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  • StingX
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

    The camera slowly pans over an abandoned, dark LazyTown with small fires scattered about and small robots patrolling the streets. Speakers on every corner are booming Robbie's voice saying things like:

    "Please report all sitings of abnormal organic material to the nearest sentry." - Robbie

    "From mistrust, comes chaos." - Robbie

    "All hail your leader, Robbie Rotten!" - Robbie

    "Any citizens found in possession of unlawful material will be put to death immediately!" - Robbie

    Cut to Sportacus's airship hanging in a industrially clouded sky. The airship has visual damage, and signs of heavy repairs. It is adorned with newly installed turrets. Sportacus is inside the dim lit ship, quietly writing a letter. His sports rack has been replaced with a weapons rack. He quietly stands up and slowly walks to the door.

    "Door." - Sportacus

    He says very dully. He walks out on the ledge, looks down at the town, and scours. He throws the paper airplane into the wind. Cut to Stephanie sleeping in a normal house, in a normal bed, in the normal world. It is night time. A paper airplane hits her head and wakes her up. She reads it in Sportacus's voice.

    "Dear Stephanie

    I am sending this to you, unsure if it will even arrive. There is not much time left. Robbie has blackened every inch of LazyTown."

    Stephanie has a quick flashback of Robbie laughing before a flame.

    "Trixie has put up a good fight, but has ultimately lost the battle for her mind. You are our last hope, Stephanie."

    Stephanie has a quick flashback of Bessie and Milford hanging dead in town square.

    "You must return to town and remove Robbie from power before there is nothing left. Your friends need you."

    Stephanie has a quick flashback of Pixel being dragged off screaming by a handful of small robots.

    "I need you.


    Stephanie puts the paper down and sits silently at the foot of her bed and. The clock ticking in the background begins to tick louder and louder with every tick. It grows and grows until Stephanie opens her eyes. She gets up, and walks out the door. She takes a few steps and is startled by a ladder dropping in front of her. She looks up and sees Sportacus above, looking down at her. She climbs the ladder.

    "I knew you would come." - Sportacus

    "I didn't." - Stephanie

    Stephanie walks into the airship, Sportacus pauses, then follows.


    • yhpets
      Level 15 - The Baby Troll
      • Feb 2008
      • 384

      Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

      That's great, who wrote that?


      • StingX
        NEW MEMBER
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

        Originally posted by yhpets
        That's great, who wrote that?
        I did.


        • yhpets
          Level 15 - The Baby Troll
          • Feb 2008
          • 384

          Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

          Originally posted by Stingy
          Originally posted by yhpets
          That's great, who wrote that?
          I did.
          Good stuff


          • BGelais
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 11 - The Blue Knight
            • Feb 2011
            • 166

            Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

            :-) keep up the good work, love that game!
            Pixel: Ziggy I said i'm........o_0
            Trixie: Pixel you're loosing the game!
            Pixel: ...that's ok o_o
            Trixie: What??
            Stingy: (caugh) Is it? It is?
            Trixie: uh!
            Stingy: uh? ....


            • StingX
              NEW MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Mar 2009
              • 5497

              Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

              Here's some shitty little LazyTown game I have been working on. This is only a demo (as you should be able to imply from the title). I will begin working on the full version after perhaps a few days off. Maybe I'll start tomorrow What you're looking at is about 6 weeks of work, coming in at about 300 hours, and optimistically I'll be done with the full version in about 6 months. There was one thing that I was really excited to add, but due to very strange engine limitations, I was unable to do so in the time I have.

              Anyway here it is:

              If you play it, please let me know if you find any bugs. But before you report them, please look at the known issues at the bottom of the readme file attached. (I also highly suggest you read the ****er.)
              If you have any suggestions also, don't be shy.

              Things to look forward to in the full version:
              - Dynamic usage of music (What I was trying to get done today)
              - Much more dynamic usage of the Sportscandy Cannon
              - Sportacus as a playable character with his own playstyle and soundtrack (hr hr)
              - Somewhat of a plot
              - An ending (aka boss fight)
              - An alternate ending
              - Separate environments for each level
              - More enemies

              Edit: Dammit! I promised myself to remember to remove the devtools before sharing this and I forgot anyway. Link updated...


              • BGelais
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                • Feb 2011
                • 166

                Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                Originally posted by Stingy
                Here's some shitty little LazyTown game I have been working on. This is only a demo (as you should be able to imply from the title). I will begin working on the full version after perhaps a few days off. Maybe I'll start tomorrow What you're looking at is about 6 weeks of work, coming in at about 300 hours, and optimistically I'll be done with the full version in about 6 months. There was one thing that I was really excited to add, but due to very strange engine limitations, I was unable to do so in the time I have.

                Anyway here it is:

                If you play it, please let me know if you find any bugs. But before you report them, please look at the known issues at the bottom of the readme file attached. (I also highly suggest you read the ****er.)
                If you have any suggestions also, don't be shy.

                Things to look forward to in the full version:
                - Dynamic usage of music (What I was trying to get done today)
                - Much more dynamic usage of the Sportscandy Cannon
                - Sportacus as a playable character with his own playstyle and soundtrack (hr hr)
                - Somewhat of a plot
                - An ending (aka boss fight)
                - An alternate ending
                - Separate environments for each level
                - More enemies
                OH! NICE! you're a game maker user artist too. I ever had an idea to make a game too. btw. i'll try your game and give feedback. :) :)
                Pixel: Ziggy I said i'm........o_0
                Trixie: Pixel you're loosing the game!
                Pixel: ...that's ok o_o
                Trixie: What??
                Stingy: (caugh) Is it? It is?
                Trixie: uh!
                Stingy: uh? ....


                • Ana Muriel
                  Founder LazyTownWorld
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 917

                  Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                  Cool game!


                  • Buzz
                    Der Postmeister
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 33 - New Superhero
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4189

                    Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                    Originally posted by Stingy
                    Here's some shitty little LazyTown game I have been working on.
                    first at all....I underestimated you ^^ made a cute little game...the only what I have to blame you for is that you can't move and fight at the same time and secondly that the jump-button is located at the "up arrow" key because I'm used to jump with the "space bar" key in other games...I would prefer to choose my own keys for all features...and thirdly: I miss the german language plug in hur hur ^^ btw: it would be quite cool when a cute little voice would always wisper "the cake is lie" ;)


                    • StingX
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 5497

                      Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                      Originally posted by Buzz
                      the only what I have to blame you for is that you can't move and fight at the same time
                      Yes that's intended. The bat is supposed to be a very inferior weapon. The good news is that I am going to be making the cannon (which you can fire on the move with) much more prominent in the full version. Unfortunately the demo does not fully represent that. I might make a 3rd weapon that you will also be able to fire on the move.. maybe.

                      Originally posted by Buzz
                      and secondly that the jump-button is located at the "up arrow" key because I'm used to jump with the "space bar" key in other games...I would prefer to choose my own keys for all features
                      Too bad


                      • BGelais
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 166

                        Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                        yep i love this cute little game too! :-) i have to get time to play more with it!
                        Pixel: Ziggy I said i'm........o_0
                        Trixie: Pixel you're loosing the game!
                        Pixel: ...that's ok o_o
                        Trixie: What??
                        Stingy: (caugh) Is it? It is?
                        Trixie: uh!
                        Stingy: uh? ....


                        • Deep4t
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
                          • May 2009
                          • 730

                          Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                          lol, i played it. pretty good

                          nice and simple... probably needed more stuff than just flying platforms to alter the level designs though , maybe trees or something


                          • StingX
                            NEW MEMBER
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 5497

                            Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                            Originally posted by Deep4t
                            nice and simple... probably needed more stuff than just flying platforms to alter the level designs though , maybe trees or something
                            Don't worry about it. It will. I promise.


                            • shane3x
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                              • Apr 2011
                              • 44

                              Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                              What is the progress of the game? It looked pretty good from the videos but was a bit confused at the deviations away from LazyTown lore since Snakes were in it.


                              • shane3x
                                GETLAZY MEMBER
                                Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                                • Apr 2011
                                • 44


                                Anyone got any save games or skins they would like to share? So found I've found one Stephanie skin. I'm currently having a play around with a Sportacus skin and was also considering re-creating LazyTown within the game if such a project hasn't been attempted/completed already.

