Girl Meets World
Girl Meets World
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.Tags: None- Translate
I listened this on an episode of "GMW" and I was caught immediately by it.
Lyrics and music straightforward and unpretentious, but easy to listen and very catchy:
Or, if you prefer listen the whole Heller's songs you could start from here: Translate
This show turned out to be kinda boring. Needs more jokes and less serious parts.Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: Girl Meets World
The video idea is really stupid (especially the little kid, presented as an exaggerated gay stereotype, far away from classical Disney concepts btw), but what makes it worth to watch this video (at least to me) is Rowan's acting: she looks so funny acting like a "dark and bad" girl that I can't stop laughing. A strong contrast with her role on GMW, lol!
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Re: Girl Meets World
Interesting summary (so far):
Girl Meets World - Season 1 & 2 Ratings
Season 1
06/27/14 (9:45PM) - 5.162M (1.3M adults) - Girl Meets World
07/11/14 (8:30PM) - 3.230M (0.8M adults) - Girl Meets Boy
07/18/14 (8:30PM) - 2.636M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Sneak Attack
07/25/14 (8:30PM) - 3.275M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Father
08/01/14 (8:30PM) - 2.787M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets the Truth
08/08/14 (8:30PM) - 2.423M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Popular
08/15/14 (9:45PM) - 4.082M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Maya's Mother
09/12/14 (8:30PM) - 2.379M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Smackle
09/19/14 (8:30PM) - 2.466M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets 1961
09/26/14 (8:30PM) - 2.500M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Crazy Hat
10/02/14 (8:30PM) - 2.229M (0.4M adults) - Girl Meets World of Terror
10/10/14 (8:00PM) - 2.613M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets the Forgotten
10/17/14 (8:00PM) - 2.107M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Flaws
11/21/14 (8:00PM) - 2.206M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Friendship
11/28/14 (7:30PM) - 2.420M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Brother
12/05/14 (8:00PM) - 2.493M (0.8M adults) - Girl Meets Home for the Holidays
01/09/15 (8:30PM) - 2.640M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Game Night
01/16/15 (8:30PM) - 2.711M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Master Plan
02/06/15 (8:30PM) - 2.254M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Farkle's Choice
03/27/15 (8:30PM) - 2.280M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets First Date
04/17/15 (8:30PM) - 2.082M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Demolition
Season 2
05/11/15 (8:30PM) - 2.048M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Gravity
05/12/15 (8:30PM) - 2.143M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets the New World
05/13/15 (8:30PM) - 2.604M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Secret of Life
05/14/15 (8:30PM) - 2.360M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Pluto
05/15/15 (8:30PM) - 2.197M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels
06/05/15 (8:30PM) - 2.190M (0.4M adults) - Girl Meets the Tell Tale Tot
06/12/15 (8:30PM) - 2.036M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Rules
06/19/15 (8:30PM) - 2.067M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Hurricane
07/10/15 (8:30PM) - 2.089M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Washington
07/17/15 (8:30PM) - 2.369M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets the New Teacher
07/24/15 (8:30PM) - 2.189M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Fish
08/07/15 (8:30PM) - 2.327M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Yearbook
08/14/15 (8:30PM) - 2.198M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Semi-Formal
08/21/15 (8:30PM) - 2.257M (0.5M adults) - Girl Meets Creativity
09/11/15 (8:30PM) - 1.852M (0.4M adults) - Girl Meets I Am Farkle
09/18/15 (8:30PM) - 2.423M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Cory and Topanga
09/25/15 (8:30PM) - 2.623M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Rileytown
10/02/15 (8:30PM) - 2.380M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets World of Terror 2
10/09/15 (9:29PM) - 3.313M (0.8M adults) - Girl Meets Rah Rah
10/16/15 (8:30PM) - 2.939M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 1
10/17/15 (8:30PM) - 2.876M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 2
10/18/15 (8:30PM) - 3.124M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 3
11/06/15 (8:30PM) - 2.508M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets the Forgiveness Project
Top 10 Episodes:
01. 06/27/14 (9:45PM) - 5.162M (1.3M adults) - Girl Meets World
02. 08/15/14 (9:45PM) - 4.082M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Maya's Mother
03. 10/09/15 (9:29PM) - 3.313M (0.8M adults) - Girl Meets Rah Rah
04. 07/25/14 (8:30PM) - 3.275M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Father
05. 07/11/14 (8:30PM) - 3.230M (0.8M adults) - Girl Meets Boy
06. 10/18/15 (8:30PM) - 3.124M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 3
07. 10/16/15 (8:30PM) - 2.939M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 1
08 . 10/17/15 (8:30PM) - 2.876M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets Texas - Part 2
09. 08/01/14 (8:30PM) - 2.787M (0.6M adults) - Girl Meets the Truth
10. 01/16/15 (8:30PM) - 2.711M (0.7M adults) - Girl Meets Master Plan
(Gotten from
Umm... "Maya Meets World"??
During the end of the first season and beginning of the second season, the series of "GMW" had been something preachy and, yes, something boring. However, the last four broadcasted episodes (S02eps20-eps23) have been the best of the series - until now, according to my humble opinion and, of course, for my taste.
In all these episodes, Sabrina's performance has shone hugely. It was so good that not even the excessively limiting puritanical censorship imposed by Disney Channel on their series has avoided such talent shines by her own, transcending to really important levels and overshadowing the rest of the cast. She not only sings well and is very focused and clear about life, but also acts very well. In a strict sense (and without knowing if it will remain the same in the future), Sabrina has stolen the show completely to her co-star, Rowan Blanchard, turning the latter into a mere supplementary character, in a show that is supposed dealing about Riley´s life and not on Maya's.
Regardless of Disney, excellent show (and great ratings too).
H.- Translate
Re: Girl Meets World
Well, it's not a film. It's a TV series on Disney Channel, ;).
And yes, I would advise you to see this show (if you have the chance for it).
H.- Translate
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Re: Girl Meets World
Stopped watching this show after the Christmas episode. That one basically had no story and felt more like a therapy session than entertainment. It's one thing to have a moral to your story, it's another thing to have the moral be your story. A theme should flow naturally out of creative storytelling if the characters are good, which they are here. I'm sure its the best live-action show on Disney but could be much funnier.
Unfortunately, there are hardly any modern shows that are worth watching. Most are either too realistic or too bogged down by an agenda. I'm actually curious if people watching shows like Grey's Anatomy, Modern Family and the like are even cognizant of the stream of blathering, humanist narration that encapsulates almost every episode. And yet the bs moral lessons are whatever the modern culture deems correct atm and not based in anything substantive.
I mostly watch reruns of shows I know are good, including LazyTown, or try a few episodes of something that looks interesting. But 99% stuff on cable is trash and like 95% of Netflix is. Better off going to your local FYE and picking up a DVD classic set off the tv series wall or animation. You can find great, imaginative entertainment for good price.Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
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Re: Girl Meets World
Lol! (obviously, only on ABC: on Disney Channel this would be unthinkable):
About this video, I stick with the phrase that someone wrote in the comments:
"And that's how Riley Matthews was almost made, people".
After that, I watched the following excerpts of the series:
The last one was very touching (at least, for me)
All these things made me think a little bit on BMW: I didn't know anything of it until after I started to see GMW.
Now, I'd like to see BMW as well.
Umm.. Oh well, maybe next year...- Translate
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