..watched as an unidentified man jumped out of the bushes and proceeded to punch Ziggy in the face for his copy of the lazytown magazine
LazyTown Fanfiction
Quick-as-a-flash, Sportacus turned up and chased him down that one road that doesn't lead anywhere...Originally posted by Julianna Rose OfficialGetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.- Translate
LazyTown Fanfiction
The LazyTown fandom has a variety of fanfiction, and plenty of good stories. You'll find pairings of all sorts, fics with no pairings, stuff that emulates the mood of the show, and darker fics. You can find fluffy stories or dramatic ones.
I browse the Pit of Voles (known to the uninitiated as fanfiction.net) for fic because it's convenient. There are other places you can go for fic, such as:
Go-Go-LazyTown!: A general LT fansite with a small collection of fics.
LazyTown Fanfic: If LiveJournal communities are more to your tastes, try joining this community. I'd be wary about posting fics on LJ, though, because LiveJournal has some legal issues that are causing problems for fandom (I'll post the details if you want to know.)
Personally I choose to use The Pit, and I've found some decent stuff there.
Here's a mini rec-list of some of my favorite LT stories by some talented authors:
Sportacus is Love: a collection of drabbles about the characters' thoughts on Sportacus. Very true to canon and cute.
Peanut Butter Banana Sandwiches:An adorable SportaRobbie with plenty of Stephanie's cuteness.
Loop:A brief and sad story about the day Sportacus leaves without a trace and Stephanie's thoughts, mild Sportacus/Stephanie
So, go ahead and post your own fics if you write them, recommend and discuss stories you like, or just talk about LT fic in general!I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.- Translate
YAY! My story I wrote like months ago finally belongs some place! YAY!
Ok, guys...I actually lied to you =(. I really wasn't really eating some KFC. It's actually a really long story why I got locked up there. Here goes:
About sometime three days ago (when I first came to LazyTown), I stayed up a little too late (8:17 pm) playing my new gamemaster 6000. So I went to bed pretty late, I was really tired...didn't brush my teeth or nothing, just straight to bed. So the next morning I wake up and I'm still feeling like crap from last night...don't brush teeth and I drank some OJ for breakfast...that's all. It would have made sense for me to get a good sleep since that day was actually a really big sports competition. Everybody was going to participate in the competetion, except Robbie of course lol. So I decided that today would be the day to introduce myself to everybody in LazyTown, except I wasn't feeling too well. So it was about mid day and I went to the sports field in my nice sports outfit to go and meet everyone. I introduced myself and they introduced themselves to me, everything was fine. Stingy already tried to have a grab at my fancy cap, Trixie already pulled a prank on me (I still haven't gotten all of the gum out of my hair BTW), Ziggy gave me a lollipop, Steph gave me... a... um... NVM and I was also greeted by Sportacus and the Mayor and Bessie. Everybody was pumped up and jumping around, ready to do some serious sports! But I was somewhat tired from this morning and last night. Everybody noticed that I wasn't enthusiastic ONE BIT. So Trixie, being the smart ass that she is points out that I am probably Robbie, since I'm in a bad mood and the real Robbie was nowhere to be seen. So now everybody think that I'm Robbie in disguise, except Pixel, he was somewhat sympathetic because we share the same skin tone. So then once everybody is convinved that I'm Robbie (not including the mayor, cause he never knows WTF is going on), here comes Sportacus flipping and tried to rip my head of thinking it's a mask. Obviously my head dosen't come off so they try to take my "disguise" off. So there I am, half naked in front of everybody and I'm still myself...no I'm not Robbie. Everybody realizes this except for the mayor (that idiot) and THAT is why I was locked up, because the mayor STILL thought that I was Robbie (he would have never thought that in the first place if it wasn't for that loudmouth Bessie, he listens to everything that she says) . And no, they actually DIDN'T torture me, Stephanie came to visit to cheer me up, she sang a song and did a dance, and she told me "anything can happen and there is always a way" and she actually got Sportacus to help me get out of the LazyPenitentiary. Finally, Stephanie explained everything the the mayor and everything was clear, the mayor was so sorry that he gave me "one wish!". So there I was, on the stage ready to make my wish. So then I said, "I wish"...oh wait, I don't want to get banned
k tnx bai!
IT'S TRUE GODDAMMIT!!Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Originally posted by ZokitaOh, so that's what that pic was about!
Sounds like you had an...interesting experience in LazyTown. ;)
Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Originally posted by ooozminexcept Pixel, he was somewhat sympathetic because we share the same skin tone.
Rockband is awesome!- Translate
Originally posted by ZafaOriginally posted by ooozminexcept Pixel, he was somewhat sympathetic because we share the same skin tone.Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Re: LazyTown Fanfiction
Originally posted by ZokitaPeanut Butter Banana Sandwiches:An adorable SportaRobbie with plenty of Stephanie's cuteness.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Fanfiction
Originally posted by DSKOriginally posted by ZokitaPeanut Butter Banana Sandwiches:An adorable SportaRobbie with plenty of Stephanie's cuteness.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Fanfiction
Originally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by kellyOriginally posted by DSKOriginally posted by ZokitaPeanut Butter Banana Sandwiches:An adorable SportaRobbie with plenty of Stephanie's cuteness.- Translate
Re: LazyTown Fanfiction
Get it Together is another site where I'm a part of (Not the creator). There're fanfics there.
Note: If I broke a rule, you may delete this reply and you'll also have my apology ahead of time, but it's worth the try.- Translate