Least Favorite Episode

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  • Rotten Robot Hound
    Level 11 - The Blue Knight
    • Feb 2017
    • 184

    Re: Least Favorite Episode

    Originally posted by Shakeitpiggy
    As much as I dislike this episode, I would say that this being Robbie's favourite song actually does tell us something very significant about him. It supports the theory that Robbie really does like being with the kids, but he can only do it in a disguise, and not as Robbie Rotten. Sad isn't it?

    Also, I have a feeling that the writers asked the actors/puppeteers which song they liked the best rather than thinking of the actual characters.
    Exactly what I was thinking. It implies that Robbie actually has fond memories of singing that song and just fooling around as a pirate with the kids, which is really sweet, especially in the context of Stephanie just having been friendly with him when she wanted to know his favourite song too.

    Your theory might actually hold up, I know Stefán said his favourite song was You Are a Pirate at least (as late as in 2016). But I always sort of figured they picked the songs they did partly to be representative of the characters and partly just to get a good mix so not every choice ended up being obscure. All the songs in the episode, while not necessarily the best, are catchy, happy and share the LazyTown spirit. Heck even You Are a Pirate, despite being a Robbie song, isn't contradictory to the show's message: "Run and jump all day!"

    To answer the question about my least favourite episode though, definitely Sportacus on the Move. That episode is the only one I can say is just "boring", other ones can be less entertaining but still have good parts, such as Hero for a Day.


    • Glanni's Girl
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Jan 2010
      • 5016

      Re: Least Favorite Episode

      Originally posted by RecipeForStephanie
      I don't think I have any episodes disliked completely. There's just some aspects from some episodes that I don't like, but don't completely change my opinion of the episode in general.
      I agree with you.
      Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
      Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


      • Shakeitpiggy
        Level 12 - Lazy Scout
        • Apr 2017
        • 226

        Re: Least Favorite Episode

        Originally posted by Rotten Robot Hound
        Exactly what I was thinking. It implies that Robbie actually has fond memories of singing that song and just fooling around as a pirate with the kids, which is really sweet, especially in the context of Stephanie just having been friendly with him when she wanted to know his favourite song too.

        Your theory might actually hold up, I know Stefán said his favourite song was You Are a Pirate at least (as late as in 2016). But I always sort of figured they picked the songs they did partly to be representative of the characters and partly just to get a good mix so not every choice ended up being obscure. All the songs in the episode, while not necessarily the best, are catchy, happy and share the LazyTown spirit. Heck even You Are a Pirate, despite being a Robbie song, isn't contradictory to the show's message: "Run and jump all day!"

        To answer the question about my least favourite episode though, definitely Sportacus on the Move. That episode is the only one I can say is just "boring", other ones can be less entertaining but still have good parts, such as Hero for a Day.
        My other theory is that everyone already knows every lazy town song, as if there is a list to choose from; how else does Trixie know Spooky song if she wasn't even in the episode?? There are exceptions of course, one being Ziggy not knowing Twenty Times Time before the episode.


        • Rotten Robot Hound
          Level 11 - The Blue Knight
          • Feb 2017
          • 184

          Re: Least Favorite Episode

          Originally posted by Shakeitpiggy
          My other theory is that everyone already knows every lazy town song, as if there is a list to choose from; how else does Trixie know Spooky song if she wasn't even in the episode?? There are exceptions of course, one being Ziggy not knowing Twenty Times Time before the episode.
          I know!!! Pixel records everything in LazyTown, right? He probably has cameras everywhere. This is supported by the fact that in this episode he says he has No One's Lazy in LazyTown on his computer and proceeds to start the video. He also has The Mine Song like we saw in PixelsPix. So it's possible that he recorded Spooky Song and uploaded it to PixelsPix which he used to show it to Trixie. Another possibility is that some of the songs are sung in LazyTown on a regular basis, since Cooking by the Book is in two different episodes for example, and maybe Spooky Song was sung in a different context where Trixie was present that we just didn't get to see.

          Lol, all this trouble to try and explain logical inconsistencies and continuity errors in a kid's show. The whole reason they even made the episode was that they were struggling to produce enough content xD


          • YikesDepartment
            Loyal LazyTowner
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 14 - Sportscandy
            • Jan 2017
            • 319

            Re: Least Favorite Episode

            Sportacus On The Move, definitely. It's literally just reusued footage with Magnus commentating over it.


            • Glanni Glæpur
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 16 - Sportaposter
              • May 2018
              • 407

              Re: Least Favorite Episode

              Mystery of the Pyramid because it brought the end of Lazytown. :(

              We are number one!


              • LaZboi
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                • Dec 2017
                • 51

                Re: Least Favorite Episode

                Who's Who. It was nothing but a sterile rewrite of Sportafake. Oh, and Stephanie never got her medal back.


                • Lazy4Ever
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                  • Nov 2017
                  • 221

                  Re: Least Favorite Episode

                  Originally posted by LaZboi
                  Oh, and Stephanie never got her medal back.
                  Hahahaha! I never noticed that before. I assume the mayor or Sportacus made Robbie give it back at some point after the episode finished ;)


                  • RockinRobbie
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 9 - Energy Poster
                    • Dec 2016
                    • 93

                    Re: Least Favorite Episode

                    Probably have to go with ghost stoppers...the song was forgettable and the plot wasn't interesting. I would have to choose Sportacus On the Move for the earlier seasons, I don't think I dislike any of them that aren't flashback episodes


                    • Minuy600
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 2 - Rotten Poster
                      • Feb 2020
                      • 8

                      Re: Least Favorite Episode

                      I think season 1 and 2 and season 3 and 4 both deserve attention on their own since they're quite different to one another, really.

                      Of season 1 and 2, i'd probably say Play Day is my least favorite. Feels like two short episodes combined into one, and they're not even all that fun. The cowboy part was fine, but the 'wild beasts' part makes me feel many different kinds of embarrasment. It's not great.

                      Of season 3 and 4, Baby Troll is far and away the worst episode. The trolls are completely out of place in the series, the random hints towards the past feel super forced, and worst of all, the problem could've literally been solved without Sportacus as Stephanie had the solution in her hands at one point. It's awful.

                      Let's Go To The Moon also isn't particularly great, the writers make it seem as if bullying Robbie for no real reason is favorable, therefore going against the actual morals of the show. For the rest it isn't as bad, it just rubs me the wrong way.


                      • possessor
                        I like LazyTown.
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 31 - Number 9
                        • Oct 2021
                        • 3045

                        Of Season 1, Cry Dinosaur was a terrible episode. Sportacus, a SUPERHERO, afraid of extinct creatures?
                        Of Season 2, The Lazy Genie. Just dull and boring.
                        Of Season 3, Chef Rottenfood. It was just an excuse for more Minor characters.
                        Of Season 4, I would say the finale.


                        • possessor
                          I like LazyTown.
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 31 - Number 9
                          • Oct 2021
                          • 3045

                          Originally posted by LazyPooky
                          Re: Least Favorite Episode
                          Play Day
                          LOL, the interview I had with you says otherwise.
                          For me - Greatest Hits & Surprise Santa.


                          • LazyPooky
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 7302

                            Originally posted by possessor

                            LOL, the interview I had with you says otherwise.
                            For me - Greatest Hits & Surprise Santa.
                            I can change my mind!

                            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.

