nice work moonblayd, the audio track was really interesting, where did that come from?
I also just realized Steph and Robbie have the best dance sequences together.
Well thats my opinion anyway.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
For your viewing pleasure and convenience I have put together, on, a master list of LazyTown music videos on YouTube. These are taken from episodes, they are not fan videos. Almost all of them were uploaded by the mysterious "clodedshade" so anyone who appreciates these widescreen, high quality videos owes clodedshade a debt of thanks.
For your viewing pleasure and convenience I have put together, on, a master list of LazyTown music videos on YouTube. These are taken from episodes, they are not fan videos. Almost all of them were uploaded by the mysterious "clodedshade" so anyone who appreciates these widescreen, high quality videos owes clodedshade a debt of thanks.
For your viewing pleasure and convenience I have put together, on, a master list of LazyTown music videos on YouTube. These are taken from episodes, they are not fan videos. Almost all of them were uploaded by the mysterious "clodedshade" so anyone who appreciates these widescreen, high quality videos owes clodedshade a debt of thanks.
I'm sorry I'm posting this here, but I found one of Lazycus's photoshops around here, and it seems to be missing from (the knife one) viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2139
For your viewing pleasure and convenience I have put together, on, a master list of LazyTown music videos on YouTube. These are taken from episodes, they are not fan videos. Almost all of them were uploaded by the mysterious "clodedshade" so anyone who appreciates these widescreen, high quality videos owes clodedshade a debt of thanks.
I'm sorry I'm posting this here, but I found one of Lazycus's photoshops around here, and it seems to be missing from (the knife one) viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2139
yeah..thats great...btw: I think all commy accounts have to go boom....
hehe, isn't it ironical for me lol...but you do see where you are now, don't you? (I gotta take screenes of all of this before Dear Leader changes it back)
hehe, isn't it ironical for me lol...but you do see where you are now, don't you? (I gotta take screenes of all of this before Dear Leader changes it back)
I already noticed that I'm a citizen of an peoples republic again...and I think also that Ceau?escu whould be very proud of you
I'll be frank, Buzz...all the east european countryes had pecefull changes of theyr communist reigimes...Ceausescu was insane, or just realy ignorant...too bad soo many had to die to bring my country to democracy...but...idk about Poland, or the Czech Republic, or Hungary...but here, as in Bulgaria or Albania or Russia, things have not been so bright for the past 20 years...atleast Germany changed...*sight* :(
I'll be frank, Buzz...all the east european countryes had pecefull changes of theyr communist reigimes...Ceausescu was insane, or just realy ignorant...too bad soo many had to die to bring my country to democracy...but...idk about Poland, or the Czech Republic, or Hungary...but here, as in Bulgaria or Albania or Russia, things have not been so bright for the past 20 years...atleast Germany changed...*sight* :(
Ceau?escu belong to the oddest birds in the complete Eastern bloc and has made himself guilty of many crimes. On the other hand I think that his condemnation was too rash and in addition was infected of primitive desires for vengeance.... btw: love your