New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

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  • EdisLeado
    Founder of GetLazy
    Level 15 - The Baby Troll
    • Apr 2007
    • 372

    Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

    This is apparently the plot:
    Robbie invents a machine that pulls toys away from kids. He sends two of the devices to Paris and China, so that Sportacus will have to leave LazyTown to help the kids in those countries. Meanwhile, Robbie takes away all of the toys in LazyTown. Sportacus returns and says he’s sorry he was too late to help, but Ziggy points out what Sportacus had taught him earlier – you don’t need toys to play! Robbie’s plans are foiled once again!


    • ooozmin
      Former moderator
      Level 29 - Villain Number One
      • May 2007
      • 2445

      Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

      Originally posted by EdisLeado
      This is apparently the plot:
      Robbie invents a machine that pulls toys away from kids. He sends two of the devices to Paris and China, so that Sportacus will have to leave LazyTown to help the kids in those countries. Meanwhile, Robbie takes away all of the toys in LazyTown. Sportacus returns and says he’s sorry he was too late to help, but Ziggy points out what Sportacus had taught him earlier – you don’t need toys to play! Robbie’s plans are foiled once again!
      Got that from YTV right? ;)
      Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


      • crosis52
        Level 10 - LazyTowner
        • Jul 2007
        • 116

        Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

        you don’t need toys to play!
        I have a feeling that this episode's plot may have had something to do with Nickelodeon not showing LazyTown anymore, not that they're slaves to their advertisers over there.

        On another note, it's interesting that they're mentioning the outside world again, hopefully it will lack the controversy of that whole "Texas affair". /sarcasm

        I just hope that the song's good.


        • Frakkyfire
          Level 9 - Energy Poster
          • Aug 2007
          • 80

          Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

          Okay everyone! Time for another special report from Frakkyfire, to tide you over until someone uploads the episode!


          Intro: Sportacus leaps out of bed over to a 'calendar' (it sure doesn't look like one to me) and checks out what game he's apparently supposed to play today. It's ping pong (wtf?). So, naturally, he plays ping pong with himself by bouncing the ball back and forth and flipping over the table to hit it again. Then he catches the ball and says "Ping pong! What a great workout!" Ooookay....cue theme song.

          So, we see the mayor in an orange and brown tracksuit carrying a fold up chessboard (he refers to it as his 'sport in a box' -- me, I'd prefer a 'Sportacus in a box'), extolling the virtues of such a beatiful and sunny day. Then we cut to Robbie above ground and carrying his pillow. He thinks it's a perfect day to do nothing at all, and sets up a hammock to sleep in. Meanwhile, Stephanie and Stingy are playing baseball. Steph wants him to pitch the ball to her so she can hit it, but Stingy doesn't like that idea - "You want me to pitch MY YOU?" - but Stephanie assures him that she can't hit it if he doesn't throw it. Stingy's having none of it - "You're just trying to get my ball! But you can't outwit ME!". Ziggy come screeching up and wants to play, but there's only one ball and one bat, and he doesn't have a glove to be catcher with, so he runs back home to get his glove.

          Next we see Milford surprising Bessie with his 'sport for the mind' - the chess set - and they sit down to a game. The mayor warns her that he's quite the player and they put on some sunblock since it's so hot. Cut to Stingy and Stephanie also deciding to put on sunblock. Stingy asks Steph to squeeze a ridiculous amount on to his hands and explains that he's only going to use a little bit on his face and put the rest in his pocket for later. They go back to the game, but Stingy can't hold the bat because he's got too much sunblock on his hands - this leads to a horrified gasp from him: "Is it possible ... to have too much of something?!". So anyway, Steph pitches the ball and the bat slips out of Stingy's hands, so the baseball flies past him to smack right into Bessie and Milford's chess game. Sportacus' crystal beeps and he flips over to catch the chessboard, and then catches every one of the pieces with it in the positions that they were in before the baseball hit (jeez, now he's psychic too? He didn't get there 'till AFTER the pieces went up in the air). Bessie thanks him and then checkmates the mayor. Milford exclaims "Oh, poppycock!" and smacks his fist into the sunblock container, squirting Bessie in the eye (fortunately she's wearing sunglasses). She is very upset, and Sportacus figures he better leave now and practically runs off - it would seem even he doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire of an angry Bessie.

          Back to Stingy and Stephanie. Ziggy runs up again saying he couldn't find his baseball glove, but Stingy says that's okay ... because now they are playing badminton. But there are only two rackets, so he can't play. Poor wittle Ziggy wanders off to sit on a bench. Sportacus jumps over and returns Stingy's baseball. He wonders why Ziggy isn't playing with them, and they tell him it's because he doesn't have a racket. Sportacus goes to sit with Ziggy and asks him what's wrong. Ziggy says that he doesn't have any toys, so he can't play. Sporty responds by saying "You know me - I love toys [hmmm...*devious smile*]. Even my airship is full of toys! But you know what? You don't need toys to be able to play." This is where the song starts. It's more rockish than usual and quite energetic (It's the "Let's Go!" song). I kind of like it, and it's one of the few where Sportacus sings (all by himself this time, too, for the most part - Ziggy adds a few things here and there). He also does lots of fun flips and stuff during the song, including (get this) the twist. The TWIST. WTF??

          Ziggy gets all excited about this and goes to tell Steph and Stingy, waking Robbie up as he runs past. Ziggy tries to tell the others that you don't need toys to play, but they say things like "How can you play baseball without a ball?", totally misunderstanding the concept. Robbie overhears Stingy saying that "If we don't have toys, we CAN'T play." He gets a devious idea and we cut to his lair, where he cobbles together some round machines that attract sports equipment to them like magnets. He tests this out by using some stuff he had in a biohazard-type box, and is super excited when it works.

          Quick scene of Bessie and Milford playing chess, where she remarks "This is the kind of day where nothing can go wrong." Lawl, way to go with the subtlety, guys. Anyway, back to Robbie where he makes his plan. He pulls down a chalkboard map and says that first it'll go to China, then France. So he pops the giant toy-magnets into a cannon and fires 'em off: "Say hello to China," and "Hello, France". They whip out and fly kind of like missiles, confusing everyone and nearly knocking Sportacus off his ladder. Sporty's crystal beeps and he gets into his sky chaser to follow them. Back in Robbie's lair, he gets into a bigger toy-magnet.

          We see Sportacus flying after the toy-magnet missiles, then they split - one going one direction, one going the other. Sportacus chooses one at random and ends up flying to China. Okay, this is REALLY cool because we actually get to see a LT version of China, with Great Wall and everything. There's a whole new set where there are two Chinese girls playing ping pong and this is where the toy-magnet lands. The background is insanely detailed and VERY VERY cool, with mountains and Chinese temples and stuff. Aaaawesome. Right, so Sportacus lands and quickly turns off the device as it sucks the girls' ping pong paddles away. He catches them and tosses them back and the girls thank him (in English -- he's already said 'Here you go' so they know he speaks it). Sporty says "One down, one to go" and then something unintelligible (sounds like 'Harriet press') and flips away. How he knows where the other toy-magnet is, I don't know.

          Meanwhile, Robbie is prowling around LazyTown with his giant toy-magnet and Ziggy finds his baseball glove in the sportsfield. Robbie turns his machine on and it sucks away the glove and all the other toys there. Then we switch to Sportacus, who is now following the second toy-magnet into France. It seems this is Paris, specifically, since there's a wonky LT-style Eiffel Tower. Again, the background is really detailed and super-bright. You can see some other landmarks like the Notre-Dame cathedral and the Arche de Triomphe. The toy-magnet lands right beside the Seine, and so does Sportacus. There are two French boys playing with a soccer ball and a typical French painter nearby. The soccerball gets sucked towards the toy-magnet, but once again Sporty catches it and throws it back after turning the machine off. The kids say "Thanks" in a suspiciously Icelandic sounding French accent, and then we cut to Stephanie and Stingy playing badminton. Before Stephanie can serve again though, their rackets fly out of their hands. The same thing happens just as Milford is about to actually win a game of chess. Back in France, Sportacus' crystal beeps and he jumps into his sky chaser to head back to LazyTown. It would seem travelling to from LazyTown to China to Paris only took a few minutes.

          Everybody in the town is upset as all the sports equipment gets stuck to the toy-magnet. Sportacus makes a quick stop in his airship to get more energy by eating an apple, then attaches a bungee cord to his belt and jumps out of the ship. He does a spy-manouvre kind of landing and the others tell him what happened. He says "I'm too late!" seeming rather upset, and adds "...I'm sorry." But before he wallows in his very first failure, Ziggy runs up and says he knows what's happened to the toys. He tells everyone that the toys are all stuck on a giant walking magnet ball, and they all head over to where he says it is. Sportacus jumps onto the top and tries to open it, but it's stuck. Inside, Robbie accidentally breaks one of the levers (workmanship, Robbie, workmanship) and can no longer control the machine as it wanders around. There's a bit of a jerk and Sportacus falls off, but jumps up and flips over it so that he's in its path. He grabs a convenient manhole cover and one of the toy-magnet's legs gets stuck in the hole and it turns off. Robbie calls for help inside because he can't get out, and Sportacus pries open the door and pulls him out. We get the required "Robbie Rotten!" from everyone, and then Sportacus notices that all the toys are broken. Robbie is very happy about this and says "No more playing in LazyTown! Ha ha!" But Ziggy runs up and says, "Sportacus told me we don't need toys to play!" Everybody's like "What?" And he explains that you can run, you can jump, you can clap, and you can "twist it all around!" while Sportacus demonstrates these in the background (including knocking Robbie off balance when he twists). Then it's time for the Bing Bang! Pretty standard Bing Bang with Stephanie and Sportacus dancing with lots of clips from the episode playing in between (more clips than actual dancing, unfortunately).

          End bit: Robbie is back in his lair. He sits in his fluffy orange chair and picks up a plate with a nice big piece of cake on it. "Hello cake!" Then he notices something strange ... "Why are you moving like this?" It flies out of his hands and he starts to shake too. He's pulled out of his chair and we see the toy-magnet walking up. The cake is stuck to it. Robbie wobbles a bit more, and then he's stuck to it too. Poor Robbie :) .

          So that's "Sportacus Saves the Toys". Pretty good ep. Not as great as Dancing Dreams, but definitely good. Oh, and right before it came on, there was a commercial about LazyTown: "Have you SEEN LazyTown? It couldn't be crazier if it were made in Iceland by a giant gorilla! Oh, it is made in Iceland? By a giant gorilla [Think Magnús would take offence to that? ;)]? Well, that explains it."


          • kelly
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 19 - Secret Friend
            • Apr 2007
            • 599

            Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

            Finally a mention of sunscreen. The lack of sunsmartness was annoying me a little, but I guess it's just not as big a consideration in the Northern Hemisphere.


            • merlin55
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 16 - Sportaposter
              • Apr 2007
              • 404

              Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

              omg that sounds awesome!! I can't wait to see it!!!

              edit: I just listened to "Let's Go" on the does sound like an anime theme song! ^_^


              • AgentKJ
                The Inspector
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                • Jul 2007
                • 350

                Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                Can't wait to see that now, it sounds so cool, but random.
                I caress it cos I possess it


                • Ponycat
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 14 - Sportscandy
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 314

                  Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                  Excellent review !


                  • nindanjoe
                    Former Moderator
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1497

                    Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                    Unfortunately the only version of the episode I have is the German one. Anyone interested in that one?
                    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                    • Mr_Gazpacho
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 823

                      Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                      Originally posted by notorious
                      Originally posted by nindanjoe
                      Unfortunately the only version of the episode I have is the German one. Anyone interested in that one?
                      Better: anyone interested in doing a translation?
                      Better: anyone interested in doing a voiceover? :)
                      Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
                      Originally posted by nindanjoe


                      • merlin55
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 16 - Sportaposter
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 404

                        Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                        wait! didn't edis get it taped!!?? *cries*


                        • nindanjoe
                          Former Moderator
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1497

                          Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                          Originally posted by merlin55
                          wait! didn't edis get it taped!!?? *cries*
                          It was an unfortunate accident. One that I've made a bunch of times myself. It's all good though, it'll re-run eventually.
                          *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                          • Fenris

                            Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                            Originally posted by notorious
                            Even the best things must come to an end.
                            "As for Scheving's own career as the on-screen Sportacus, he concedes it will have to come to an end in perhaps, five years or so, when he turns 47."

                            Given the fact that Magnús stated as recently as this July (full story here) that he saw himself playing Sportacus on-screen untill 2011 or thereabouts these constant woes some express about Lazytown's days as a series being at an end are...well...a little funny. Seems pretty obvious that he is referring to the series there, since five years of obscurity before it hits the big screen would be suicide from a business point of view. ;)


                            • Stevilito
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 21 - Poster By The Book
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 665

                              Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                              seen this episode today, IF robbie had gotten his invention invented before the song it would have gave him more time, sportacus was in china and paris mere secends

                              song was good but video for it(you know what i eman) was pretty sucky lol

                              this has NO feeling of it being the last episode, just seem slike ya run of the mill MID season episode really

                              Gimmie My Paper Bitch


                              • kelly
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 19 - Secret Friend
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 599

                                Re: New Episode (maybe last!)- "Sportacus Saves The Toys"

                                Originally posted by Stevilito
                                this has NO feeling of it being the last episode, just seem slike ya run of the mill MID season episode really
                                It's possible that a) they decided not to do a conclusion episode, after all, pretty much the only continuity in LazyTown is various references to good times they had together, making it more-or-less infinitely loopable if you leave out 'Welcome to LazyTown', or b) that movie what's-his-name's contact seems to be reckoning we'll be getting would function as the conclusion episode. Alternately, c) while there are no concrete plans to continue the series as of yet, there are neither concrete plans to stop, and a conclusion episode would make things difficult if the eventual decision is to continue.

