Episode list Flemish: Season 1

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  • LazyPooky
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7186


    Episode list Flemish: Season 1

    Episode list Flemish: Season 1

    Episode # Episode English Episode Flemish
    S1E01 Welcome to LazyTown Welkom In Lazytown
    S1E02 Defeeted Voeten Op Hol
    S1E03 Sports Day Sportdag
    S1E04 Crystal Caper Het Verdwenen Kristal
    S1E05 Sleepless in LazyTown Slapeloos In LazyTown
    S1E06 Swiped Sweets Gestolen Snoep
    S1E07 Hero for a Day Held Voor Een Dag
    S1E08 Sportafake Sportafake
    S1E09 Happy Brush Day Happy Schrob Dag
    S1E10 Lazy Scouts Luie Scouts
    S1E11 Dr Rottenstein Dr Rottenstein
    S1E12 Rottenbeard Rottenbaard
    S1E13 Cry Dinosaur Dinodinges
    S1E14 My Treehouse Mijn Boomhut
    S1E15 The Laziest Town De Meest Luie Stad
    S1E16 Dear Diary Beste Dagboek
    S1E17 Zap It Zap 't
    S1E18 Records Day Record Dag
    S1E19 Prince Stingy Prins Stingy
    S1E20 Pixelspix Pixel's Pix
    S1E21 Play Day Speeldag
    S1E22 Remote Control Afstandbediening
    S1E23 Sportacus Who Sportacus Wie?
    S1E24 Soccer Sucker Voetbal Vertier
    S1E25 Miss Roberta Miss Roberta
    S1E26 LazyTown's New Superhero LazyTown's Nieuwe Superheld
    S1E27 Secret Agent Zero Geheim Agent Zero
    S1E28 LazyTown's Greatest Hits LazyTown's Grootste Hits
    S1E29 LazyTown's Surprise Santa
    S1E30 Robbies Greatest Misses Robbie's Grootste Flops
    S1E31 Sports Candy Festival Sports Snoepjes Festival
    S1E32 Dancing Duel Dans Duel
    S1E33 Ziggys Alien Ziggy's Marsmannetje
    S1E34 Sportacus on the Move Sportacus In Actie
    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.