Well no, in happy TV land good people win and bad people lose. That's why it's called fiction.
well, no... actually fiction just simply means it's a story that's not real. there aren't any rules. sure there are classic guidelines and stereotypes that LazyTown falls back upon. but their characters aren't completely two-dimensional though. Stephanie sometimes makes the wrong choices, Sportacus isn't always perfect and kind (especially to Robbie), and as i stated before Robbie isn't just a bad guy... there have been quite a few instances where he lets his soft side show.
I can understand the appeal of Sportacus/Stephanie somewhat: maybe I dropped my slash goggles at some point and accidentally turned them into chan goggles , but I do see where the 'shippers get from it in canon. Which I actually find deeply disturbing, but I believe it's unintentional, in no way intended for us to read into.
As for 'boring together' and 'no conflict', I do believe there would be at least one conflict: I think he'd have a lot of difficulty not treating her like a child or being over-protective, and she'd find that at best irritating. How/if they'd work together long-term is something I'll leave to people who actually want to think about it.
Also: They are the only human-played good guys, and many people find the puppets a little creepy, and thus really don't want to even consider the possible implications of a puppet/human ship like Steph/Pixel.
I just don't see Robbie/Steph. No idea where that one's coming from. I can only assume it's the reluctance to ship the puppets combined with the idea that Sportacus/Steph is boring.
As for SportaRobbie, some of the subtext we're seeing looks almost deliberate (see 'Energy Book'), and, well, I think all my reasons have been mentioned already. (Though I would like to point out the 'two hot guys together' reason isn't one of mine, except in a abstract 'they're queer and so am I' sense.)
Milford/Bessie has the potential to be really sweet if she ever stops taking advantage of his willingness to help those he loves to get her yardwork done, and we know 100% it's deliberate, unlike most of the other ships mentioned here. I just wish people wrote it for something other than laughs, because while it is funny in canon, it doesn't have to stay that way in a fic.
Pixel/Steph is blatantly obvious in the first episode, and just sort of disappears after that. I'm not sure if it was meant to stay canon, and it's just hard to see because an obvious crush would make it hard for Pixel to be just another one of the kids in the eps he appears in, or if they dropped the idea altogether.
Ugh, i hate SportaSteph only because it's obviously (to me) a father/daughter or maybe trainer/student relationship. Anything else is just made of wrongness. Maybe in the future, ok, but....not now.
I love SportaRobbie because they're two characters with strong personalities who I'd like to see get together. ...and also because they are the only two human adult characters on the show. LOL
Ugh, i hate SportaSteph only because it's obviously (to me) a father/daughter or maybe trainer/student relationship. Anything else is just made of wrongness. Maybe in the future, ok, but....not now.
I love SportaRobbie because they're two characters with strong personalities who I'd like to see get together. ...and also because they are the only two human adult characters on the show. LOL
erHEM, what about the mayor and ms. busybody?
:edit: oh, human I'm a tard
What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)
Well, maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any good reasons for any other relationships in the show either. The only ones that get hinted at are Milford and Bessie, and in the first episode Pixel and Stephanie. And as for reasons why they'd be good together, something can probably be said for any pairing you can come up with. Sporty and Stephanie would seem to go nicely because they feel the same way about moving and singing and dancing, while the other residents of LazyTown can be content just sitting around all day. The other kids are moving more since Sportacus came to town, but stil nowhere near the way Steph loves to dance.
Still, I think that when you're discussing the possibilities for romantic relationships in a preschool kids' TV show, you're reading way too much into things. In kids TV romance, if used at all, is usually only there for comic relief.
Well, maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any good reasons for any other relationships in the show either. The only ones that get hinted at are Milford and Bessie, and in the first episode Pixel and Stephanie. And as for reasons why they'd be good together, something can probably be said for any pairing you can come up with. Sporty and Stephanie would seem to go nicely because they feel the same way about moving and singing and dancing, while the other residents of LazyTown can be content just sitting around all day. The other kids are moving more since Sportacus came to town, but stil nowhere near the way Steph loves to dance.
Still, I think that when you're discussing the possibilities for romantic relationships in a preschool kids' TV show, you're reading way too much into things. In kids TV romance, if used at all, is usually only there for comic relief.
Next week on Lazytown... One of the cast members is pregnant, Who will it be?
Still, I think that when you're discussing the possibilities for romantic relationships in a preschool kids' TV show, you're reading way too much into things. In kids TV romance, if used at all, is usually only there for comic relief.
truer words have never been spoken. but it's an inevitable fact that losers on the internet are going to do this. type in any movie or tv show (regardless of the target audience) into deviantart.com or fanficton.net and you're going to find someone creating depths to a character or potential relationship that the actual show it's based upon never comes close to touching. so it's kind've interesting to me to find out why people waste their time making "fan-videos" and "fan-art" and "fan-stories" for something that's not real. (and why i waste my time enjoying these things.) i want to know why they picked that certain character or couple, and how they justify it in their mind. for me it's an endless pursuit of a game called absurdity, that i just can't seem to stop playing. i have no other interesting way to waste my time obviously. but since no one else here seem to have better ways of wasting their time, i thought someone might want to humor me.
(now back to watching lazytown, and the pretty cake i'm eating.)
I've always been a sucker for the Stephanie/Pixel thing. I know there isn't much to perpetuate it, especially on Stephanie's end, but I've heard buzz numerous times about Pixel having a crush on her. I also get a laugh in the first episode when Pixel and Stingy first see her, and Pixel seems to be in awe while Stingy fixes his bowtie.
Regardless, Pixel and Stephanie isn't creepy, like the Stephanie/Sportacus thing.
Isn't he the good looking guy?
Yeah, in a bad boy sort of way.
Altho my fanvids seem to focus on their possible shippiness, (AU-wise only of course) I dont actively ship Steph/Sportacus or any potential LT ships (actively shipping meaning obsessing over fanfics, fanart, etc). At least not like I do for my other fandoms (ie: Doctor/Rose right now. So- much- LOVE ;DD).
But I can say for me, what inspires me to vid Steph/Sportacus is exactly that- teh cuuteness, and the "happiness", that others seem to find unbelievably boring. For all the other fandoms I'm in are usually drowning in endless angst. Which can be fascinating, yes, but for me, gets tiresome and depressing... so I turn to Steph and how can you not be cheered up?
And then I get inspired to vid and hey, it just so happens Sportacus dances with her / has the most (human? LOL) scenes with her / etc and thus turns any slightly shippy lyrics into omgsportasteph! moments... oops. But I cant resist teh cuuteness cuz... yea.
Originally posted by lovethyconan
when people say they like SportaSteph, to me that's basically saying "i don't like Robbie". and if that's the case, you're a jerk-baby!
I definitely dont hate Robbie, in fact, character-wise, we have a lot in common! (Probly a bit of Pixel too) Ie, I'm usually at my desk computer 24/7, my addiction is Hershey Kisses, watching my screens (tv or compu) and reading are my kind of fun, "playing" is not so much (I prefer "the sidelines"), kids are noisy and disruptive, earphones and comfy chairs are love ;P etc etc... lol.
But I do see how ship-wise, it could be troublesome, cuz you dont want him left out... and er, no idea how to remedy that re: in a SportaSteph situ... becuz my usual cop-out for three chars I cant choose between is to OT3 'em, but, I just *really* cannot see it for these three, lmao... it'd be waaay too weird! (tho not cuz of teh slashy... that much is hilarious ;D)
Originally posted by lovethyconan
it's an inevitable fact that losers on the internet are going to do this. type in any movie or tv show (regardless of the target audience) into deviantart.com or fanficton.net and you're going to find someone creating depths to a character or potential relationship that the actual show it's based upon never comes close to touching. so it's kind've interesting to me to find out why people waste their time making "fan-videos" and "fan-art" and "fan-stories" for something that's not real. (and why i waste my time enjoying these things.)
Re: shipping in ANY fandom, anywhere online- I am soo not ashamed to be one of those losers (whoo!) but I have no idea either. Except that I love it and it keeps me fascinated, the same way I keep watching any of my favorite regular shows. If I had to say something more detail-ish... Maybe the reason is, perhaps when fans love something (to the degree that we do), they need to elaborate on it, whether by writing fic to explore it, vids to celebrate it, or fanart to emphasize it.
Er. That was a lot of overthinking. >.> Blame it on Heroes! (long story ;P)
shipping in ANY fandom, anywhere online- I am soo not ashamed to be one of those losers (whoo!) but I have no idea either. Except that I love it and it keeps me fascinated, the same way I keep watching any of my favorite regular shows. If I had to say something more detail-ish... Maybe the reason is, perhaps when fans love something (to the degree that we do), they need to elaborate on it, whether by writing fic to explore it, vids to celebrate it, or fanart to emphasize it.
word. maybe i'm just wasting more time by being active in a fandom (and twisting around the angles of it), so i can justify why i enjoy watching a show made for preschoolers in the first place. if that's the case (which i'm now 99% sure it is)... then i am one crazy nukka. lol. but i guess it's all good, cause there are plenty of other people who do the same. and if it makes me happy i might as well enjoy it, instead of wondering why.
I dunno, I don't have the energy to type too much and I am feeling a little lazy (pardon the pun) but here is what I think of Steph and Sporti. Yes there is a lot of hugging and touching and what not, but I really hate all of the "STEPHANIE SPORTACUS ROMANCE" videos on youtube and what not. Cmon, Sportacus is your "slighty above average superhero" who wouldn't want to hug and be REALLY nice to your superhero, cmon who would not wanna get with a superhero? Especially after seeing Stephanie so sad in the first episode of LazyTown. Number 10 brings happiness into Stephanie's life. Cmon, without Sportacus we would never see any singing or dancing from Stephanie, and we would never see a Sportasquir...I mean Sportastephanie. I think its a cute realtionship but I honestly serisouly dont think it is anything much more then friendship, plus Julianna probably feels more comfortable with doing the bing bang and other things with a real person rather than a puppet, except Pixel...Stephanie diggs Pixel...well actually it's the other way around hahahahahahahaha. Well w/e I dunno, I don't see anything strange between Stephanie and The Blue Elf, and all that romance love shit between them pisses me off...there nothing there. w/e