Premiere of LazyTown Adventure Show 2014 Ævintýri í Latabæ 2014

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  • MsBoku
    Level 10 - LazyTowner
    • May 2014
    • 111

    Premiere of LazyTown Adventure Show 2014 Ævintýri í Latabæ 2014

    Not sure if this was some kind of LT Premier or what but I used translate this and I'll post the original.

    Magnus Scheving, who often goes by the name Sportacus, he do not fail at the premiere of LazyTown and danced to Solla trust in the lobby of the National Theatre before the performance In began. He directed the show along Rúnar Frey Gislason.

    Magnus is not in the role Sportacus this time but it is in the hands of Animal Kristjansson. Stefan Karl Stefansson is in place Glanni crime and Melkorka Davíðsdóttir Pitt is the new Solla stiff.

    Magnús Scheving, sem gjarn­an geng­ur und­ir nafn­inu íþrótta­álf­ur­inn, lét sig ekki vanta á frum­sýn­ingu Lata­bæj­ar og dansaði við Sollu stirðu í and­dyri Þjóðleik­húss­ins áður en leik­sýn­ing­in hófst. Hann leik­stýr­ir sýn­ing­unni ásamt Rún­ari Frey Gísla­syni.

    Magnús fer þó ekki með hlut­verk íþrótta­álfs­ins að þessu sinni held­ur er það í hönd­um Dýra Kristjáns­son­ar. Stefán Karl Stef­áns­son er á sín­um stað sem Glanni glæp­ur og Mel­korka Davíðsdótt­ir Pitt er hin nýja Solla stirða.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	764689.jpg Views:	4 Size:	92.2 KB ID:	182597
  • StingX
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Latibaer adventure show 2014

    Yes that is the latest play that premiered in Iceland this last week. Hopefully they will record a show and sell it on dvd.


    • Glanni's Girl
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Jan 2010
      • 5016

      Latibaer adventure show 2014

      Dyri as Sporty, I wondered who Animal was, haha.

      2014 play
      Stefan's family in the fourth photo for those who didn't know.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	764693.jpg
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ID:	182598
      Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
      Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


      • StingX
        NEW MEMBER
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Latibaer adventure show 2014

        I've started to ask around to find out if there are plans to release the play on DVD. Hopefully I'll get a solid answer.


        • Slown
          Level 10 - LazyTowner
          • Jun 2009
          • 142

          Latibaer adventure show 2014

          Some backstage stuff, some interviews, and even one of those Stephanie's pantyshots™ !!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Latibær snýr aftur í Þjóðleikhúsið.png
Views:	207
Size:	444,6 KB
ID:	182599


          • Buzz
            Der Postmeister
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 33 - New Superhero
            • Jan 2009
            • 4166

            Latibaer adventure show 2014

            Originally posted by Slown
            Some backstage stuff, some interviews, and even one of those Stephanie's pantyshots™ !!
            nice find...wish I could understand what everyone is saying :?...and nice pantyshots of course


            • LazyGary
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 16 - Sportaposter
              • Oct 2013
              • 442

              Latibaer adventure show 2014

              Originally posted by Slown
              Some backstage stuff, some interviews, and even one of those Stephanie's pantyshots™ !!
              Yummie, she's a nice Stephanie! <3


              • StingX
                NEW MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Mar 2009
                • 5497

                Latibaer adventure show 2014

                It's been tough getting in contact with someone that might know whether there will be a DVD release. I sent a facebook message to Runar, though it will likely never be seen because it's just sitting in his "Other" folder. The same will happen if I try to ask Stefan. Melkorka doesn't allow non-friends to contact her, and even though I sent an email to Magnus, the odds of it being replied to are pretty slim. Dyri might get back to me though, as I was actually able to send him a message directly to his inbox. If anyone can contact any of the people that I can't, or know of anyone else that might have an idea, I encourage you to ask around as well.


                • StingX
                  NEW MEMBER
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 5497

                  Latibaer adventure show 2014

                  Actually, Dyri just replied to me. Sounds promising.

                  I am sure they will film it and put on DVD after a few more runs :)


                  • RobHomeboy94
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                    • May 2014
                    • 21

                    Latibaer adventure show 2014

                    Not to sound creepy or anything......but aren't those supposed to be shorts? Or some leotard thing?


                    • Glanni's Girl
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 5016

                      Latibaer adventure show 2014

                      Originally posted by RobHomeboy94
                      Not to sound creepy or anything
                      Yours is the least creepiest comment.

                      Originally posted by RobHomeboy94
                      aren't those supposed to be shorts? Or some leotard thing?
                      Yes, you're correct.
                      Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                      Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                      • RobHomeboy94
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                        • May 2014
                        • 21

                        Latibaer adventure show 2014

                        Originally posted by Glanni's Girl
                        Yours is the least creepiest comment.

                        Yes, you're correct.
                        That's what I thought. I don't know why everyone keeps saying it's her underwear. Trust me, the production team is smart enough not to show things like that. They would be in ALOT of trouble if they did.


                        • SportaKandy
                          NEAT GUY
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 924

                          Latibaer adventure show 2014

                          Would they be shot?
                          Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.


                          • RobHomeboy94
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                            • May 2014
                            • 21

                            Latibaer adventure show 2014

                            Originally posted by SportaKandy
                            Would they be shot?
                            No, more like they would be fined or arrested.

