What channel do you get it on?? My schedule says 7 AM on the weekends, but instead Dora or Fairly Odd Parents ran...for the past 3 weeks on Nickelodeon.
Unfortunately, Viacom USA does not give a crap about LazyTown. The only time I can find that it airs is 2:30 PM EST on weekends on Noggin. They do not air any Season 2 episodes, and the main Nick network never airs the show at all.
Maybe, maybe we'll get some premieres in the fall, but I wouldn't count on it. Lucky for us, though, Australia and Canada still care about LT and broadcast the US versions of the episodes.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
Someone will upload them as soon as they get a chance to record it, don't worry. These two premieres just caught people off guard the first time. Australia already has these episodes, so I'm sure the UK and Canada will be getting them soon too.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
OMGYAY I saw The Lazy Rockets!! I'm so sorry that I didn't have time to record it or anything - they just changed the scheduling so I found it by accident. Anyway, it's a pretty good episode (even if the song wasn't that great) and it was nice that it wasn't one of those really preachy ones - they weren't gonna press safe driving that much to four year olds, I think. Lol, "now try to remember this when you're sixteen". Seems like they cut down on the Sportacus-Stephanie interactions, though. It was only Steph doing the Bing-Bang, for example, and I don't think I remember a moment when it was just them on the screen (as opposed to earlier episodes, where Steph was the obvious favourite). Maybe someone thought it was getting a bit weird? Or maybe I'm just reading waaaay too much into it and no one else even noticed.