great topic here, ok well this is always subject to change but definetely in my top 10...
something about a troupe of kids going around and beating up taxis, thugs, random animals, and of course aliens is appealing to me. But more so, the game has beautiful designs / story and its so cool when you get to travel from one town to the next, it gives a kid a real sense of freedom.
*i always named the smart kid IQ100, just sounded right
Earthbound is totally in my top favs, along with Phoenix Wright, Guitar Hero, Sonic, and Monkey Island
No, in all honesty it'd probably be something like this:
1. Heroes III
2. Age of Empires I-III (the entire series is incredibly well made however the sweet childhood memories lies with the first one)
3. Civilization II
4. Final Fantasy V
5. Unreal Tournament
6. Civilization IV
As for most played (and by now less/least liked):
1. World of Warcraft (countless months wasted :()
2. Stepmania (but damn am I good at it!)
3. Unreal Tournament 2004
-Guitar Hero
-Kingdom Hearts
-Final Fantasy VIII
-Legend of Zelda series
-Sonic 2
I did like DDR at one point, but I got bullied, mocked, and laughed out of the arcade for not being up to the mob's skill standards. There's a hardcore mob that 'owns' every machine in my area and 'protects' it from lesser players. I've heard of others getting physically thrown off the machine and getting hurt, though, so my case wasn't bad in comparison.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
I did like DDR at one point, but I got bullied, mocked, and laughed out of the arcade for not being up to the mob's skill standards. There's a hardcore mob that 'owns' every machine in my area and 'protects' it from lesser players. I've heard of others getting physically thrown off the machine and getting hurt, though, so my case wasn't bad in comparison.
Ah, I haven't practiced in a while, and I'm just a beginner. Still on Medium. :oops:
I'll try to get better over the year, though, but I don't have much time to play video games.
I don't play that many video games
I just preorder'd Phoenix Wright 3 tho
and I am pumped for Guitar Hero 3
I started college (I'm majoring Animation/Game Design) and all the kids in my class are like hardcore gamers lol, they all like play shooters. I actually look like I have a life compared to these kids!