Oh boy, stupid LT comments. I had the following encounter with a kid on Gaia a few years back...
Shadowtwist: lazy town is a kids show isnt it?
HamatoKameko: ...And?
Shadowtwist: and grown peopel shouldnt be watching lazy town lol rlly that fitd theprofile of a child rapist "come here lil ki d wanna watch lazy town igot some candy and a roller coaster in here" is what michel jacksonsays to all the kids lol
HamatoKameko: Yes, and because it's made for kids no adult should ever find any entertainment value in it. Let's forget Sesame Street and half the cartoons and animated movies ever made. Kindly grow up and don't spam my profile with insults and baseless accusations in the future.
Shadowtwist: well yes your rite lets for get sesime street and all that kiddy shit dude grow up watch some hard core anime and get a job!@!
(His definition of "hardcore anime"? Naruto. I wish I were kidding.)
Shadowtwist: badoing yes people if some one over the age of 5 wtaches lazy townsesame street or any of the other hsit they should be kickedi n theteath wether there 6 or 35 alone in their parents basment wacking offto that freky chick in the show
HamatoKameko: (here I explained about Sesame Street being deliberately geared towards adults and children, and the fact that I lived in my own apartment and was self-employed)
Shadowtwist : thatwould be all fine nad cool but this isnt a random attack cuase nomatter what u say we all know sesime street lazy town bob the biulderblues clues and the rest of the trash was ment for children dont eventry to say they make so adults can like it too cuase thats not true* anyadult plian and simple has better things to do the watch seseme streettrust me they do lemme think........ annd for real if an adult needs tolaern english buiy hooked on phonics bitches if your japanese and knownot a word of american english (made that up) then dont degrade yourself with ****ing mupets get hooked on phonics works for every one verytime as long as youy can take the time and efort not to have the mupetspeaking every sentance with you
Shadowtwist : rlly tho he is a bit friuty in my opoin o wiat there my opoin agian*shoots it* im sorry but for real i'd react the same way if i saw anadult watching care bears and enjoying there selves it really does looklike a pedofile move cuase how much u wanna bet micheal jack sonwatches this shit with small children you know what i wander how manypeople actualy joined your giuld cuase i really doubt children thatyoung can read but eh i could be wrong ive been wrong before
By this point I'd gotten bored and decided to report and block him. This also marked the second time I've been accused of being a pedophile because of LazyTown. :|
I think this may be the longest stupid comment in the thread. o_o
Thank you! And believe me, I am used to it, sadly. People just don't understand how adults can be fans of a "kiddy" show.
It's the melody's and how cute and adorable Stephanie is and how awesome Sportacus's stunts are and Robbies sarcasm and Ziggys hyper-activeness and Pixels 1337 H@X0r skillz and Stingys greediness that got me into liking it.......
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Fantastic song? i think even Julianna herself would like the song and so would magnus you should write to him at send him a? copy of it to see what he thinks it could be a number 1.
It pisses me off to no end when people say things to the extent of:
"Hur dur I think Stephanie is hot but it's ok cuz now she's 19."
Do these idiots have no sense of time? With that logic I could look at baby pictures of someone saying "Oh man I'd tap dat so hard." Then when I get weird looks I could say "It's cool bro, she's 21 now."