Anyone have any conspiracy thoughts or theories relating to Lazytown? :xd:
LT Conspiracy Theories?
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LT Conspiracy Theories?
Stingy owns the town and everything is going according to plan....- Translate
I was searching through Lazytown on youtube the other day and I Spotted a theory, about Miss Busy Body turning everyone into puppets?!? I was confused at first but then it started to intrigue me. Have you guys seen any weird Lazytown theories and if so, do you like them or, what are your thoughts on them and what are some you've found you like. I like them a lot but they don't make sense sometimes lol.- Translate
LT Conspiracy Theories?
Have you heard the Nuclear war one. That ones pretty insane. If you haven't search it up it's hilarious yet interesting.- Translate
LT Conspiracy Theories?
It's Getlazy, members here are lazyMagnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
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Re: Theories
Sounds like a pretty interesting theory, lol. The WMG page on TV Troupes for Lazytown has a few good (and odd) ones. Like one example is someone speculated Robbie just has a different sleep cycle than everyone else, so that's why he wants quiet during the day.- Translate
Re: Theories
I saw a video about a theory that said that Lazytown was a representation of the purgatory, the people that lives there are the souls, Sportacus is an angel who tries to clean the souls from the sins and Robbie is a demon who tries to drag the souls to hell. Also Sportacus lives in the sky and Robbie underground.
Here is the video if you want to see it
Sorry for my English if i did mistakes.- Translate
Re: Theories
I saw a video about a theory that said that Lazytown was a representation of the purgatory, the people that lives there are the souls, Sportacus is an angel who tries to clean the souls from the sins and Robbie is a demon who tries to drag the souls to hell. Also Sportacus lives in the sky and Robbie underground.
Here is the video if you want to see it
Sorry for my English if i did mistakes.- Translate
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Re: Theories
I'll try to find the video in my opinion the video made no sense. Lmao why would Magnus make a show about that. And second of all she's a puppet too. I've found some other weird Theories too that was just the strangest I've seen yet.- Translate
Re: Theories
Here is the video if you want to see it
I must say I'm pretty baffled by all the different theories and conspiracies out there.
I've never been aware of this side of the LazyTown community... :s
Furthermore, it seems that a lot of the videos are actually aged, and produced before the WANO hype... Spooky.I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.- Translate
LT Conspiracy Theories?
Nuclear war; wasteland same thing
I've been watching Lazy Town for some time now. I can't help it, it's the only thing on aside from news before Gillian goes to work. Doesn't matter, because it's a very fun show that unlike most children's shows I do not despise. But I was talking to Wyatt and he mentioned he was replaying the game Fallout, and that reminded me of a theory in the back of my mind. I think Lazy Town actually takes place in a delusional post-apocalyptic world where all the main characters are suffering from some kind of radiation poisoning. While it's possible to argue anything about anything these days (and people online often do) I think it's amusing just how well this view holds up.
Please note I say "some kind of radiation poisoning" because my theory also allows for the fact that something other than traditional nukes were used. Allow me that much leeway.
First of all, let's look at the I mean cast. In the town of Lazy Town (which appears from the air to have between 50 and 100 houses in it) there is a grand total of SEVEN permanent residents. That's it. Seven. Nine, if you include Stephanie and Sporticus, but she's visiting and he might be a figment of their imagination. That's a whole other topic. There are three adults - Mayor Meanswell, Miss Busybody, and Robbie Rotten. The others are all children - Ziggy, Trixy, Stingy, and Pixel. None of the kids have parents. NONE. They're never even mentioned. I suspect they all died while the children were to remember them, leaving the Mayor and Meanswell to indirectly raise them.
Let's look at the town itself - not a single straight line to be found anywhere. Everything is curved, sloped and twisted like a caricature. Surely it's all been warped by some strange kind of fallout, the same kind that has affected everyone's minds to think they live in an idylic pastureland instead of a desolate wasteland (see below).
The people themselves are obviously no longer quite human, they're much shorter than regular humans, are all plasticy and puppet like. This must be another affect of the fallout. The only ones still truly human looking are Stephanie (but she has pink hair so she must be mutating), Sportacus (who lives in an airship far away from fallout zones, and who might not even exist) and Robbie Rotten (who lives in a deep underground bomb shelter)
There are other little things that raise my suspicion. Pixel, the local computer geek, lives alone in a house with a HUGE satellite dish, dozens of computer displays, security cameras, you name it. He's constantly playing video games fighting off wave after wave of invasions. Everything about this says "military grade" to me. I think Pixel may in fact be Lazy Towns last line of defense against mutant invasions. The games he supposedly plays probably link to robots, connected via satellite via his giant satellite dish, fighting off the ever growing army of brain dead hungry mutants inching ever closer to Lazy Town. Pixel might not even be aware of his vital role in Lazy Town's defense. Before his dad died (where is he after all?) he might have taught him how to use all the equipment by making it into a game for him.
How do we know there are barren wastelands out there? After all, we see only green fields and rows of trees in aerial views of the town. I put it to you that this is how the residents imagine it, but is not how it really is. This is supported in one episode where the Mayor makes a call out of town, trying to call Elvis on the phone (though called Johnny B Bad, it's clearly Elvis, and given that Elvis is thirty odd years dead, this only proves his mental deterioration). As he calls we see the phone call being sent out along endless length of telephone wire, through a cracked and dry desert, where Robbie intercepts it and pretends to be the singer. I suggest that this is how things really are. Robbie alone sees the reality of things, but when others are around we must view the world through their rose tinted radiation soaked glasses.
Now, this leads me to a complete re-think what is going on in Lazy Town. I believe that Robbie Rotten is, in fact, the tragic hero. Safe, secure, and relatively mutation free (his jaw is a bit warped), he's biding his time in his fallout shelter with machines that can make just about anything, waiting for a time where he can properly resurface and begin the reconstruction of mankind. In order to do this he needs to have the other survivors stay indoors as often as possible to minimize their exposure. He doesn't want them to come down into the shelter as well because, well, they're all frickin nuts. Who can blame him?
He needs Pixel to stay above to man the military hardware and keep the town from being overrun. Stingy is clearly the only one left who has any sense of monetary value, so he'll be needed to rebuild the economy. Trixy... well she's just a breeder, I'm sorry to say. And Ziggy? Well some moron has to do all the manual labor Robbie's machines can't do. The two other adults are in the twilight of their lives and won't live to see humanity rebuilt. Their purpose is to keep the children alive to create the next generation.
Robbie's plan starts out working fine. In the first episode everyone stays indoors, exposed to as little radiation as possible. Pixel is manning the defense stations from his home, Stingy is working out theories of economics... then there is a problem. An outsider arrives. She claims to be Mayor Meanswell's niece, but his brain is so fried she could have used any cover story. She seems human enough, but her pink hair is suspicious. And almost the first thing that she does is try to get the kids outside where it's still not safe to stay for long periods of time! Humanity could die out before it even has a chance to rebuild, and Robbie is not going to let that happen. He knows the children's weaknesses and manages to manipulate them like puppets back inside. He could just get rid of Stephanie, but then, she is another potential breeder and less mutated than Trixy. Better to keep her there and try to get things back the way they were.
Unfortunately, she contacts Sportacus, who arrives in his giant high-tech airship and from that point on helps encourage the residents of Lazy Town to get outside and enjoy a slow painful irradiated death.
Thing is, I'm not convinced Sportacus even exists. Oh the airship exists, Robbie's been in it. But I think it's a relic of the last great war. Perhaps even connected in with Pixel's software. Part of me believes that Sportacus is a shared delusion as the residents of Lazy Town lose their minds thanks to Stephanie's meddling. He's just too perfect, after all. I can just imagine them running around delusional, thinking Sporticus is there saving them when no one at all is there, while Robbie desperately tries to get them back indoors where it's relatively safe, putting his own life at risk for the sake of the humanity's future.
Another possibility is that Sportacus does exist, but is in fact a robot, part of the remaining post-apocalyptic defense network gone slightly haywire. After all, he has a crystal on him that lets him know when people are in trouble, and his primary function appears to be to help people. It would also explain his superhuman reflexes and agility. But something must be wrong if he doesn't realize the radiation levels aren't low enough yet to allow people to go outside. His programing has malfunctioned, and it seems unlikely to ever be fixed.
And so we have a tragedy being played out. The interloper Stephanie, whose true motives we never fully understand, has brought about the slow but inevitable destruction of humanity. Either through contaminating the already dubious genetic stock of the survivors through radiation exposure, or by having the city overrun by an army of mutants once Pixel slacks off his duties enough. It may be she was sent by the mutants for that express reason. Robbie tries to do what he can with everything at his disposal, but because of a malfunctioning defense robot (or because the survivors brains are just too fried to distinguish fantasy and reality) he is doomed to failure.
The final conclusion is inescapable: I watch too much goddamn Lazy Town.- Translate
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