Watching episode and review of Dancing Dream

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  • Ponycat
    Level 14 - Sportscandy
    • Jun 2007
    • 314

    Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

    Oh, I've seen pictures of Matthew Feldman (who plays the mayor) in a red airplaine, it was on Lazytown Point


    • merlin55
      Level 16 - Sportaposter
      • Apr 2007
      • 404

      Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

      *waits impatiently for monday.* I hope somoene can get it up monday night or tuesday sometime.


      • Ultra Magnus
        Level 29 - Villain Number One
        • May 2007
        • 2039

        Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

        Originally posted by Ponycat
        Oh, I've seen pictures of Matthew Feldman (who plays the mayor) in a red airplaine, it was on Lazytown Point
        I'd completely forgotten about that picture.
        Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
        GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


        • merlin55
          Level 16 - Sportaposter
          • Apr 2007
          • 404

          Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

          Screencaps of the episode (behind the scenes) from one of the AVID vids.

 ... scene1.jpg

 ... scene2.jpg

 ... scene3.jpg

          If anyone has that photo of Robbie in the costume with the balloons please post, I don't have that saved.


          • merlin55
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 16 - Sportaposter
            • Apr 2007
            • 404

            Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

            sorry about that. fixed.


            • Frakkyfire
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 9 - Energy Poster
              • Aug 2007
              • 80

              Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

              Originally posted by Ponycat
              Oh, I've seen pictures of Matthew Feldman (who plays the mayor) in a red airplaine, it was on Lazytown Point
              Oh my god, that interview is awesome! "I remember, I'd toss him a towel, and he'd say to me, 'Someday, David, I'm going to give you a big, foam-latex bald man to carry around and make a star out of you,'" -- LOL. It's really cool to read any 'behind-the-scences' sort of stuff!

              Oh, and I want to graduate from Lazy University too! They should sell those sweatshirts - I would totally buy one.


              • Edgar
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                • Apr 2007
                • 1254

                Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                so where's the episode?


                • Frakkyfire
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 9 - Energy Poster
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 80

                  Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                  ARR! THERE BE SPOILERS AHEAD!

                  Alright, I just saw Dancing Dreams (yes, it has an 's' at the end)!!! It's actually a really cool episode! Okay, here's a synopsis (again, I'm really sorry that I'm technologically challenged and can't get it on the computer):


                  Beginning scene: Sportacus wakes up, brushes his teeth, and accidentally throws his toothbrush out the door. He grabs some paper (blue, of course) and makes a paper airplane that retrieves said toothbrush. Cue theme song.

                  The mayor is working on a red airplane and explains to Stephanie that today is "Dream Day" and his dream is to be a pilot - he always flies on Dream Day. Stephanie isn't wearing her usual outfit; she's actually in a dark pink shirt with light pink short sleeves and ribbon around her waist, and a pleated light pink skirt. Anyways, Bessie shows up and she and Mayor Meanswell ask Stephanie about her dream, which is to be a dancer. She heads off to the outdoor stage to practice.

                  Meanwhile, Robbie is setting up a picnic outside. He is annoyed at the music and huffs about it to himself. Then Ziggy comes running up to Stephanie and says that her dancing is amazing. Stephanie offers to teach him some dance moves and he reluctantly agrees. Much to his surprise, she actually manages to teach him to dance some (oh, and the music is an instrumental adaptation of 'Have You Never') and he gets all excited and tells her that they should set up a dance school in LazyTown. Stephanie really likes this idea. Robbie overhears and is very upset. Ziggy runs off to tell the other kids about his and Stephanie's plans for a dance school and Bessie and the mayor watch Stephanie as she starts dancing again. Bessie comments that someday Stephanie will go to a dance school far away, and the mayor is not very happy about that ("Not my Stephanie!"). Robbie hears this and gets an idea, a terrible, wonderful, awful idea. He quickly changes into a disguise as a dance instructor (tight, dark purple pants, a light purple dress shirt, a black sparkly sweater with the arms tied around his neck country-club style, and longish sandy hair with matching goatee/moustache) and carries around a large purple trunk. He goes up to Milford and Bessie and says that he's from a dance school "far, far, far, far, far away." He does some crazy-ass dance moves to demonstrate his skillz - throughout most of the episode, actually; it's great - and says that his school has chosen someone from LazyTown to attend, and that he's looking for a girl with pink hair. As per usual, they are a bit clueless and talk about it amongst themselves (ex. Bessie: "Pink hair? That's unusual." Milford: "Your cousin Tess has pink hair...") The mayor finally clues in and they realize its Stephanie (omg, shock). Robbie, sorry "Silly Swingerhip", asks where she is and Bessie and Milford point her out.

                  So, Robbie goes to Stephanie and offers her a shiny gold envelope that he says is admission to his dance school. Stephanie says she wants to be a dancer more than anything else. Then her and Robbie go into a wyshaoidfha awesome song and dance number (yes, "I Wanna Dance"). Robbie does some fancy dancing and tapping in this, as well as spending some time with a random rose in his mouth, and they do some cool coordinated moves including a Sportacus-style move where he picks her up and puts her on his shoulder.

                  Meanwhile, Ziggy is running around telling people that Stephanie has great news, thinking about their plans for starting a dance school. When everyone (including Bessie, the mayor, and Sportacus) gathers around her, she tells them that she's been accepted to a great dance school far, far away. Robbie tries to hurry up so they can go, and Ziggy gets upset. He doesn't want her to go away. She expains that it's her dream but Ziggy kind of wanders off dejectedly. Stephanie follows him to a bench and tries to talk to him. Robbie is very impatient while this is going on, and Stephanie leaves to pack. Then we see her with her bags (now in her usual dress and pink sweater) and a slow instrumental version of 'Have You Never' plays in the background. The mayor is in his airplane, ready to take Stephanie to her new school. Before leaving, she goes up to everyone one by one and they give her presents and hugs while sad-ish music plays (Bessie gives her a cellphone and tells Stephanie to call her, Stingy gives her a baby Piggy, Pixel gives her a device that plays video of some of the best times in LazyTown - we see a small clip from the 'Let's Read a Story' song - Trixie gives her a framed picture of the two of them, and Sportacus gives her 'special' sports candy, saying "You never know when you might need it," and wishing her good luck). Robbie gets very impatient and hurries her into the airplane. Before she leaves though, she wants to say goodbye to Ziggy. She finds him hiding behind a tree and he refuses to say goodbye. Then he caves and runs to give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

                  So, Stephanie gets into the plane and she and her uncle take off into the sky. Milford draws a big heart in the sky with the smoke from his plane (how is he so good at flying a plane?) and they fly off. Everyone left behind, except Robbie of course, is sad and realizing that Stephanie won't be coming back. Sportacus tries to cheer the kids up by explaining that it's hard to see people go, but that it's good that Stephanie is following her dream. They agree, and everyone kind of wanders off. Before Sportacus leaves though, Robbie gets him to look inside his trunk to unstick something and kicks him inside. He locks it up and attaches balloons so that it will float away, but forgets to get down from on top of the trunk.

                  Stephanie asks her uncle if they can fly by LazyTown one more time, and when they do they see 'the dance instructor' stranded on top of a trunk in the middle of the air. They fly over and Stephanie takes a big bite out of the apple that Sportacus gave her and drops down onto the trunk, but Robbie falls off so the mayor has to swoop and catch him in Stephanie's now-vacated seat. Stephanie hears Sportacus yelling from inside the trunk and opens it up. Then, somehow, they kind of configure it into a glider so that they are both sitting inside the trunk with the lid and random extendable pieces of wood as wings. They cut off the balloons, starting a downward glide/fall towards the ground. They execute a rather flawless landing and the kids rush up, including Ziggy. He says that even though it'll make him sad, he wants Stephanie to follow her dreams. Then Robbie and the mayor land and his wig falls off, showing everyone that he's actually Robbie Rotten. They realize that Steph's not going anywhere and everyone's pretty happy. Stephanie asks Ziggy if he wants to help her teach the other kids the Bing Bang dance. This is probably the only strictly Stephanie-Puppets Bing Bang ever (Sportacus is chillin' with the mayor by the airplane), although there's not too much dancing - most of its actually just clips from the episode.

                  End scene: Robbie's back in his lair and has an epiphany: maybe he's got it all wrong! Maybe he should start exercizing and eating healthy and being nice..."Nah." He laughs then trips and falls into his trunk.

                  So yeah, awesome awesome episode!! Sorry this post is so long! :)


                  • kelly
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 19 - Secret Friend
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 599

                    Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                    OMG, that sounds awesome. *plsletsomebodyhaverecordedit*


                    • crosis52
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 10 - LazyTowner
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 116

                      Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                      This does sound pretty awesome. Can you describe the song some more, please?


                      • EdisLeado
                        Founder of GetLazy
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 372

                        Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                        No worries, guys. I've got it recorded and am compressing and will be sending it to nindanjoe soon ^^


                        • kelly
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 19 - Secret Friend
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 599

                          Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                          Originally posted by EdisLeado
                          No worries, guys. I've got it recorded and am compressing and will be sending it to nindanjoe soon ^^


                          • merlin55
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 16 - Sportaposter
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 404

                            Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                            I can't wait!!!!! ^_^ This sounds great.


                            • jujubean07
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                              • Jun 2007
                              • 195

                              Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                              Originally posted by nindanjoe
                              Oh, that makes a lot more sense now. So much for the ol' actor switcheroo. There's actually footage of this episode in the Avid LazyTown profile. Now I know what those ballons were for, why Robbie looked the way he looked, and why the Mayor was in an airplane. Thanks, ponycat! :)
                              Hey you got the link


                              • Ponycat
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 14 - Sportscandy
                                • Jun 2007
                                • 314

                                Re: Reminder - will someone please record Dancing Dream

                                Don't thank me, I had nothing to do with it :oops:

                                Excellent essay Frakkyfire, 10 out of 10 for your review.

