Episode Title: Defeeted
Season: 1
Episode: 2
Production #: 103
Original Airing Date: August 16, 2004
Episode Summary: On Spectacular Sports Day, Robbie tricks Sportacus into putting on a pair of radio-controlled boots, ruining our hero’s spectacular soccer kick and making it all but impossible for him to function as a superhero. Enter Robbie as Lazycus to become the new town hero. Can Sportacus defeat his own feet? “There’s always a way!”
Opening Shot: Sunrise, the cock crows (wait what? Where is this cock? On an airship?) Or is it the computer?
What Sports/Equipment does Sportacus use? Toothbrush, chin up bar,
What does Sportacus eat/drink? Nothing.
Suspension of Disbelief? There no visible rudders on the airship (only stabiliser fins), but Sportacus is able to move from left to right and change altitude fairly quickly.
What Gadgets/Vehicles does Sportacus use? None
Story by: Scott Gray
Episode Written by: Noah Zachary, Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarsson, Scott Gray.
Episode Directed by: None shown
Where does the Action mainly take place? Mayor’s House, Pixel’s House, The Retractable Podium and Town centre.
Recurring Characters present? All
Recurring Characters absent? None
Guest Appearances / Outsiders: None
Kid's Challenge/Play/Sport: Stephanie can’t play with the kids because Stingy won’t share his new soccerball, Pixel only wants to play on the computer and Ziggy has to take a nap after breakfast so that he can be hungry for lunch.
Mini-Save: None
Robbie Mad: Robbie laments the fact that this was his favourite day before Sportakook came to town, and now it has been designated as another activity day!
Robbie Disguise: “Rob. U. Blind” a travelling salesman. Later he comes back as “Lazycus” – the new Town Hero with a big L on the front of his outfit.
Rotten Plan: Robbie wants to turn the “Town Hero” into the “Town Zero” by using a new invention that mimics Sportacus’ boots and turns them into remote controlled terror machines. He plans to swap Sportacus’ real boots for these fake boots.
Rejected Disguises: Too Looney = Lord Nelson’s British Admiral’s outfit, Too Moony = A Space suit, Too Puny = a Baby’s Bonnet and bib, "too good to be true!" = A Businessman’s Suit with trick flower (This is the one he chooses).
Robbie's Names for Sportacus: “a good for nothing, warm hearted general”, Sportakook,
Robbie’s Vehicles/Gadgets: The Fleet Feet Crazer Maker 6000 with remote control, Shoe cleaner 6000,
Music Video / Song: “There’s always a way” = http://www.getlazy.net/wiki/index.ph...e=Always_a_Way
Youtube = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcWgWNgB62c
Stephanie's Clothes/Special Outfit: None
Big Save: None, in this episode Sportacus himself is saved by Pixel.
Bing Bang Song: Normal, on the retractable podium.
Robbie's Joke / Closing Scene: As he shuffles away in the fake shoes, Robbie does a little bit of a dance to the Bing Bang Song.
Moral Lessons / Point of the Production: When faced with a difficult situation, there is “always a way”!
Notable Puns: The episode title itself is a pun and plays on the word “defeated”,
Internal Cross References/Recurring Themes: The retractable podium is deployed in this episode, The Mayor creates a new notable day “Sportacular Spectacle Day”,
External Cross References: The number “42” on Pixel’s computer screen (see point 15 below). The Bicycle Kick.
Bloopers / Mistakes: included below.
Discussion Questions / Weird Things:
1. Stephanie’s bed base is orange, just like Robbie’s recliner chair.
2. Continuity: The mayor uses a glass tube to contact Sportacus. It’s not the same tube we will see later in the show (this one is just a clear plastic tube). Since this episode was made before “Welcome to LazyTown” (in which the Tube is actually introduced to the viewers), we must assume that the Production Team had not yet decided on the look of the Tube or had not had chance to decorate it in Sportacus’colour scheme. The clear tube is also used in the next chronologically produced episode "Lazy Scouts".
3. Continuity: Likewise, when Sportacus receives the tube mail from the Mayor he says “This must be important!” and does his signature arm movements to indicate he is “on his way!” But the arm movements he does are not the correct 12-8-2 pattern. He only does left and right.
4. Mistake? When Sportacus first jumps into his pedal control chair, he ends up facing backwards, smiles and has to turn around (might be intentional).
5. Science: There no visible rudders on the airship (only stabiliser fins), but Sportacus is able to move from left to right and change altitude fairly quickly.
6. We see Sportacus face fairly close up when he goes to meet the Mayor, and his cheeks are noticeably more rosy than later in the show. His make-up also seems to be finding it’s place.
7. Sportacus asks the Mayor what is wrong… “Flood, Fire, Earthquake, Thunderstorm…”, but the mayor responds that nobody wants to go outside and play. Sportacus declares that is indeed terrible. Fortunately it is not as terrible as a natural disaster!
8. Continuity/Mistake: The Mayor asks Sportacus if he remembers “last year” how he showed everyone how to play Baseball, but this is only the second episode and the Mayor only just met Sportacus (no.10) in the last episode, so how does he know about what happened “last year”?
9. Sportacus has a logo of himself on the side of the pedal control chair.
10. How did the Mayor know to make up a Banner for “Sportacular Spectacle Day” even before he speaks to Sportacus?
11. Sportacus tells the mayor he had better go and practise his “Spectacular move” because he doesn’t want to “disappoint Stephanie (or anyone else)”, but the Mayor has so far said nothing about Stephanie, only that there are no kids playing outside. Is Sportacus already developing a soft spot for Stephanie? Who can blame him?
12. Unclear: Robbie says that this used to be his favourite day before Sportacus came along. There was pie-eating contests and something, something…. Else? What is the second thing he liked about this day?
13. When Ziggy is anxiously pacing around in Pixel’s house waiting for the Spectacle to be performed by Sportacus, the TV announcer that Stephanie is busy watching is talking about the “ Sportacular Spectacle Day”.
14. We find out that Sportacus does this special stunt every year on the “Sportacular Spectacle Day” (but see the problem mentioned at point no.8.
15. Pixel’s computer screen displays the question “What is 42?” – The answer to which of course is “The Answer to life, the universe, and everything” – This comes from Douglas Adam’s series of books “ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. The animation on the screen at the same time shows a planet being destroyed, then the words “Error, Error!” - It’s the little things like this that make me love LazyTown!
16. The bicycle kick that Sportacus is practising was immortalised by the famous soccer player, Pele’ as seen in this youtube clip… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6beixJ0lMA (The clip itself is from the movie “Escape to Victory”).
17. Robbie’s smelly, slimey goop that he pours out over Sportacus’ boots is of course purple.
18. When Robbie hands over the fake shoes to Sportacus you can see that the soles are covered with felt material, which will enable Sportacus to do the “fancy footwork” later on the podium as Robbie is ‘controlling’ the shoes.
19. When the Mayor asks Pixel for some drums, he lines up a nifty, rocking drum solo on his data device. Stephanie immediately jumps up and starts dancing (don’t you just love that about her?). But the Mayor was actually looking for a drum solo. Stephanie sits down and has a little apologetic look on her face!
20. The remote control for Robbie’s “Fleet Feet Tracer Maker 6000” is also shaped like an upside down shoe.
21. When Stephanie is upside down on Sportacus back and flashing us her pink panties (in that famous shot), the line in the song goes “try to turn the problem upside down…”
22. The “way out” in this case is for Sportacus to use his hands and bypass his feet.
23. Why does Stingy go fly a kite in the middle of the action during the song?
24. The Mayor immediately recognises that Lazycus is Robbie Rotten. One of the few times that he recognises him in a disguise.
25. Robbie’s cape is actually his table cloth.
26. The Mayor calls Robbie “Loonicus” instead of “Lazycus”.
27. Robbie tells Sportacus to go join the Circus. There will of course be an episode later with the LazyTown circus.
28. Robbie’s Feet Crazer Maker 6000 has an auto button.
29. Mistake: Pixel recognises the device as a “Feet Crazer Maker 6000” but earlier in the show Robbie told us it was one of his “Newest inventions”.
30. That’s quite a big hankie you have in your handbag there Stephanie!
Credit: Some information and episode Summaries borrowed from the LazyTown Wikipedia Episode Page and the LazyWiki

Season: 1
Episode: 2
Production #: 103
Original Airing Date: August 16, 2004
Episode Summary: On Spectacular Sports Day, Robbie tricks Sportacus into putting on a pair of radio-controlled boots, ruining our hero’s spectacular soccer kick and making it all but impossible for him to function as a superhero. Enter Robbie as Lazycus to become the new town hero. Can Sportacus defeat his own feet? “There’s always a way!”
Opening Shot: Sunrise, the cock crows (wait what? Where is this cock? On an airship?) Or is it the computer?
What Sports/Equipment does Sportacus use? Toothbrush, chin up bar,
What does Sportacus eat/drink? Nothing.
Suspension of Disbelief? There no visible rudders on the airship (only stabiliser fins), but Sportacus is able to move from left to right and change altitude fairly quickly.
What Gadgets/Vehicles does Sportacus use? None
Story by: Scott Gray
Episode Written by: Noah Zachary, Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarsson, Scott Gray.
Episode Directed by: None shown
Where does the Action mainly take place? Mayor’s House, Pixel’s House, The Retractable Podium and Town centre.
Recurring Characters present? All
Recurring Characters absent? None
Guest Appearances / Outsiders: None
Kid's Challenge/Play/Sport: Stephanie can’t play with the kids because Stingy won’t share his new soccerball, Pixel only wants to play on the computer and Ziggy has to take a nap after breakfast so that he can be hungry for lunch.
Mini-Save: None
Robbie Mad: Robbie laments the fact that this was his favourite day before Sportakook came to town, and now it has been designated as another activity day!
Robbie Disguise: “Rob. U. Blind” a travelling salesman. Later he comes back as “Lazycus” – the new Town Hero with a big L on the front of his outfit.
Rotten Plan: Robbie wants to turn the “Town Hero” into the “Town Zero” by using a new invention that mimics Sportacus’ boots and turns them into remote controlled terror machines. He plans to swap Sportacus’ real boots for these fake boots.
Rejected Disguises: Too Looney = Lord Nelson’s British Admiral’s outfit, Too Moony = A Space suit, Too Puny = a Baby’s Bonnet and bib, "too good to be true!" = A Businessman’s Suit with trick flower (This is the one he chooses).
Robbie's Names for Sportacus: “a good for nothing, warm hearted general”, Sportakook,
Robbie’s Vehicles/Gadgets: The Fleet Feet Crazer Maker 6000 with remote control, Shoe cleaner 6000,
Music Video / Song: “There’s always a way” = http://www.getlazy.net/wiki/index.ph...e=Always_a_Way
Youtube = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcWgWNgB62c
Stephanie's Clothes/Special Outfit: None
Big Save: None, in this episode Sportacus himself is saved by Pixel.
Bing Bang Song: Normal, on the retractable podium.
Robbie's Joke / Closing Scene: As he shuffles away in the fake shoes, Robbie does a little bit of a dance to the Bing Bang Song.
Moral Lessons / Point of the Production: When faced with a difficult situation, there is “always a way”!
Notable Puns: The episode title itself is a pun and plays on the word “defeated”,
Internal Cross References/Recurring Themes: The retractable podium is deployed in this episode, The Mayor creates a new notable day “Sportacular Spectacle Day”,
External Cross References: The number “42” on Pixel’s computer screen (see point 15 below). The Bicycle Kick.
Bloopers / Mistakes: included below.
Discussion Questions / Weird Things:
1. Stephanie’s bed base is orange, just like Robbie’s recliner chair.
2. Continuity: The mayor uses a glass tube to contact Sportacus. It’s not the same tube we will see later in the show (this one is just a clear plastic tube). Since this episode was made before “Welcome to LazyTown” (in which the Tube is actually introduced to the viewers), we must assume that the Production Team had not yet decided on the look of the Tube or had not had chance to decorate it in Sportacus’colour scheme. The clear tube is also used in the next chronologically produced episode "Lazy Scouts".
3. Continuity: Likewise, when Sportacus receives the tube mail from the Mayor he says “This must be important!” and does his signature arm movements to indicate he is “on his way!” But the arm movements he does are not the correct 12-8-2 pattern. He only does left and right.
4. Mistake? When Sportacus first jumps into his pedal control chair, he ends up facing backwards, smiles and has to turn around (might be intentional).
5. Science: There no visible rudders on the airship (only stabiliser fins), but Sportacus is able to move from left to right and change altitude fairly quickly.
6. We see Sportacus face fairly close up when he goes to meet the Mayor, and his cheeks are noticeably more rosy than later in the show. His make-up also seems to be finding it’s place.
7. Sportacus asks the Mayor what is wrong… “Flood, Fire, Earthquake, Thunderstorm…”, but the mayor responds that nobody wants to go outside and play. Sportacus declares that is indeed terrible. Fortunately it is not as terrible as a natural disaster!
8. Continuity/Mistake: The Mayor asks Sportacus if he remembers “last year” how he showed everyone how to play Baseball, but this is only the second episode and the Mayor only just met Sportacus (no.10) in the last episode, so how does he know about what happened “last year”?
9. Sportacus has a logo of himself on the side of the pedal control chair.
10. How did the Mayor know to make up a Banner for “Sportacular Spectacle Day” even before he speaks to Sportacus?
11. Sportacus tells the mayor he had better go and practise his “Spectacular move” because he doesn’t want to “disappoint Stephanie (or anyone else)”, but the Mayor has so far said nothing about Stephanie, only that there are no kids playing outside. Is Sportacus already developing a soft spot for Stephanie? Who can blame him?
12. Unclear: Robbie says that this used to be his favourite day before Sportacus came along. There was pie-eating contests and something, something…. Else? What is the second thing he liked about this day?
13. When Ziggy is anxiously pacing around in Pixel’s house waiting for the Spectacle to be performed by Sportacus, the TV announcer that Stephanie is busy watching is talking about the “ Sportacular Spectacle Day”.
14. We find out that Sportacus does this special stunt every year on the “Sportacular Spectacle Day” (but see the problem mentioned at point no.8.
15. Pixel’s computer screen displays the question “What is 42?” – The answer to which of course is “The Answer to life, the universe, and everything” – This comes from Douglas Adam’s series of books “ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. The animation on the screen at the same time shows a planet being destroyed, then the words “Error, Error!” - It’s the little things like this that make me love LazyTown!
16. The bicycle kick that Sportacus is practising was immortalised by the famous soccer player, Pele’ as seen in this youtube clip… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6beixJ0lMA (The clip itself is from the movie “Escape to Victory”).
17. Robbie’s smelly, slimey goop that he pours out over Sportacus’ boots is of course purple.
18. When Robbie hands over the fake shoes to Sportacus you can see that the soles are covered with felt material, which will enable Sportacus to do the “fancy footwork” later on the podium as Robbie is ‘controlling’ the shoes.
19. When the Mayor asks Pixel for some drums, he lines up a nifty, rocking drum solo on his data device. Stephanie immediately jumps up and starts dancing (don’t you just love that about her?). But the Mayor was actually looking for a drum solo. Stephanie sits down and has a little apologetic look on her face!
20. The remote control for Robbie’s “Fleet Feet Tracer Maker 6000” is also shaped like an upside down shoe.
21. When Stephanie is upside down on Sportacus back and flashing us her pink panties (in that famous shot), the line in the song goes “try to turn the problem upside down…”
22. The “way out” in this case is for Sportacus to use his hands and bypass his feet.
23. Why does Stingy go fly a kite in the middle of the action during the song?
24. The Mayor immediately recognises that Lazycus is Robbie Rotten. One of the few times that he recognises him in a disguise.
25. Robbie’s cape is actually his table cloth.
26. The Mayor calls Robbie “Loonicus” instead of “Lazycus”.
27. Robbie tells Sportacus to go join the Circus. There will of course be an episode later with the LazyTown circus.
28. Robbie’s Feet Crazer Maker 6000 has an auto button.
29. Mistake: Pixel recognises the device as a “Feet Crazer Maker 6000” but earlier in the show Robbie told us it was one of his “Newest inventions”.
30. That’s quite a big hankie you have in your handbag there Stephanie!
Credit: Some information and episode Summaries borrowed from the LazyTown Wikipedia Episode Page and the LazyWiki