you need video software AND photoshop to make gifs dont you?
No photoshop unless you want to shoop the images before making the gif. Photoshop use to come with a program
called image ready which was a gif creator but they haven't included that since like version 3 or thereabouts. Look around for Jasc Animation shop 3. I've used that same program and version since '07 08'ish. For extracting the images I use Adobe After Effects and export as png's.
So for that gif I just uploaded I just imported the clip into After Effects found the scene I wanted and spliced it and resized so only stephanie was in the frame and retimed the composition to 9 frames and exported as png. Then I loaded up Jasc and imported the images and did the usual timing and resizing and then save as gif.
Sounds complicated and time consuming but once you do it a few times it's as easy as breathing.