I don't like where things are going. Therefore I decided to stay in the past.
This Stephanie is well known. I just put the greenbox backdrop into use and added blue LazyTown skies.
Furthermore here's another slightly-above-average-res pic of Stephanie, scanned from the 2008 Annual. I think it's kind of scary because - like in that famous split scene - you can clearly see that her backbone is not connected to her pelvis at all.
Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam
I don't like where things are going. Therefore I decided to stay in the past.
Furthermore here's another slightly-above-average-res pic of Stephanie, scanned from the 2008 Annual. I think it's kind of scary because - like in that famous split scene - you can clearly see that her backbone is not connected to her pelvis at all.