Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

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  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497

    Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

    Added to my to-do list, chuft. :)

    E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR)

    E37 Trash Trouble (Skootch)
    E42 Friends Forever (null [x264])
    E51 Dancing Dreams (Canada-Edis/nindajoe)
    Originally posted by Joseph Stalin
    Personally, I would totally rather deal with having to re-upload a file every 3 months when someone wants the file and missed the boat. That to me is a fair trade for being able to up and download at line speed, rather than at some predefined cap. That bugs me to no end. Plus MegaFail making you wait for DLs after exceeding some arbitrary cap is BS too.

    I'll keep using my own private webserver and MediaFire, thanks. I have moar internets than I do patience.

    Also: in Soviet Russia, files wait for YOU!
    Unfortunately, I don't have the greatest speeds, so I have to maximize my time as best as I can with my upload speed. FiOS is not available in my area, so nothing can be done about that. I wish I could satisfy everyone, but I can't. Sorry, notorious.

    I do admit that re-uploading every few months is good because you get to find out who wants what and you get an idea on who's downloading because I see that most of the downloads are a few more than 1 or 2. So we have some people downloading without so much as a peep. I could always implement a "PM me for the password" system if this keeps happening. However, I'll stick to this other method for awhile, other people use the connection I'm on so it would be unfair of me to be constantly using it to upload while making their Internet surfing experience slower.
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


    • nindanjoe
      Former Moderator
      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
      • Apr 2007
      • 1497

      Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

      I see. I grew up assuming that when people complained you had to do something to make them happy. It's beyond my understanding that something else can occur. Although I am quite interested.

      Anyhoo, finished chuft's request. :)

      E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR)

      chuft (Requests fulfilled)
      E37 Trash Trouble (Skootch) [Uploaded]
      http://www.**************/?d=6PTTFQU2]E37 Trash Trouble DL Link[/url]

      E42 Friends Forever (null [x264]) [Uploaded]
      http://www.**************/?d=AMSOV3H3]E42 Friends Forever DL Link[/url]

      E51 Dancing Dreams (Canada-Edis/nindajoe) [Uploaded]
      http://www.**************/?d=FXDCEIMM]E51 Dancing Dreams DL Link[/url]
      Hmm, I forgot to update the original topics. I should go do that, eventually. ;)
      *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


      • chuft
        Level 31 - Number 9
        • Dec 2007
        • 3434

        Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

        . .
        l i t t l e s t e p h e r s


        • chuft
          Level 31 - Number 9
          • Dec 2007
          • 3434

          Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

          . .
          l i t t l e s t e p h e r s


          • nindanjoe
            Former Moderator
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1497

            Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

            Added to the list, and Once Upon a Time's DL link is still active from ilovestephshoes's request, so that's one down and 2 to go.

            E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR)

            E25 Miss Roberta

            E47 LazyTown goes Digital (UK-surbanmum/Stevilito, UK-surbanmum/nindanjoe)

            E49 Once Upon a Time (Australia-ponycat/kelly) [Uploaded]
            http://www.**************/?d=AGILSKMQ]E49 DL Link[/url]
            Still on eMule at the moment, and Double Trouble should be done with the next couple of days (I have to upload what I downloaded too ;)).
            *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


            • Ultra Magnus
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 29 - Villain Number One
              • May 2007
              • 2039

              Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

              Originally posted by nindanjoe
              OTR, or Old Time Rocker, over at FTi has a bunch of UK encodes on eMule (ED2K Network), link: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2lgkf9 .
              You couldn't copy/paste them thar links for me, could you?
              FTi is refusing to let me sign up for some reason. :?
              Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
              GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


              • nindanjoe
                Former Moderator
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                • Apr 2007
                • 1497

                Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                Originally posted by Ultra Magnus
                Originally posted by nindanjoe
                OTR, or Old Time Rocker, over at FTi has a bunch of UK encodes on eMule (ED2K Network), link: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2lgkf9 .
                You couldn't copy/paste them thar links for me, could you?
                FTi is refusing to let me sign up for some reason. :?
                Sure thing. Here are the HTMLs I saved of two different pages and put into a RAR: http://anonym.to/?http://www.mediafire.com/?tz1etm0ynip

                Sure is strange of them to not let you sign up. They did have some drama last year with another forum, maybe they're restricting stuff because of that. I investigated that, they were both telling the truth until a certain point. At that point it was a he-said-she-said kind of thing (threats, reporting to the Government, that kind of thing). Rather unfortunate since the ED2K community is supposed to be a good community.

                In related news, I finished downloading Double Trouble and finished uploading about 600MB of that file. :) Time to get to uploading other stuffs!

                EDIT: There was one that I did finish uploading:

                E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR)

                E25 Miss Roberta

                E47 LazyTown goes Digital
                (UK-surbanmum/Stevilito, UK-surbanmum/nindanjoe) [Uploaded]
                http://www.**************/?d=6M8JSTB2]E47 DL Link[/url]

                E49 Once Upon a Time (Australia-ponycat/kelly) [Uploaded]
                http://www.**************/?d=AGILSKMQ]E49 DL Link[/url]
                *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                • Ultra Magnus
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 29 - Villain Number One
                  • May 2007
                  • 2039

                  Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]


                  Originally posted by nindanjoe
                  Sure is strange of them to not let you sign up. They did have some drama last year with another forum, maybe they're restricting stuff because of that.
                  Oh, I doubt it's anything intentional.
                  It's just that I tried signing up twice (with two different email addresses), and didn't receive the confirmation link for either.
                  *a shruggery*
                  Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                  GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


                  • nindanjoe
                    Former Moderator
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1497

                    Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                    You're welcome. They're probably just lazy with the confirmation then. Or server problems.

                    lazyhearts: (Request fulfilled)
                    E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR) [Uploaded]
                    http://www.**************/?d=CGF508NC]E38 DL Link[/url]

                    chuft: (Requests fulfilled)
                    E25 Miss Roberta [Uploaded]
                    http://www.**************/?d=G1RWZ4DT]E25 DL Link[/url]

                    E47 LazyTown goes Digital (UK-surbanmum/Stevilito, UK-surbanmum/nindanjoe) [Uploaded]
                    http://www.**************/?d=6M8JSTB2]E47 DL Link[/url]

                    E49 Once Upon a Time (Australia-ponycat/kelly) [Uploaded]
                    http://www.**************/?d=AGILSKMQ]E49 DL Link[/url]
                    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                    • lazyhearts
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 10 - LazyTowner
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 146

                      Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                      Originally posted by nindanjoe
                      You're welcome. They're probably just lazy with the confirmation then. Or server problems.

                      lazyhearts: (Request fulfilled)
                      E38 Double Trouble (UK-OTR) [Uploaded]
                      http://www.**************/?d=CGF508NC]E38 DL Link[/url]

                      chuft: (Requests fulfilled)
                      E25 Miss Roberta [Uploaded]
                      http://www.**************/?d=G1RWZ4DT]E25 DL Link[/url]

                      E47 LazyTown goes Digital (UK-surbanmum/Stevilito, UK-surbanmum/nindanjoe) [Uploaded]
                      http://www.**************/?d=6M8JSTB2]E47 DL Link[/url]

                      E49 Once Upon a Time (Australia-ponycat/kelly) [Uploaded]
                      http://www.**************/?d=AGILSKMQ]E49 DL Link[/url]


                      • chuft
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 31 - Number 9
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 3434

                        Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                        . .
                        l i t t l e s t e p h e r s


                        • nindanjoe
                          Former Moderator
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1497

                          Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                          You're welcome, folks! :)
                          *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                          • SportaSentai
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 10 - LazyTowner
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 107

                            Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                            Hi Nindanjoe!

                            I was wondering...do you think you could re-upload "The Lazy Genie" US audio in xvid/avi format please?

                            Also, I tried to download the available version of "Sportacus on the Move" (US), and it's in this weird file format that isn't compatible with my computer. Is there a possibility that you could upload that one too...preferably in xvid/avi format?

                            Thank you!


                            • yosy
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 9 - Energy Poster
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 96

                              Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                              where have i been? dam!

                              thanks nindanjoe!


                              • SportaSentai
                                GETLAZY MEMBER
                                Level 10 - LazyTowner
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 107

                                Re: Pick an episode! Any episode! [Make a request from a list]

                                Originally posted by Joseph Stalin
                                Originally posted by SportaSentai
                                Hi Nindanjoe!

                                I was wondering...do you think you could re-upload "The Lazy Genie" US audio in xvid/avi format please?

                                Also, I tried to download the available version of "Sportacus on the Move" (US), and it's in this weird file format that isn't compatible with my computer. Is there a possibility that you could upload that one too...preferably in xvid/avi format?

                                Thank you!
                                If its the file I'm thinking of, its a .mkv file, HQ x264 encode.

                                VLC can handle these files, or here are some alternative means:

                                Yeah...that's it. It's an .mkv file. Unfortunately, I would download it (and play it on the VLC player), but the only computer I have is my stepdad's, and he's VERY picky about what files go into it. And since he has never heard of .mkv files, he won't let me download it (he doesn't trust it). :( Well, I tried...

                                Is there any other way? (nindanjoe?...)

