Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

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  • AnnGry
    Level 10 - LazyTowner
    • Sep 2016
    • 135


    Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

    In the original plays Sportacus was actually an elf, wasn't he? He had some strange magic and abilities besides his athletic prowess. He appeared in Goggi's TV set in the first show and brought flowers back to life in the second show, for example.

    Do you think Sportacus could still be considered an elf in the TV series? I've heard some jokes before about how his ears are always tucked in his hat. You also have Robbie calling him the blue elf in the show now and then, though that may just be a wink and a nod. I like to think he really is slightly above average for a hero because he's not even human... :sportacus:

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    Lazyfiction on AO3
  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

    Originally posted by AnnGry
    In the original plays Sportacus was actually an elf, wasn't he? He had some strange magic and abilities besides his athletic prowess. He appeared in Goggi's TV set in the first show and brought flowers back to life in the second show, for example.
    Something like that. I think there's more information about this in the pre-stageplay books that were published. I would like to get those translated some day, but they are not short, so it would be a real task to do so. But yes, he is classified as an elf. It's an Icelandic thing.

    Do you think Sportacus could still be considered an elf in the TV series? I've heard some jokes before about how his ears are always tucked in his hat. You also have Robbie calling him the blue elf in the show now and then, though that may just be a wink and a nod. I like to think he really is slightly above average for a hero because he's not even human... :sportacus:
    There isn't an official backstory to the Sportacus that we see on TV. "Official" as in never actually portrayed in any official sense. However, there were a few conceptualized backstories, but none of them were related to elves, so I don't think he's considered an elf any more. In Icelandic, his name is still Íþróttaálfurinn, which has become a proper noun and now actually directly translates to Sportacus, but if you cut it up into its root parts, Íþrótta & álfur, his name is still kind of "The Sports Elf." Maybe in the Icelandic dub there are still traces of him being a legitimate elf. I'd be interested to find out if that was the case.


    • AnnGry
      Level 10 - LazyTowner
      • Sep 2016
      • 135

      Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

      I read something online about there being some sort of "Icelandic Elf School" where you can be taught some folklore? It would be nice if there was a way to take that course online. :) Just going off wikipedia for that tidbit. I wish I could read the original books that Magnus had written, too.
      Lazyfiction on AO3


      • ibmpcdos5
        Level 3 - Sportafake
        • Mar 2017
        • 12

        Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

        Is Sportacus even called an elf in the TV series? I know it is in the Icelandic dub because his name legit translates to "The Sports Elf." But the only thing that's reminiscent of him besides Magnús of course, is his hat. Other than that, I didn't even know he was an elf. Also I think we can agree that Glanni Glæpur í Latibær is superior to Afrám Latibær.


        • Fox
          Friendly Fox
          Level 26 - Roboticus
          • Aug 2015
          • 1056

          Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

          Originally posted by ibmpcdos5
          Is Sportacus even called an elf in the TV series? ... Other than that, I didn't even know he was an elf.
          The reason why this information may be confusing to new people, is that Magnus' character was changed from a "SportsElf" to that "slightly-above-average" (read: Superhero) thingy.
          I assume that Nickelodeon didn't find the original elf, or gnome, idea fitting for an American audience, which is why they changed Magnus' role to something more familiar for the younger peeps in the US.

          All in all, it's just one of those lesser known trivia things about the show.
          You can draw parallels between the stage plays and the tv show, but ultimately they will never be the same thing.
          The character from the stage plays, Íþróttaálfurinn, was a sports elf, whereas the blue guy in the tv show most certainly was a "Supahero"..

          Originally posted by ibmpcdos5
          Also I think we can agree that Glanni Glæpur í Latibær is superior to Afrám Latibær.
          Well, not entirely.
          The Glanni Glæpur show was way closer to what we all know and love as LazyTown, but that does necessarily mean it's the better.
          If anything, take actually makes it better, because you're able to see another side of LazyTown - kinda see what it potentially could have turned into.

          Also, I raise you the original "The Mine Song"..
          I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


          • ibmpcdos5
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 3 - Sportafake
            • Mar 2017
            • 12

            Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

            Lol, watching a full grown man rave about his possessions in Icelandic is ironically funny.


            • LazyPooky
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Oct 2007
              • 7244

              Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

              In the US an elf is something religious and/or extremely attached to the Christmas event. Iceland uses it as a myth or in a fairytale. Those are not compatible and it could be one of the reason they didn't use it. Who knows.

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              Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


              • UnLearnEd
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                • Feb 2017
                • 203

                Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                Elves are not religious & possess no sacred status within the US. They are associated with Santa Claus who gives kids presents, so an elf on a children's show would likely be well received.


                • LazyPooky
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 7244

                  Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                  Originally posted by UnLearnEd
                  ..Santa Claus..
                  I'm glad we agreed on something!

                  I missed you.
                  Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                  • RockinRobbie
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 9 - Energy Poster
                    • Dec 2016
                    • 93

                    Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                    Official or not I still like to think of him as en elf. No human could live on bread and fruit alone and no human would go comatose from sugar. Well, forgive me if I'm being ignorant, there probably are people like that out there but I think it's unlikely that Sportacus is on of them. I love the theory that his ears are always tucked in to hide their elfness.

                    I read somewhere, I think it was on Tumblr, that in Icelandic myth it's rude for a non-elf to call an elf an elf, and that's why Sports looked so upset when Robbie told him that the kids had been calling him 'the blue elf'. Basically I can't be convinced he's not an elf!

                    There may also be something up with Robbie considering he eats so much yet never puts on weight and is still pretty toned and flexible. Magic, I tell you!


                    • merlin555
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                      • Sep 2017
                      • 22

                      Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                      Does anyone have a count of how many times he was called an elf in the tv series? I know it was AT LEAST 3 times....probably more.

                      Even if the series never specifically states guys are isn't hard at all to draw tons of parallels. He always is leaping and jumping around, lives in the sky, weird vegan diet....etc. I love the fan theories that say Robbie is a Dark Elf....lots of parallels in folklore that fit that too.

                      The original books from the 90s have more of the Elf lore in them I know.


                      • Rotten Robot Hound
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                        • Feb 2017
                        • 184

                        Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                        I think it's fun to think of TV Sportacus as an elf as well. He is at least an elf in the Icelandic dub, where Sportacus is his personal name but he is more often called by his title, Íþróttaálfurinn ("The Sports Elf"). I think sometimes they say "elf" instead of "superhero" too.

                        Does anyone know where the fan theory that Robbie is a "fae" comes from?? I mean I get why you would think he was magic, that is obvious and I agree, but why "fae" in particular? And why that spelling?!


                        • Rotten Robot Hound
                          GETLAZY MEMBER
                          Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                          • Feb 2017
                          • 184

                          Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                          Originally posted by Cutiejea
                          Oh I'm aware of 'Fae!Robbie'. Idk why it's spelt as Fae (perhaps a shorter spelling for Fairy?). And I guess the fairy!au because fairies and elves could perhaps co-exist better and perhaps sounds more appealing than just an 'elf and a wizard' or 'elf and a human'.
                          Hm, yeah, that does make sense. Thanks for explaining. I was just a bit baffled by the fact that everyone seemed to use that version instead of "fairy" which is way more common. So it made me wonder if there was some meaning distinction between the two, or another reason. To my understanding "faerie" is an older variation of the word that is used in fantasy more than in any other context nowadays, but I personally think it sounds a bit pretentious :s But maybe people just like how "fae" sounds and looks. Someone could have started it and others latched on.


                          • UnLearnEd
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                            • Feb 2017
                            • 203

                            Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                            Faerie is a place. It's where fairies, elves and such live.


                            • Rotten Robot Hound
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                              • Feb 2017
                              • 184

                              Could Sportacus still be considered an elf in the TV series?

                              Originally posted by UnLearnEd
                              Faerie is a place. It's where fairies, elves and such live.
                              I know that. But you can use it as a name for the creature too.

