Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

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  • LazyGary
    Level 16 - Sportaposter
    • Oct 2013
    • 442


    Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

    Episode Title: Welcome to LazyTown
    Season: 1
    Episode: 1
    Production #: 106
    Original Airing Date: August 16, 2004
    Episode Summary: When Stephanie arrives in LazyTown to stay with her Uncle Milford, she finds that she has trouble making friends because all the local kids spend all their time indoors playing videogames. So, her uncle enlists the help of Sportacus, an athletic hero who encourages the kids to have fun by remaining active. Unfortunately, this doesn't sit well with Robbie Rotten, a lazy cheat who takes pride in having LazyTown be the laziest town around, so he plots to get rid of Sportacus.
    Opening Shot: Sunrise, Sportacus awakes
    What Sports/Equipment does Sportacus use? Bowling Ball
    What does Sportacus eat/drink? A Carrot
    Suspension of Disbelief? After Stephanie contacts him Sportacus travels to LazyTown in the airship. He drops down out of the hatch straight onto the ground without using his normal ladder.
    What Gadgets/Vehicles does Sportacus use? Just the airship. Not sure if the bowling ball with the slot in it counts as a "gadget"?
    Story by: Magnus Scheving
    Episode Written by: Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
    Episode Directed by: Raymond P. Le Gué, Magnus Scheving
    Where does the Action mainly take place? Pixel’s House, The Mayor’s House, The Town Centre
    Recurring Characters present? All
    Recurring Characters absent? None
    Guest Appearances / Outsiders: None
    Kid's Challenge/Play/Sport: The kids of LazyTown are always indoors playing video games and eating junk food. Stephanie motivates them to come outside and actively play some physical games.
    Mini-Save: Sportacus saves Stingy when Trixie steps off the Teeter totter. Strangely, the teeter totter has some kind of rebound action as Stingy goes flying through the air after slamming into the ground. Sportacus then has to save Trixie from falling off Stingy's Shoulders just a second or two later.
    Robbie Mad: The ‘little pink girl’ is too active and brings a Superhero back to town.
    Robbie Disguise: None
    Rotten Plan: Robbie tempts the kids with things to distract them from physical activity. Later he digs a hole for Sportacus to fall into.
    Rejected Disguises: None
    Robbie's Names for Sportacus: Sportakook, Sportalooney
    Music Video / Song: “Have you Never” and the "Have you Never (Refrain)" Youtube.
    Stephanie's Clothes/Special Outfit: None
    Big Save: Sportacus saves Bessie, Stephanie and the Mayor from the trap that Robbie dug.
    Bing Bang Song: Normal, in the Town Centre
    Robbie's Joke / Closing Scene: Robbie ends up falling in his own trap and injures his arm and leg which are later seen in bandages. He vows that he will not be beaten by a costumed "Sportalooney" and Pink cheerleader.
    Notable Puns: Not really any
    Internal Cross References/Recurring Themes: Bessie on the phone gossiping, The Mayor cleaning, Stephanie’s Red Hard Shell Luggage (Bessie owns the same type of Luggage seen later in the 3rd Season “First day of Summer”). Stephanie will use the luggage again when she gets ready to leave in the 2nd Season episode “Dancing Dreams”. Mayor Meanswell baking cakes for Miss Busybody (he seems to do this a lot!), The retractable podium is already deployed in this episode.
    External Cross References: The playing cards that the Mayor gives to Stephanie feature pictures of the Stage Version of Latibaer (the Icelandic LazyTown). Stephanie refers to the Empire State Building while building the tower out of playing cards. The name "Sportacus" is obviously a play on Spartacus, the Roman slave revolt hero who was also a muscled adonis.
    Bloopers / Mistakes: The Playing Card tower that Stephanie builds is obviously stuck together with glue as it shakes but does not fall apart. When Stephanie watches her uncle take the second cake out of the oven, she momentarily glances down at the puppeteers controlling the Mayor character. Pixel is busy playing soccer on the video game, but he has no idea what a real soccer ball is in real life? Robbie asks Trixie if she has ever heard the sound of a Rubber ball breaking a window, but the ball he gives her is actually a plastic ball. Stephanie asks Sportacus if he is "Number 9" even though there is an obvious "10" on his chest. Sportacus then turns around and shows her the "10"on his back even though there is one on his chest. Robbie says it is time to put an end to Sportakook "once and for all", but this is the first time he has ever met him.

    Discussion Questions / Weird Things:

    1. Stephanie is allowed to travel by herself on the train even though she is only 9 years old (possible that she had supervision on the train?) .

    2. Robbie freaks out when he sees Stephanie for the first time despite the fact that he knows nothing about her at all (Seems like he just thinks she might mean trouble for his plan of keeping LazyTown as the laziest town ever).

    3. Did Mayor Meanswell have a spare room already furnished for a young girl, or did he specifically furnish it that way because he knew Stephanie was coming to stay?

    4. Stephanie originally comes to stay for the Summer, but her stay extends into the Winter and she even attends school. What happened that she ended up staying for so long?

    5. There is an Ice Cream stand in LazyTown, but we never see an Ice Cream man manning the stand (other than Robbie in disguise and the Amnesiac Sportacus in "Sportacus Who?). And for that matter, where are all the other citizens of the Town?

    6. What is in Stephanie's backpack and why does she take it outside with her when she goes out to play with the ball?

    7. When Stephanie is still in the Mayor's house she is playing with a blue ball, then she is later seen rolling it on the bench when she meets Ziggy. But when she goes with Ziggy to Pixel's house she leaves the blue ball on the bench and grabs a soccer ball.

    8. As soon as he hears that Stephanie likes playing Robbie wants her to leave and go home.

    9. From the time that he meets Stephanie, Robbie never has called her by her name once ever. He always refers to her as "little pink girl".

    10. Robbie is aware of the previous superheroes, but we are never told what happened to them or why they left.

    11. When Pixel meets Stephanie for the first time he is obviously infatuated with her, but after this there is never any hint of him still liking her.

    12. Pixel has some serious equipment in his house. What are all the satellite dishes for? What kind of internet does he have? Who pays for all this stuff?

    13. Where are the kids parents, we only ever see Stingy, Pixel and Ziggy living alone at home?

    14. What is the building with the planet on top of it? (Seen during the Music Video portion of the episode) Is it a Planetarium?

    15. Trixie describes Robbie Rotten as "The laziest, grumpiest, no do anythingist guy in all of Lazytown" - The one word is obscured by Robbie Rotten opening the gate. Thanks to LazyPooky for checking the Subtitles for us.

    16. A moment after Robbie gives Trixie the ball you can hear the sound of glass breaking in the background.

    17. When Stephanie is sad after all the friends leave she sings "have you ever been sad \ have you ever had a friend to stay" but it sounds like she says "have you ever had a friend who is gay?"

    18. This is the first time we see Stephanie writing in her diary. Eventually we will see an entire episode about her diary - "Dear Diary"

    19. Stephanie has no qualms with telling the Mayor that the town is messy, and then when he suggests that he could clean it up she says "well you are the Mayor" - can you say "Awkward!"

    20. Mayor Meanswell remembers a story about a hero who came from an island in the North Sea, this is obviously a reference to Magnus Scheving coming from Iceland. But this means that the mayor never actually met the previous hero? Even though he knows this person was "Number 9"?

    21. Who put the plug into the Tube launcher next to the mailbox? Was it Robbie Rotten?

    22. How does the Tube always manage to find the exact hole in the Airship even when the airship is several miles away from Lazytown? Does it use some sort of magnetism?

    23. This is the first time we see the History of Lazytown book. Sportacus seems to have his own copy of the book (Stephanie later mentions that she read it in the Town Library). The book is dated 1703-1903. When Sportacus slams the book down on the table it causes one of his bananas to flip over - Banana flip at (Thanks Pooky!)

    24. Sportacus’ White Retractable Table has a built in Two Slice Toaster/Bread holder (under the History of LazyTown book when he is writing a response to Stephanie. So this is confirmation that he does at least sometimes eat Carbohydrates/Starch. Fact is no Human could survive very well without Starch or some Carbs in their diet. We will later see him using this two slice toaster in the episode "Sports Candy Festival".

    25. Sportacus has some other sports equipment in his Sports Cabinet that we never see him using. In evidence are several Cricket bats (but no red Cricket balls).

    26. How does the folded paper airplane get out of the bowling ball once it has been inserted and rolled? if it comes out by momentum then it would fly out backwards? Or is there some sort of mechanical machine that takes it out and then launches it?

    27. Sportacus describes himself as a "slightly above average hero"

    28. Stephanie says that LazyTown is really starting to feel like home for her. Does that mean she comes from a place where villians also set traps and there are Superheroes around to save the day?

    29. When Robbie first checks up on LazyTown from the periscope in his lair, he leans against the organ and gets a fright and tosses his Ice Cream Cake over the railing. A Minute later he has the cake in his hand again!

    30. When Pixel got the videogame from Robbie there is a Gameboy tune of Batman: The Return Of The Joker. Thanks LazyPooky!

    Credit: Some information and episode Summaries borrowed from the LazyTown Wikipedia Episode Page and the LazyWiki

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  • Buzz
    Der Postmeister
    Level 33 - New Superhero
    • Jan 2009
    • 4197

    Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

    Originally posted by LazyGary
    Episode Title: Welcome to LazyTown

    good job so far...I like the "bloopers" & "weird things" part the's quiet interesting...I've never noticed that so many things are illogical...are all these things your thoughts/investigations?...if so...kudos!


    • LazyGary
      Level 16 - Sportaposter
      • Oct 2013
      • 442

      Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

      Originally posted by Buzz
      good job so far...I like the "bloopers" & "weird things" part the's quiet interesting...I've never noticed that so many things are illogical...are all these things your thoughts/investigations?...if so...kudos!
      I'm having fun re-watching everything in much finer detail.

      My UK DVD set should be arriving today or tomorrow, so looking forward to perusing those! :)


      • Buzz
        Der Postmeister
        Level 33 - New Superhero
        • Jan 2009
        • 4197

        Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

        Originally posted by LazyGary
        I'm having fun re-watching everything in much finer detail.

        same here...I also enjoy finding inconsistencies...makes me feel better....and especially in LT because Maggi is actually known for his perfectionism


        • boredjedi
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 7306

          Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

          5. There is an Ice Cream stand in LazyTown, but we never see an Ice Cream man manning the stand (other than Robbie in disguise).
          Actually Sportacus did in Sportacus who

          Click image for larger version

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          And for that matter, where are all the other citizens of the Town?
          The great mystery :)


          • LazyGary
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 16 - Sportaposter
            • Oct 2013
            • 442

            Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

            Aaah, that's right. Will fix that.


            • LazyPooky
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Oct 2007
              • 7253

              Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

              15. Trixie describes Robbie Rotten as "The laziest, grumpiest, ne'er do anything ..... Guy in all of Lazytown" - The one word is obscured by Robbie Rotten opening the gate. What is the missing word?
              ..the laziest, grumpiest, no do anythingist guy in all of LazyTown!

              I checked the subtitles
              Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


              • Stingy
                NEW MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Mar 2009
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                Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                Originally posted by LazyGary
                9. From the time that he meets Stephanie, Robbie never has called her by her name once ever. He always refers to her as "little pink girl".
                This is a good observation, and one that I've been paying attention to recently. I don't know if you ever hear Robbie mention any of the character's names ever. Stingy = Stinky. Trixie = Loud Girl, Ziggy = Candy Boy, Steph = The Pink Tornado, Sporty = a ton of nicknames. I'll be keeping an ear out, and I hope you do to.

                Originally posted by LazyGary
                11. When Pixel meets Stephanie for the first time he is obviously infatuated with her, but after this there is never any hint of him still liking her.
                I actually know the answer to this one. Nickelodeon put and end to that. I don't really have an opinion on whether I agree or not. I don't really think it would have been a problem, but I can see Nick's point of view.


                • LazyGary
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 16 - Sportaposter
                  • Oct 2013
                  • 442

                  Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                  Originally posted by Stingy
                  This is a good observation, and one that I've been paying attention to recently. I don't know if you ever hear Robbie mention any of the character's names ever. Stingy = Stinky. Trixie = Loud Girl, Ziggy = Candy Boy, Steph = The Pink Tornado, Sporty = a ton of nicknames. I'll be keeping an ear out, and I hope you do to.
                  Yes, I hope to keep fleshing this out with repeat watching, and hopefully one day we will have all of this in the Wiki.
                  Originally posted by Stingy
                  I actually know the answer to this one. Nickelodeon put and end to that. I don't really have an opinion on whether I agree or not. I don't really think it would have been a problem, but I can see Nick's point of view.
                  Hmm, seems like they put their foot down on a lot of things... I hear that's why the Bing Bang Song got changed as well!


                  • Stingy
                    NEW MEMBER
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 5497

                    Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                    Yeah. Bing bang dingalingaling. Not quite as bad as Bing bang penisdickwanger, but they once again have a point.


                    • LT-Fan
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                      • May 2015
                      • 71

                      Originally posted by Stingy
                      This is a good observation, and one that I've been paying attention to recently. I don't know if you ever hear Robbie mention any of the character's names ever. Stingy = Stinky. Trixie = Loud Girl, Ziggy = Candy Boy, Steph = The Pink Tornado, Sporty = a ton of nicknames. I'll be keeping an ear out, and I hope you do to.
                      In the episode "Little Pink Riding Hood", when Robbie is using his machine to change his voice he wants Stephanie's voice (even if he first took the Mayors voice) and references it as "Stephanie-voice"


                      • Sportastephanie
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 21 - Poster By The Book
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 674

                        Sportacus and Stephanie fit very well together as a team. Friends are friends since.


                        • mario1

                          Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                          Originally posted by Stingy
                          This is a good observation, and one that I've been paying attention to recently. I don't know if you ever hear Robbie mention any of the character's names ever. Stingy = Stinky. Trixie = Loud Girl, Ziggy = Candy Boy, Steph = The Pink Tornado, Sporty = a ton of nicknames. I'll be keeping an ear out, and I hope you do to.
                          well, he has mentioned some of them by their names atleast once..

                          in the very first episode in fact, he mentions ziggy by his name, in little pink riding hood he mentions stephanie, when he tries to switch to her voice, i believe he has mentioned sportacus by his name in a few episodes. as for bessie and the mayor, he doesn't have a nickname for them, i'd have to rewatch to see if he calls stingy, trixie or pixel by their names at all, but im pretty sure he doesn't.


                          • LazyPooky
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 7253

                            Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                            Good observation
                            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                            • LazyGary
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 16 - Sportaposter
                              • Oct 2013
                              • 442

                              Re: Detailed Episode Analysis - 1x01 - Welcome to LazyTown

                              In the Season 4 episode "New Kid in Town" Stephanie says to Robbie "I don't think it was very nice of your to lie to Ziggy about that lollipop"
                              And Robbie answers "Zigg? Ziggy? Oh, you mean Candy Boy!"

                              Watch from the 4 minute mark...

