(still tinkering with it)
STEPHERS: Shadow of Lazytown
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Well the entire premise of the shoop is inspired by the game Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Rather along the lines of a followup to the Fallout Steph shoop I did a while ago.
I began playing it again to refamiliarize myself with the game world since the new one
has just been released. Waiting for all the bugs to get ironed out first from it. It takes place
in the Chernobyl exclusion zone which is in Ukraine where all heck is breaking loose due to the melted core.
It was just an oversight with the flag.Comment
Neat! I'm familiar with the first release. I've been wanting to play it but haven't gotten around to it. FPS games aren't my usual kind of game either (Postal franchise notwithstanding)Comment
Forgot to mention the Devs are Ukrainian as well. It's like Fallout and Half-Life. Came out in 2007 that's when I got it on physical media.Comment
Devs being Ukrainian explains the flag I saw that never existed and was totally 100% imagined.
But the wiki page for stalker says is a horror FPS? Is it actually a scary horror FPS? If so, I'll definitely playComment
It's got mutants and such but no worse than Fallout or Half-life.Comment
Not the 90's Fallout and Half-life.