Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Rats' asses, you've beaten me to it, mizz_pink! I was just coming to post about this.
I don't know whether to get it or not; I've seen most of it online.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Originally posted by beticaforever
I wondered where I can buy the DVDs, but, how buy that on that web page?
I've bought from Skífan before. They deliver quickly, I'll give them that. :)
You have to register with a username ("notendanafn") and password ("lykilorð") to log in, then add the DVD to your shopping cart ("karfa").
At this point they want your delivery information, but since they ask in Icelandic I'll post a translation:
Fornafn = Christian/first name
Eftirnafn = surname
Heimilisfang = address
Sími = phone number
Tegund korts = credit card type
Nafn korthafa = name of cardholder
Kortanúmer = credit card number
Gildir út = expiry date (dæmi means example)
Check the box to confirm you've read their terms and conditions. Even though you haven't.
There seems to be no way to remove an address once you've added it - I kept screwing it up and now have a list of 5, all for the same address. Don't do that...
The site's (understandably) geared towards handling Icelandic addresses, but I managed to squish mine in.
In the end I had trouble getting the site to confirm my order (lots of database error messages, might be because my English info didn't fit their Icelandic info fields, who knows?), so I badgered their contact email address until a guy called Hallbjörn sorted everything out.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Originally posted by boredjedi
That's religious discrimination! In this world of political correctness
Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/Muslim/Atheist/Agnostic/First name
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware there was such a thing as a "Hindu name"... :?
Christian name is a figure of speech. I thought I'd covered all the bases by adding "/first", but clearly not. I'll try harder next time. Of course, the list could get quite long as I endeavour to make sure that all the pastafarians, invisible pink unicorn believers etc. feel included.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
If someone here does actually get this, would you mind saying whether the entire thing is subtitled or if it's just the songs, as it was for the online version I watched? Thanks.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Well, I've ordered it (and also volume #5 - I really am going to have to either stop buying DVDs or get a bigger shelf). Provided the currency converter wasn't lying through its teeth, it costs about £7.50
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Seems like a bit too much effort :(
Might try to get it for Christmas or something though, it'll probably be sold on Ebay by then which will make it easier
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Originally posted by Deep4t
Seems like a bit too much effort :(
Might try to get it for Christmas or something though, it'll probably be sold on Ebay by then which will make it easier
I highly doubt that; it's in Icelandic. Have you tried looking for the other Icelandic LT DVDs on eBay? I've never found any.
Skífan's really not that hard to buy from, and if it screws up like it did with me then their customer service people are great, just bother one of them. :)
The payment on my credit card seems to have gone through, so they'll probably be here within the week.
Seeing as you mention eBay, would anyone be interested in buying them from me through eBay, if I can get hold of a few copies from Skífan? I'm already registered on both sites, so it would be much less effort for people, especially if they don't read Icelandic well enough to navigate the site.
I wouldn't be out to stiff people, I'd list them at whatever it costs to buy and post (which will vary accordingly with the relative strength of the króna, obviously).
Just a thought. They also do the series DVDs, but not the soundtrack unfortunately.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
Re: afram latibaer and glanni glaepur on dvd in one case
Both DVDs arrived this morning. I don't think that 4 days from placing the order to delivery from Iceland is too bad, and P&P was only 450 kr. Last time I bought 4 DVDs and it was still only 450 kr. postage, so it makes sense to buy in bulk. :)
In case anyone's interested, in addition to Áfram and Glanni Glæpur, the DVD also has 3 English-language music videos from the TV series. As far as I can remember they were No-one's Lazy in LazyTown, The Spooky Song and Teamwork.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !