Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

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  • DawnStar
    Level 24 - The Blue Elf
    • Jul 2007
    • 872


    Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

    Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

    I think I remember someone saying we should just have a Photoshop tutorial thread. I'd explain how to do it, but I'm not good at explaining things. Sorry :\

    Seriously, if anyone wants to bother doing some kind of tutorial, or at least link a good one, I think it would benefit alot of people
  • Mr_Gazpacho
    Level 24 - The Blue Elf
    • Jul 2007
    • 823

    Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

    Copy pasta'd from my post in LazyTown Fan Art:

    Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
    Originally posted by ChemKneazle
    [b]LoL, this was the best I could do as far as Blue Steph 'till I learn Photoshop :-\


    So you start out with an image of normal stephanie and open it up in photoshop:
    (I'm using version CS 3 Master Collection, but the steps are the same no matter what version you're using (only verified for versions younger than PS 6, but that's like six years old so it shouldn't effect anyone save Zokita :) ))

    Go into the "image" tab close to your top left corner of the screen, then "adjustments". Select "Hue/Saturation":
    (shortkeys: ctrl+u for windows, command+u for mac)

    Adjust the hue by dragging the top marker to the left or right until you are satisfied with the result, then press the OK button.


    That's the basics, but this will not always work. Take the real stephanie for example:

    Altering the hue of this entire picture is something we do not want to do, because the result will look something like this:

    Not very pretty IMO.

    No, what we need to do is to select color ranges (because we want only the pink details in the image to be transformed by whatever actions we may take, including but not limited to altering the hue):

    This will bring up this neat little dialogue giving you lots of options, but what we want to do is to sample some of stephanie's pink and select all colors similar to the color we sampled (that means all the pink colors in the picture in layman terms). To sample a color, simply left click a part of the picture containing the color you want to sample, then use the slider to adjust how precise the selection should be. Since there are lots of shadows and highlights we're forced to select quite a wide color range to include all the pink areas in the picture. Once done, press OK.

    ALAS, the color selection method is far from precise, and even with very good guesswork you're unlikely to select all the areas you want without selecting areas you don't want (example: skin). I'll even go as far as recommending you to skip this step in the process, it's IMO a waste of time.

    I dare you all, press that "quick mask" button. Really, you must. I'll do it for you if I have to. This is what happens when you do:

    Trust me, this is not what the image is going to look like. What you're seeing is a mask overlay. A mask is basically a way for the computer to visualize which areas are selected and which aren't. The neat thing about masks is that you can edit them just like you'd edit a picutre, this includes drawing on them, erasing parts of them et.c using the normal tools in your left toolbar. Using the brush tool you can fill the mask in, using the eraser tool you can... well, erase parts of the mask. All areas NOT covered by the mask is going to be selected once you exit quick mask mode (do this simply by pressing the corresponding button again):

    Now that the selection area is cleaned up all you have to do is redo the steps shown on Chem's drawing, giving us this result now that the tools are only effecting the selected areas:
    Side by side comparison:

    Not perfect, but I'll blame the poor quality of the image.
    Have fun making your own blue stephs! IT'S STEPHER TIME
    Some mod could make a wonder or two and merge all tutorials into this thread, that'd be awesome.
    All tutorials meaning this and the one Boredjedi is writing at this very moment (I hope, cause I need his skills badly).
    Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
    Originally posted by nindanjoe


    • Zafa
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Apr 2007
      • 1659

      Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

      A Photoshop help thread isn't a bad idea, but then again, would could just make a overall tutorial thread, for people that need help in Animation Shop, Image Ready, Sound Editing and so on

      Rockband is awesome!


      • Sir Finkus
        Level 19 - Secret Friend
        • Apr 2007
        • 574

        Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

        Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho

        Some mod could make a wonder or two and merge all tutorials into this thread, that'd be awesome.
        All tutorials meaning this and the one Boredjedi is writing at this very moment (I hope, cause I need his skills badly).
        Link me to it and I'll give it a shot.
        What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)


        • boredjedi
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 7274

          Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

          Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
          All tutorials meaning this and the one Boredjedi is writing at this very moment (I hope, cause I need his skills badly).

          I heard that!


          • Mr_Gazpacho
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 24 - The Blue Elf
            • Jul 2007
            • 823

            Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

            Originally posted by boredjedi
            Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
            All tutorials meaning this and the one Boredjedi is writing at this very moment (I hope, cause I need his skills badly).

            I heard that!
            So you better get working!
            Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
            Originally posted by nindanjoe


            • ooozmin
              Former moderator
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 29 - Villain Number One
              • May 2007
              • 2445

              Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

              There's many ways of making a different colour Stephanie, I'm sure these guys will tell you a way you like =). Some require WAY more effort than others, but the results arejust WOWIE!
              Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


              • Mr_Gazpacho
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                • Jul 2007
                • 823

                Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

                I thought all you needed was a lack for something better to do.
                That's all I need, in any case.

                Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
                Originally posted by nindanjoe


                • Zokita
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1215

                  Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

                  Here's the method I use: (I'm using Photoshop 5, very basic stuff but effective for what we want).

                  First, load your image into Photoshop. I'm going to use a lasso to select the parts of the image we want to change the hue of, then bring that into a new layer and adjust the hue/saturation/lightness as desired.

                  But to do that, we need to choose a lasso. The normal lasso is good for simple images or people with exceptional mouse control skills. The magnetic lasso is good when you want to select an image that highly contrasts with the background. Personally, I use the polygonal since it's easiest for me.

                  Next, you're going to select the parts of the image you want to change. In my case, since I want to change the background around Stephanie as well, I'm actually going to select the parts I don't want to change and separate those. So I use my lasso to select her face, then I hold down the Shift key. The lasso pointer should have a plus symbol next to it, this allows me to select more than one area at a time. I hold down the Shift until I've selected all her skin.

                  Once that's done, I go to Edit->Copy and then Edit->Paste (or Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V for shortcut lovers). That puts her skin on a new layer. I then go to the Layers box and make sure I have the main layer selected, like so:

                  Once I'm on the main layer, I go to Image->Adjust->Hue/Saturation. This brings up a box with three sliders for hue, saturation, and lightness. If I slide the slider about 3/4ths of the way to the left, Regular Steph becomes Blue Steph!

                  You can play with the other sliders to get Stephanie in all colors of the rainbow, even Silver Steph or Goth Steph if you so desire. Have fun!
                  I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


                  • osiris
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 350

                    Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

                    Cicley fails, it's better served with a blue like this:


                    • Zafa
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 28 - Friend For Life
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1659

                      Re: Will someone tell me how to make a blue steph?

                      I do mine a different way, I select the paint tool then press Q and highlight the hair, and then press Q again, invert the selection and make it blue

                      I'm going to try it cicley's way next time and see how that works out

                      Rockband is awesome!

