What is with LazyTown Entertainment's insistence on using obscure distribution methods for its content?
Opting for the completely unknown and never alive HD VMD format over HD DVD and Blu-ray, and now for digital distribution instead of doing something logical like putting its shit on the iTunes Store like literally everybody else is doing LTE goes with some inferior obscure company with a stupid DRM system that breaks its product. :hurr:
What is with LazyTown Entertainment's insistence on using obscure distribution methods for its content?
Opting for the completely unknown and never alive HD VMD format over HD DVD and Blu-ray, and now for digital distribution instead of doing something logical like putting its shit on the iTunes Store like literally everybody else is doing LTE goes with some inferior obscure company with a stupid DRM system that breaks its product. :hurr:
What is with LazyTown Entertainment's insistence on using obscure distribution methods for its content?
Opting for the completely unknown and never alive HD VMD format over HD DVD and Blu-ray, and now for digital distribution instead of doing something logical like putting its shit on the iTunes Store like literally everybody else is doing LTE goes with some inferior obscure company with a stupid DRM system that breaks its product. :hurr:
For once I agree with you, it's getting quite crap.
You'd think that a digital download store would have a decent quality to play it in, but no.
My blu-ray player can make DVD's with footage from 1997 look decent HD, but it can't with this crap.
Hurry up with the 720/1080P downloads already (Although we should probably expect Interlaced HD ).
If all episodes were available on DVD down here I wouldn't mind, but there's only a selected few.
the season 2 issues i don't care about, the only episode i liked from season 2 was Sportacus On The Move. so these out of sync issues mean **** all for me
Lucky I've been recording them from ABC, Best quality I've seen them in so far. but still not even 720P.
Get it together LTE, Now i know what it looks like in HD, i WANT it in HD.