'll post my letter to Nick Jr. later on.
If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them. People in other regions lacking LT as of late, feel free to post contact info for your local broadcasters and write letters too! I'll add the contact info to this post so we can start a global campaign. (The UK and Germany need no exposure :p)