Some stats for Get Lazy.
-We get 12,000 pageviews each day.
-We get 230,000 pageviews each month.
-We use 250 MB of bandwidth each day.
-We use 8 GB of bandwidth each month.
-Our busiest days are on Wednesday and Thursday
-ISPs in the Netherlands, Norway, UK account for more of our traffic than American ISPs like Comcast.
-In case you couldn't tell by half the things that get posted here, there are a lot of people reading this forum that can't speak English. The top referrer to Google Translate.
-There is a disturbing number of dumbasses here using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox. IE usage outnumbers Firefox 3-to-1. I have to say though, this statistic is encouraging: if I ever decide to put advertisements on Get Lazy at least I'll know my userbase is probably dumb enough not to be blocking them via Firefox + AdBlock and they'll also probably be dumb enough to click on them... :)
-Windows is kicking some serious ass, so that's good I guess. Mac OS X accounts for 1% of pageviews. Hahaha. Suck it, applefags. Bad news for Microsoft, though: everybody still loves XP. Windows XP usage outnumbers Vista and 7 combined by a 3-to-1 margin.
-There's apparently a nerd here using Linux. Linux accounts for 0.5% of pageviews.
Top ten searches (you pervs):
-We get 12,000 pageviews each day.
-We get 230,000 pageviews each month.
-We use 250 MB of bandwidth each day.
-We use 8 GB of bandwidth each month.
-Our busiest days are on Wednesday and Thursday
-ISPs in the Netherlands, Norway, UK account for more of our traffic than American ISPs like Comcast.
-In case you couldn't tell by half the things that get posted here, there are a lot of people reading this forum that can't speak English. The top referrer to Google Translate.
-There is a disturbing number of dumbasses here using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox. IE usage outnumbers Firefox 3-to-1. I have to say though, this statistic is encouraging: if I ever decide to put advertisements on Get Lazy at least I'll know my userbase is probably dumb enough not to be blocking them via Firefox + AdBlock and they'll also probably be dumb enough to click on them... :)
-Windows is kicking some serious ass, so that's good I guess. Mac OS X accounts for 1% of pageviews. Hahaha. Suck it, applefags. Bad news for Microsoft, though: everybody still loves XP. Windows XP usage outnumbers Vista and 7 combined by a 3-to-1 margin.
-There's apparently a nerd here using Linux. Linux accounts for 0.5% of pageviews.
Top ten searches (you pervs):
- julianna rose mauriello
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