LazyTown Project ideas

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  • LazyPooky
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7244


    LazyTown Project ideas

    All these years I tried to come up with new LazyTown projects. Just to keep myself busy, having fun with LazyTown stuff and learning a lot during the work on the projects. Most of it is working with software because many projects are video and music editing, and upload it to YouTube. Other projects were interviews (not anymore though), collecting behind the scenes information and ordering them by date, collecting pictures, documents, dub languages audio, subtitles etc, etc. In all these years, talking since 2007, there hasn't been a day that I was bored. Understandable for new-comers there hasn't been much new stuff to find or come up with new/unique videos (or something like that) what not has been found or made already, and almost everything can be downloaded, presented on a silver platter. If you look at it in the positive way: you don't have to struggle looking for the right and good quality video, audio or pictures. That wasn't around for years and sometimes frustrating.

    Okay, to make my point: Do you still want to do some LazyTown project (alone or with a team) and what would that be?

    I have many collecting projects running, that's probably a never ending story.
    - Pictures/photos
    What I really like is to have a good online photo gallery, on this server for example, to store this large collection and to access that online. I haven't found it yet. On the website the imagevuex version 2 software is running. There is a new version already on which is now version 3 and I have it downloaded. What I like about this software is that it's mobile phone compatible, and not every photo gallery has that. It's a complex piece of software though and you need to take your time to figure things out. What I would like is that people can respond to pictures and I'm not sure if that's the case here. So that's one of the projects for the future.
    - Languages / dubs
    We (Bädo, Parviz and me) were collecting those languages for a few years now, it's a bit quiet right now since everything is ripped from the internet by now. There are still many foreign DVDs around (for the audio), some hard to find but this is still going. For all languages there are now GetLazy YouTube channels so as a bit of a back-up the videos are uploaded there (not yet though). Something like this LazyTown Albanian but with the original language videos of course. So HD video, language audio and maybe subtitles.
    - Documents/PDF/DOCs
    I have a lot of those and a few are written out here in the Article part of the GetLazy board but it's just too much work. Maybe some online-document uploader would be great. It would be great to have them viewable. Unlike the pictures-photos, I haven´t ordered them by category and date yet. I´m not looking forward to do that actually but there comes a day that it will happen.

    Projects for fun:
    - Many audio projects are still running.
    New Megamix, remixes, original LazyTown songs made in FL Studio (base melody). Like that. You need to love to work with music and music software otherwise it's no fun.
    - Video projects
    I was hoping to have finished the short videos but still have 10 videos to do so maybe in a few months that is fixed. Video editing is not actually my favorite way of spending my free time, but most of the time I love the results so thinking of that makes it a lot easier. Than I have some other unfinished video projects that I work on when I'm in the right mood. Think of behind-the-scenes videos or just

    On YouTube it's a bit quiet these days. All known/special/episode videos have been uploaded by now and probably seen by everyone interested. I can't think of any interesting video right now..

    GetLazy Forum projects.
    - I was busy ordering the picture threads. Some other threads need to be cleaned etc. Maybe we just need to keep it this way. I don't know.
    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
  • YikesDepartment
    Loyal LazyTowner
    Level 14 - Sportscandy
    • Jan 2017
    • 318

    Re: LazyTown Project ideas

    Originally posted by LazyPooky
    Do you still want to do some LazyTown project (alone or with a team) and what would that be?
    Personally, I have a big list of LazyTown projects I still want to do, I just haven't had the time/motivation to do them.
    I have a big text document filled with video and art ideas.
    I've also been wanting to work on improving the GetLazy wiki.

    Regarding collecting. As you said yourself Pooky, that's really never-ending. I collect behind the scenes photos and production assests/images.
    Also still collecting lots of merch that I don't have. (Cds, Dvds, Book, etc...).

    Hope my motivation for videos will come back soon so I can get my YouTube channel back on track.


    • Pickelhaube808
      LT Scientist
      Level 14 - Sportscandy
      • Apr 2017
      • 339

      Re: LazyTown Project ideas

      Originally posted by YikesDepartment
      Also still collecting lots of merch that I don't have. (Cds, Dvds, Book, etc...).
      It would be interesting to somehow catalog all of the merch we have and have found into a giant document/webpage, including stuff that is theoretically out there but we haven't found yet (Like an áfram disc) or is just rumored (such as a 2012 annual). It could be sorted into the different media - Physical objects/figures, written, digital audio, analog audio (the bing bang vinyl), video, paintings (like the krakkabanki one), you name it. These merch piece segments would ideally have a picture (from the internet or taken by yourself) and a sentence or two explaining what it is, what it may be worth (at the time of writing), when it was made, if there is a special story behind said merch, etc. It may not be a big flashy project to show off to everyone, but I think it would be interesting to document, especially for some of the more rare stuff...

      Now that I actually looked back at the GL wiki, I realize that it already has a lot of these, but I guess what I'm thinking about is a large expansion and reformatting of that section.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	1
Size:	82,4 KB
ID:	150498
      sigpic User:Rift has been banned from


      • LazyPooky
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Oct 2007
        • 7244

        Re: LazyTown Project ideas

        LazyWiki or Wiki in general is not one of my favorite places to catalogue and exhibit a collection. It's not very user friendly. For basic info it is good though. Online Software installed on this server that has the specific task to exhibit a collection of photos and documents, and to catalogue all the merch etc. with extended information AND is user friendly and compatible with mobile phones has my preference, free or not free I don't care. Maybe it's too much to ask for but imo it's out there somewhere.
        Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


        • Rift
          Level 13 - Purple Panther
          • Dec 2016
          • 265

          Re: LazyTown Project ideas

          I have one project (you know what it is) but I've been waiting to release it cause of a certain someone, but I'd love to work on a video/music project with yall. I'd be happy editing audio/music or video.

          One thing that I've wanted to do for a while but haven't been able to for a billion reasons, is make a "LazyTown Remixed" album, where we pick a few songs and pick a few musicians to remix said songs and put it out on GL, however that wouldn't really work well since we don't have many musicians nor do we have the rights to use the stems from Máni legally.


          • lalalei2001
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
            • Feb 2019
            • 66

            Re: LazyTown Project ideas

            Right now I'm working on a fairly lengthy LazyTown fanfic about video games. I hope that counts as a project XD


            • LazyPooky
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Oct 2007
              • 7244

              Re: LazyTown Project ideas

              Originally posted by lalalei2001
              Right now I'm working on a fairly lengthy LazyTown fanfic about video games. I hope that counts as a project XD
              Everything you do that has been inspired by LazyTown and you can show the world is a project
              Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


              • PKMNMasterClara
                Former LazyTuber
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 13 - Purple Panther
                • Feb 2017
                • 275

                Re: LazyTown Project ideas

                There's a lot of things related to LazyTown (and BusyCity) that I would want to do, but the thing is, I'm too addicted to my own video game consoles (Like my 3DS and my Switch, etc), and most of the time, I don't feel like making new LazyTown videos, making me upload a video, and then my next one comes out 5 MONTHS later. I call myself a Lazy Scout because of that. I hope that I make more videos soon... (PS: I'm also tired sometimes, and I have school. Which is why I have a hard time deciding if I want to make a new video). In other words, I NEED ENERGY! :disappointed:

                "If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!" -Sportacus, 2014


                • megadjmatt25
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                  • May 2016
                  • 1226

                  Re: LazyTown Project ideas

                  I been working on a LazyTown project recently. It's very difficult to write not so much because I am not a writer but because It touches upon a subject that very rarely comes up in shows like LazyTown. If anyone is interested in knowing what it is let me know.


                  • PKMNMasterClara
                    Former LazyTuber
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 13 - Purple Panther
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 275

                    Re: LazyTown Project ideas

                    I am! What is it?

                    "If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!" -Sportacus, 2014


                    • LazyPooky
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 7244

                      Re: LazyTown Project ideas

                      If you want to talk about your project or other things involved with projects in general, you can use this forum and make a new thread if that's needed. There are a few new forums added in the LazyTown Project category for specific projects. It's helpful if you (want to) work in a team, need help with a running project or just want to give people project updates. For now these are the new forum names that I thought of. You might want to have a new forum added depending on what you want to do.

                      - Audio & Music
                      - Video
                      - Graphic
                      - Collecting Language Dubs
                      - Website projects (archive, photo gallery, wiki etc.)
                      Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                      • Subscribe Every Day
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 9 - Energy Poster
                        • Nov 2017
                        • 95

                        Re: LazyTown Project ideas

                        Whatchu writing Matt?

                        As for me, I still need to finish my fanfic.
                        “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
                        Monty Oum (1981-2015)


                        • possessor
                          I like LazyTown.
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 31 - Number 9
                          • Oct 2021
                          • 3008

                          is this still on?
                          LazyPooky Stingy I'm thinking we should make a sportacus version of!
                          if not then maybe
                          -a fanmade twist on the lazytown megamix
                          -best of lazytown (clips from s1-4)


                          • LazyPooky
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 7244

                            Originally posted by possessor of mine
                            is this still on?
                            LazyPooky Stingy I'm thinking we should make a sportacus version of!
                            Good idea What would be the name?
                            There aren't much animated GIFs and photoshoops of Sportacus though, so it will be a very small version.
                            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                            • possessor
                              I like LazyTown.
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 31 - Number 9
                              • Oct 2021
                              • 3008

                     maybe And we could make our own photoshoots and photos and stuff


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