Lazytown live for the usa! A proper one! 2009

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  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497


    Originally posted by hlazytownero
    Who's saying to exclude the other not-Hispanic people?
    It's in Spanish. Only Spanish speaking people are going to go see it lol...
    Originally posted by hlazytownero
    it's a wise decision because LTE is trying to reach to Hispanic public in USA AFTER four years in which not-Hispanic public have had the opportunity to enjoy in English the whole series
    Indeed it is good that they are expending their fanbase, but there are several Spanish television channels that they could have broadcasted LazyTown from. A live show is going to (1) make way less money and (2) won't reach anywhere near the viewers that a TV show would.
    Originally posted by hlazytownero
    many, many of those 44M people are bilingual: they speak Spanish as well as English (as is usual with other kind of ethnic minorities, as Italians, Chineses, and so on)
    I don't know where you live, but that isn't the case at all. Sure alot of people in the United States are bilingual, you're right. But really, no more than half of hispanice nowadays are. Not to mention that this is a childrens show that we are talking about here and minority languages dissipate with each generation. Children are actually the worst demographic to make something that is presented in a minority language for.
    Originally posted by hlazytownero
    What is the problem about it, anyway?
    The problem is that this isn't a very good idea lol
    Originally posted by hlazytownero
    It is not a bad/silly idea (LTE is trying to reach everybody in States
    Well let's just say this. You take a test and you get a 14% on it. I would call that a fail. That's the maximum percent of the United States that this show can appeal to. Making it English would boost its maximum potential to about 90%. That is what I would call a pass. See my point?


    • stephanie's lazyboy
      Level 13 - Purple Panther
      • Feb 2009
      • 269




      • hlazytownero
        P&F Obsessed
        Level 20 - Master of Posting
        • Sep 2008
        • 617


        Again: you're missing my point. LTE is NOT abandoning the English speech audiences: that would a STUPID decision. I'm talking about trying to reach to all the people they can with LazyTown TV show and/or live performances (in any language). That's all.

        My point is the American networks have had for more than four years all kind of resources to present and develop the show for the American audience, in ENGLISH. After that time, I wonder, is LazyTown more successful now than before for it? No, in fact, the show is dying (or it's already gone) in many places in USA. Part of this behavior is due to LTE and part is due to the big American broadcasting companies. However, I believe today LTE is trying to reverse this situation:

        - All Magnús Scheving activities last year (and this one) visiting USA, México, Argentina, Chile, UK, Germany and Australia, trying to get new markets and opportunities for all LazyTown products.
        - All the new approaches to Spain public, keeping a special treatment with British audiences.
        - Opening the Digital LazyTown Store in order to offer an excellent products to really low prices.
        - A better LazyTown official web page: more dynamics and thought for all the audience around the world, and so on.

        So (I insist) is the right time to make a strategic move: try to reach new audiences, keeping the old ones (if it's possible). And if Hispanic audience is the first step in that direction, I totally agree with it. That would be a wise decision in order to recover its role among the best TV shows for kids. Obviously, you're right about the TV networks in Spanish in USA: it's a weak point in this matter and will require more attention and work from MS (and his publicists).

        Anyway, many of you could think it's a really small step, meaningless (if you want), but... hey! One step at a time is the best way to start a long road. :)


        • Stingy
          NEW MEMBER
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Mar 2009
          • 5497


          Originally posted by hlazytownero
          Again: you're missing my point. LTE is NOT abandoning the English speech audiences: that would a STUPID decision.
          I know. But if they want to make a Spanish show, make it in a country where people actually speak the language lol! It's like selling a hamburger at a Chinese food place.


          • Victoria
            Owner of GetLazy
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            • Apr 2007
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            Originally posted by hlazytownero
            With all respect Xizer, you're wrong, it's not silly. I think you must update your info about minorities in USA.

            First of all, from 2003 ( and and more recently confirmed ( is clear that the Hispanics (or Latinos) is the biggest minority in USA (it's about 44M people!!).

            Second of all, most of those people are living in other many places in USA and not only the classical places mentioned by you.

            So, when you consider these facts, it makes sense that LazyTown "takes" USA. LTE Management is not fool: they are moving in a secure economic direction, specially in these days when every dollar counts, don't you think?
            First of all, there may be 44 million Hispanics in the United States, but only 34 million people in the United States speak Spanish. Obviously, just because you're Mexican doesn't mean you know how to speak the language. Unlike your article, my information is from the United States Census Bureau, not some random newspaper in Britain. How would The Telegraph know about the United States's demographics anyway?

            As you can see by this table, there are only 7 states where more than 15% of the population speaks Spanish. In 40/50 of the United States, less than 10% of the population can speak Spanish.

            Most Hispanics in the United States can also speak English. The minority who can only speak Spanish are... you guessed it, illegal immigrants who probably don't have the money, especially in this economy, to go to such an event.

            It's like doing a tour in Mainland China in Cantonese, or doing a tour in Canada in French. An unwise business decision. It makes even less sense when you consider LazyTown is designed and produced in English as its main language. It's just such a wacky business move, just like the decision to make LazyTown available in high definition exclusively on the HD VMD format. I don't know anyone who actually bought one of those things.


            • LazyTownWW
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 28 - Friend For Life
              • Jun 2009
              • 1998


              Originally posted by Xizer
              Originally posted by hlazytownero
              With all respect Xizer, you're wrong, it's not silly. I think you must update your info about minorities in USA.

              First of all, from 2003 ( and and more recently confirmed ( is clear that the Hispanics (or Latinos) is the biggest minority in USA (it's about 44M people!!).

              Second of all, most of those people are living in other many places in USA and not only the classical places mentioned by you.

              So, when you consider these facts, it makes sense that LazyTown "takes" USA. LTE Management is not fool: they are moving in a secure economic direction, specially in these days when every dollar counts, don't you think?

              First of all, there may be 44 million Hispanics in the United States, but only 34 million people in the United States speak Spanish. Obviously, just because you're Mexican doesn't mean you know how to speak the language. Unlike your article, my information is from the United States Census Bureau, not some random newspaper in Britain. How would The Telegraph know about the United States's demographics anyway?

              As you can see by this table, there are only 7 states where more than 15% of the population speaks Spanish. In 40/50 of the United States, less than 10% of the population can speak Spanish.

              Most Hispanics in the United States can also speak English. The minority who can only speak Spanish are... you guessed it, illegal immigrants who probably don't have the money, especially in this economy, to go to such an event.

              It's like doing a tour in Mainland China in Cantonese, or doing a tour in Canada in French. An unwise business decision. It makes even less sense when you consider LazyTown is designed and produced in English as its main language. It's just such a wacky business move, just like the decision to make LazyTown available in high definition exclusively on the HD VMD format. I don't know anyone who actually bought one of those things.
              Finnaly, someone spoke out about immigration on this forum...If I would have said anything...
              How would mexicans feel if LTE toured the Mexican Republic in...mayan for example?
              There is a minority of indians there who still speek this language, but how many, and which is by far the most spoken language there, and the official language of state?
              Sportacus crystal


              • Lazycus
                Master of Shoops
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                • Nov 2007
                • 828


                There should be more awareness of the problems those darn illegal Mayan immigrants cause in Mexico.
                I'd like to hear "You are a Pirate" in Anasazi (or at least Navajo).
                Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam


                • hlazytownero
                  P&F Obsessed
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 20 - Master of Posting
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 617


                  Ok, Xizer, you have a point in your research (well done, btw).

                  Nevertheless, the reality of the facts is there are about 34M Hispanic people in USA, without including the illegal immigrants (10 or 12M). Less than 10% of entire USA population. Ok, understood. Even so, 34M people represents a big economic market: they have professional and regular jobs, they can buy things, they have children who watch TV (English or Spanish, in a percentage than none census can tell), and therefore is not absurd (at all) the idea to try reaching them. I don’t think this situation is comparable to the other commercial situation you’ve mentioned: neither in its reach nor the commercial studies that led to LTE to take such decision. Of course, they can be totally wrong (but I doubt it).

                  Anyway, is just a try. What’s the problem with it? If it fails, LazyTown will continue fading away from American audiences (as it has been happening since two years ago). If it works and is successful, LazyTown will recover part of its glory and popularity: everybody (fans and LTE) will be happy. In both situations, nobody is saying or suggesting that LazyTown won’t keep as main objective the English-speaking audiences in USA and around the world. In the other hand, dear Xizer, if a show was produced and thought for English-speaking audiences doesn’t mean necessarily that is limited to these audiences. What can we say about other shows made for American people or English-speaking audiences but where they got such success in international audiences (I mean, in many languages)? Let’s say (for instance) “The Simpsons”, “The Muppets” (for adult people), “Barney”, “Backyardigans” (for kids), and others more.

                  In the other hand, I do not support illegal immigration. However, I can understand why it occurs, without justify it. Nevertheless, no matter what we think about it, it’s a reality in USA. Then, if they are about 10 or 12M people, with very reduced economic resources (I agree), even so, they can watch TV and buy cheap things (and LazyTown have a full branch of products reachable for most of those people). This fact is well known by the main economic networks and broadcasting networks (as well the publicists). So, if I were they I won’t be hurried to leave this “captive market”. In this sense, not only LTE but other companies and franchises must be interested in this very small market too (specially in the world present economic situation). But, again, is just my opinion.

                  BTW, I have no problem, at all (and I really mean it), with any language or dialect selected to broadcast or present live shows of LazyTown if the main goal of the show is respected (as Magnús Scheving conceived it): a healthy show for kids that even the parents (and adult people too) can enjoy with them.

                  Finally, I'd like to say my purpose was only to share my opinion about the present issue. Is not my idea to confront or fight with other people. If I gave a wrong impression, I apologize for it.


                  • LazyTownWW
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 28 - Friend For Life
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 1998

                    Re: LAZYTOWN LIVE FOR THE USA! A PROPER ONE!

                    Originally posted by Lazycus
                    There should be more awareness of the problems those darn illegal Mayan immigrants cause in Mexico.
                    But mayan indians are native to Mexico, not immigrants...but whatever :)
                    Sportacus crystal


                    • Stingy
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 5497

                      Re: LAZYTOWN LIVE FOR THE USA! A PROPER ONE!

                      Alright I got a little bit of an answer.
                      Basically, LazyTown Entertainment has no part in this. It is all Tycoon's idea (LazyTown's parter in Mexico) and they are just taking the Mexican show and moving up a country. I still think that it is a terrible idea, but I'm glad to see that it isn't LazyTown Entertainment's terrible idea. And I'm glad to hear that Tycoon is taking full responsibility for this. Now I know that I won't be missing anything good when I don't go.

