Sports Candy Festival has been my favorite for a long time, not sure what it is about it. Maybe Stephanie running and screaming from a giant apple, or when Robbie lures kids over just by shouting "Banana!" Something about it is just incredibly funny for me.
Mine has to be 'My Treehouse'. I feel like so many of the characters' personalities are epitomised in that episode. The way Stingy just takes equipment with no worries during Teamwork, Milford's...attempts to please Miss Busybody, Trixie immediately taking charge and bossing everyone around, there's so much life and humour packed into that episode. When the winner is, revealed, Stephanie also seems so genuinely angry for once. It's one of the few times when Stingy gives back rather than only takes things from the others too, during Teamwork.
Trolls in a show from Iceland made perfect sense to me. :) Although the sudden introduction of a huge land mass called Troll Mountain I found pretty jarring. The episode was pretty strange overall.
For some reason I seem to think the episodes about Pixel are the best and he's not even my favorite character but the plots that they came up with for him were amazing and cool