that picture.
He's totally hot. If I was gay I'm sure I'd be all over him.
Who are you kidding? Stingy (LT) is totally gay...
He has the hair, attitude, etc. as well as his obsession with cleanliness...
Originally posted by Zokita
Hot! :companion:
He's the reason I started watching the show. That gorgeous accent, those eyes...mmm, yes. Back in the day all the other LT fans around here preferred Robbie and I was the odd duck out. Those were sad times. like his cubes, then?
Originally posted by Buzz
you guys seriously discuss Maggi's appearance of the basis of an (poor) faked picture? sick is that...
BLASPHEEMERRR. Quick, get out the glue and feathers!!
DO NOT WANT! Looks creepy.
Sorry, but this bottle of vod... water,white chair (or sofa?), wrong body... Also cap? why cap there? It's ridiculous
Also - it's too gay, not man - omg blasphemy! ;)
Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
true friendships are eternal
Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone