Just watched series 3 and darn it what happened

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  • LordMortimus


    Just watched series 3 and darn it what happened

    Correction thread

    I've just watched series 3 and darn it! I have to ask...what happened!?.

    Magnus sold out and now the north americans executives are ruining the programme.

    Is good that lazy town is back and all but this incarnation feels like a different show.

    Lets start with the new incarnation of Stephanie.

    Miss Chloe is a beutiful and talented girl but it is very obvious that sadly she is a miscast.

    She can dance, she can sing but her acting ability is limited

    Her limited acting ability is unable to channel the sweet, smart and optimist girl that is Stephanie. Chloe has two facial expresions : grinning and non grinning

    Julliana was able to channel Stephanie perfectly...heck, EVEN Shelby Young. From what little exist of her I felt that she was able to do a very convincing Stephanie.

    Chloe should concentrate on singing and dancing ( which according to her facebook page is what she is doing on her free time. When she is not in lazy town she is on dancing competitions)

    Another thing about the new lazy town is the lack of creativity in the episodes. Roboticus is just sportafake with a robot...

    Now...the thing that has me very angry and offended.

    The PC brigade strikes again!.(rant)

    "He interacts too much with the little girl!, he must be a paedophile!" " Her dress is too short!" "We can see her dancing pants when she dances!!"... thanks to these idiotic people and parents Sportacus does not interact as much with Stephanie and the dances are being censored ( it started in lazytown extra, those annoying cuts everytime she rises her legs...). First of all... is a dancing dress what the F do you expect!?. I hope none of these parents take their children to ballet or other dancing clases. It is supposed to be like that unless you want the performers to dance with medieval armours!. Idiots!, dancers are profesionals who are not ashamed by this and this kind of thinking may prevent little girls from taking interest in dancing .

    Ohh and don't get me get started with the "paedophile" thing.

    Since when is a popular opinion that if you are kind and polite to children you are a paedophile!?.

    Maybe there are people who are simply children at heart and are good with children!.

    Paedophilia is not a disease folks!. You can't get it!. Just as I will never be attracted to a person of my same sex, I will never be attracted to a child!

    F it!, Sportacus should be a total jerk to the children. That is better than being called a paedophile by today's sick society.

    Sorry for my long post
  • SportaKandy
    Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
    • Feb 2010
    • 924

    Re: Not the same show.

    Thou doth protest too much, methinks.
    Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.


    • Buzz
      Der Postmeister
      Level 33 - New Superhero
      • Jan 2009
      • 4197

      Re: Not the same show.

      I agree with everything except for...

      Originally posted by LordMortimus
      she can sing


      • Stingy
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Re: Not the same show.

        Originally posted by LordMortimus
        Roboticus is just sportafake with a robot...
        There are many valid criticisms regarding the differences between Nick era episodes and Turner era episodes. It is easy to come to the conclusion that the changes were due to the changes in sponsorship/ownership, but that's just not the case. I am sorry to burst your bubble, but the culprit is not a benevolent, oppressive corporation shoving their uninformed ideas and opinions down the creative pipeline. The one responsible for the changes that most fans regard as negative is Magnus Scheving. Dance breaks during songs? Magnus. Halving Welcome to LazyTown? Magnus. Super Sportastephanie whatever? Magnus. And while I don't dislike Chloe, for those who do, Magnus was the one who hired her.

        It's funny that you should bring up Roboticus of all things. That episode is a little bit strange in the sense that it's very fast-paced with a lot of action and not much else. I would say that it is inferior to the slower, more character-driven episodes, and I think a lot of people would agree. That episode is Magnus's "masterpiece" so to speak. If I had to wrap up Magnus's style and show it as an example to someone, I would use Roboticus.
        Like Toy Soldiers


        • possessor
          possessor commented
          Editing a comment
          erm actually, stephanie klapper was the person that hired chloe lang if you see the credits

          sorry for the necro
      • Buzz
        Der Postmeister
        Level 33 - New Superhero
        • Jan 2009
        • 4197

        Re: Not the same show.

        Originally posted by Stingy
        I am sorry to burst your bubble, but the culprit is not a benevolent, oppressive corporation shoving their uninformed ideas and opinions down the creative pipeline. The one responsible for the changes that most fans regard as negative is Magnus Scheving.
        how do you know?...you should consider the possibility that Magnus acts under pressure...we didn't witness the consultations between Turner and LTE and so we don't know the new standards they arranged behind closed doors...Magnus is just a marjonette of the new backer I'm afraid and his influence dropped since his show burns american money...you mentioned there was a coming and going of Turner manager during your visit in the studios and I think they didn't come because of the good coffee ;)


        • Stingy
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Mar 2009
          • 5497

          Season 3 General Discussion

          I can't imagine it, really. Magnus is still very much the head honcho at LazyTown.

          The Turner guy that came in... I can't remember his title, though it was something very corporate sounding. Asset Strategizer or something like that. Long story short, Turner is going through some restructuring, and I'm sure the guy was there to determine whether or not LazyTown was worth keeping.
          Like Toy Soldiers


          • Buzz
            Der Postmeister
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 33 - New Superhero
            • Jan 2009
            • 4197

            Re: Season 3 General Discussion

            Originally posted by Stingy
            I'm sure the guy was there to determine whether or not LazyTown was worth keeping.
            geez...even though I'm not happy with the show atm I hope you're wrong...cuz I feel a strong urge to meet Stephanie no. 3

            Click image for larger version

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            • boredjedi
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Jun 2007
              • 7340

              Re: Season 3 General Discussion

              Originally posted by Stingy
              and I'm sure the guy was there to determine whether or not LazyTown was worth keeping.
              Depends on the show's individual ratings and how much it's costing them. Can't seem to dig up individual numbers for shows but sprout seems to be doing very well overall.




              Usually when I happen to be awake at 12 noon on saturday and catch NBC kids I usually catch the original season shows. I only caught the new chloe ones once or twice.

              Would be interesting to know the actual rating number for Lazytown here in the states.


              • Glanni's Girl
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Jan 2010
                • 5016

                Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                Not sure if this counts as a S3 or S4 post, but another show I like returned recently after a long absence, and that season was pretty ridiculous. The season that followed was almost back to normal, so apart from the inevitable "See ya Scheving" episode, I reckon S4 will be almost back to normal.
                Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                • SportaKandy
                  NEAT GUY
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 924

                  Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                  When was LazyTown ever normal? Maybe on paper.

                  Guess I shouldn't assume people don't converse with puppets in their everyday lives.

                  Comparing episodes filmed in different decades makes as much sense.
                  Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.


                  • boredjedi
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 7340

                    Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                    Originally posted by SportaKandy
                    When was LazyTown ever normal? Maybe on paper.

                    Guess I shouldn't assume people don't converse with puppets in their everyday lives.

                    Comparing episodes filmed in different decades makes as much sense.
                    It makes very much sense. What I think Glanni's is trying to impart is the overall feel and character of this reboot.
                    Nothing so far has even come close to season 1 not even season 2 (ugh that Stephanie wig). It's quite possible they set a bar too high with
                    season 1 they may never be able to duplicate it.

                    I can tell you where they could start though correcting that bar and I'm sure most would know what that would be. :)


                    • SportaKandy
                      NEAT GUY
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 924

                      Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                      Originally posted by boredjedi
                      I can tell you where they could start though correcting that bar and I'm sure most would know what that would be. :)
                      Removing it from the anus?
                      Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.


                      • Deep4t
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
                        • May 2009
                        • 730

                        Heyo! Ain't been here for a while. I kinda disliked season 3 (well, based on like..3 episodes).

                        Just wondering, did I miss anything? Might go back and watch them all. I'm watching the new songs on Youtube and the comments are disabled and quite a lot of dislikes. Whats that about?
                        I disliked the new Stephanie, the tone of the show seemed a bit dumb downed, and the "dancing time" in the songs ruined the songs for me.


                        • TheOtter
                          GETLAZY MEMBER
                          Level 10 - LazyTowner
                          • Aug 2017
                          • 149

                          Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                          Originally posted by Cutiejea
                          I'm now starting to see why people say that season 3 is literally a remake of season 1... :s
                          I mean, I think that they tried to call back on purpose to try and show people that the show was the same (instead of like Extra), hence the cook costume for Stephanie, some similar plot lines, etc.


                          • Mateus1315
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 6 - Stingy Poster
                            • May 2021
                            • 39

                            Re: Season 3 General Discussion

                            the third season surprised me, it had great episodes and songs.

