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  • LazyTownWW
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Jun 2009
    • 1998

    Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

    Looking good!
    Sportacus crystal


    • LazyTownWW
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Jun 2009
      • 1998

      Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

      Looking good!
      Sportacus crystal


      • Deep4t
        Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
        • May 2009
        • 730

        Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

        Oh, im using a program called TheGamesFactory 2

        used to use the first one as a kid but, finally started to use it to it's potential (well for me). This is like, my first proper game ive spend loads of time on and it really shows tbh. Anyway, got a new screen. Although it'll probs look a bit different on final version anyway



        • Deep4t
          Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
          • May 2009
          • 730

          Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

          Oh, im using a program called TheGamesFactory 2

          used to use the first one as a kid but, finally started to use it to it's potential (well for me). This is like, my first proper game ive spend loads of time on and it really shows tbh. Anyway, got a new screen. Although it'll probs look a bit different on final version anyway


          • StingX
            NEW MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Mar 2009
            • 5497

            Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

            Really, this is awesome.
            This summer I am taking courses working towards a game design and development degree, and hopefully I will get the chance to also create a LazyTown game!


            • StingX
              NEW MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Mar 2009
              • 5497

              Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

              Really, this is awesome.
              This summer I am taking courses working towards a game design and development degree, and hopefully I will get the chance to also create a LazyTown game!


              • Lily_Kaelar
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 26 - Roboticus
                • May 2007
                • 1068

                Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                I was going to take a game design class next year, but it has Algebra II as a prerequisite and I'm currently failing it, so...yeah. Can't stand math, don't want to do an unrequired math course.

                I picked these instead:

                Drama I (semester)
                Forensic Science (year)
                Creative Writing (semester)
                Statistics (year)
                AP English IV (year)
                Physics (year)
                Chinese III (year)
                Fundamentals of Art (Year)

                And if they let me, I'll cut one of those out and take Spanish I to make up for my failed Russian credit freshman year... >.<

                Really, I'm great at all of my classes except math. I just had trouble with some Russian verbs and endings, and gave up. I was fine with pronunciation and sentence structure for the most part.

                Anyway, back to topic.

                Love the idea for a game.

                Stingy--make us a LazyTown zombie game.
                xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                • nindanjoe
                  Former Moderator
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1497

                  Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                  Awesome pixel graphics! :)

                  To Lily_Kaelar: I love math! Or at least the concept of it. It's great how it can explain things and help solve problems. Like in Physics! Any reason you don't like it? Maybe I can convince you that math is great! :)
                  *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                  • sportagirl_10.5
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 810

                    Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                    Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
                    Statistics (year)
                    You should probably go kill yourself now.

                    It's the only bit of Maths I hate.
                    Grammar Elf Alert!


                    • LazyTownWW
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 28 - Friend For Life
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 1998

                      Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                      Originally posted by nindanjoe
                      Awesome pixel graphics! :)

                      To Lily_Kaelar: I love math! Or at least the concept of it. It's great how it can explain things and help solve problems. Like in Physics! Any reason you don't like it? Maybe I can convince you that math is great! :)
                      I hate math, it's somethnig that I feel no connection with whatsoever...I can't learn it, I find it difficult...
                      And to expand on this, I find it a cold human invention, it has no soul, it reduces everything to a theory.
                      I think it has been and still is esential for the development of humanity...but I just can't stand it...I prefere more humanistic sciences.
                      Sportacus crystal


                      • StingX
                        NEW MEMBER
                        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 5497

                        Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                        Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                        And to expand on this, I find it a cold human invention, it has no soul, it reduces everything to a theory.
                        Interesting point of view. Never considered it to be like that.


                        • LazyTownWW
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 28 - Friend For Life
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 1998

                          Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                          Originally posted by Stingy
                          Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                          And to expand on this, I find it a cold human invention, it has no soul, it reduces everything to a theory.
                          Interesting point of view. Never considered it to be like that.
                          Your right, let me rephrase.
                          I think history, or geography, or any form of art, or theology, or psichology, are much more fascinating then math. calculations make me sick.
                          Besides, all the math freaks I know are robots.
                          Sportacus crystal


                          • Glanni's Girl
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 5016

                            Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                            I hate math/s with every fibre of my being, but brain training is helping to ease the hate.

                            That game looks friggin awesome! Can't wait to see your Robbie and Sportacus!
                            Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                            Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                            • Lily_Kaelar
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 26 - Roboticus
                              • May 2007
                              • 1068

                              Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                              Originally posted by nindanjoe
                              I love math! Or at least the concept of it. It's great how it can explain things and help solve problems. Like in Physics! Any reason you don't like it? Maybe I can convince you that math is great! :)
                              I've failed it every year except freshman year, when I just barely passed Algebra with a 61 for the year. But it was my fault for being lazy and missing so many days. The teacher often wrote the steps and explained things, and the students were very helpful too.

                              Last year, with Geometry, it was the same thing, except I failed and took it again (passed with a 73) in summer school. I missed a lot of days, and didn't bother to get help even though I could have tons of it from everyone.

                              This year, it's Algebra II, and there is little help available. The teacher doesn't bother to write out the steps or explain things--she goes so fast that often, everyone has to share notes in order to get what she's saying. And if you miss one day, you're screwed for the year because she uses these skills in many units. I've only missed a few days, but what I did miss happened to be skills that I really needed. The girls in class don't like me, except for my deskmate who doesn't care, and my friend Katie, who doesn't get it either and gets help from her girlfriend Stacy, who can´t help me because my problems go back too far.
                              My friend Elena takes Pre-Calculus and tutors me when she's available, but she's always absent.

                              I don't like math because I don't understand it and the teacher I have now makes it hard to like math. If someone could tutor me on a regular basis, I would be fine. (We're doing imaginary numbers and complex numbers now, by the way).

                              Physics happens to be a required course and since I got lazy and didn't want it this year, I have it next year. The teacher happens to be the club adviser person for my school's environmental club, which I am president of, so we're good friends and he can probably help me a lot. He's a nice guy.

                              Originally posted by "Lily_Kaelar":0bdb7
                              Statistics (year)
                              You should probably go kill yourself now. It's the only bit of Maths I hate.[/quote:0bdb7]

                              I've heard good things about it, like how it is soooo much easier than PreCalc, which would be my other alternative. I tend to be pretty good at probability and percentages and things like this.

                              And agreed, LazyTownWW.

                              Hmmm anyone good at Algebra II...?
                              xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                              "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                              • sportagirl_10.5
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 810

                                Re: Ok I'm making a Lazytown game

                                Originally posted by nindanjoe
                                I love math! Or at least the concept of it. It's great how it can explain things and help solve problems. Like in Physics! Any reason you don't like it? Maybe I can convince you that math is great! :)
                                I've failed it every year except freshman year, when I just barely passed Algebra with a 61 for the year. But it was my fault for being lazy and missing so many days. The teacher often wrote the steps and explained things, and the students were very helpful too.

                                Last year, with Geometry, it was the same thing, except I failed and took it again (passed with a 73) in summer school. I missed a lot of days, and didn't bother to get help even though I could have tons of it from everyone.

                                This year, it's Algebra II, and there is little help available. The teacher doesn't bother to write out the steps or explain things--she goes so fast that often, everyone has to share notes in order to get what she's saying. And if you miss one day, you're screwed for the year because she uses these skills in many units. I've only missed a few days, but what I did miss happened to be skills that I really needed. The girls in class don't like me, except for my deskmate who doesn't care, and my friend Katie, who doesn't get it either and gets help from her girlfriend Stacy, who can´t help me because my problems go back too far.
                                My friend Elena takes Pre-Calculus and tutors me when she's available, but she's always absent.

                                I don't like math because I don't understand it and the teacher I have now makes it hard to like math. If someone could tutor me on a regular basis, I would be fine. (We're doing imaginary numbers and complex numbers now, by the way).

                                Physics happens to be a required course and since I got lazy and didn't want it this year, I have it next year. The teacher happens to be the club adviser person for my school's environmental club, which I am president of, so we're good friends and he can probably help me a lot. He's a nice guy.

                                Originally posted by "Lily_Kaelar":17628
                                Statistics (year)
                                You should probably go kill yourself now. It's the only bit of Maths I hate.[/quote:17628]

                                I've heard good things about it, like how it is soooo much easier than PreCalc, which would be my other alternative. I tend to be pretty good at probability and percentages and things like this.

                                And agreed, LazyTownWW.

                                Hmmm anyone good at Algebra II...?[/quote:17628]
                                Well over here in the UK I've been doing A level Maths and last year I did AS level Further Maths. In normal Maths so far I have 99% in Core 1, Core 2 and Mechanics 1. It's just Decision 1 that ruined my continuity with 81%, but Decision Maths is the weirdest Maths ever. In Further Maths last year, I did Stats 1 and Stats 2, and got 81% and 79% because Stats is just so boring and made me want to kill myself. The Further Pure 1 paper was a lot harder, but somehow I got 90%...

                                Physics is cool. We do about quarks and stuff. :) My teacher, called "The Lovely Debbie" made plasticine quarks with faces. We did an experiment on radioactive half lifes with M&Ms and she likes LazyTown!
                                Grammar Elf Alert!

